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Operating System

Presented By:
 What is OS?
 Structure Of OS.
 Purpose Of OS?
 Why we Need Of OS?
 What OS does?
 Functions Of OS.
 Features Of OS.
 Types of OS.
 Advantages of OS.
 Conclusion.
What is an operating system
An operating system is a
program that acts as an
intermediate between the user
and the computer hardware.

Operatingsystem is the set of

programs that controls a
Theoperating system is a vital
component of the system
software in a computer system.
Windows, Linux, Unix
and Mac OS, etc.
Some Examples of
Operating System
Computer System Structure
 Computer system can be divided into four components:.
◦ Hardware – provides basic computing resources.
 CPU, memory, I/O devices.
◦ Operating system-
 Controls and coordinates use of hardware among
various applications and users.
◦ Application programs – define the ways in which the
system resources are used to solve the computing
problems of the users.
 Word processors, compilers, web browsers,
database systems, video games.
◦ Users
 People, machines, other computers.
Structure Of Operating System
Structure of Operating
System (Contd…):
 The structure of OS consists of 4 layers:

1. Hardware:
Hardware consists of CPU, Main memory,
I/O Devices, etc,

2. Software (Operating System):

Software includes process management
routines, memory management routines,
I/O control routines, file management

Static view
Structure Of Operating
System (Contd…):

3. System programs:
This layer consists of compilers,
Assemblers, linker etc.

4. Application programs:
This is dependent on users need. Ex.
Railway reservation system, Bank
database management etc.,
Dynamic view
Purpose of Operating System

 Operating systems exist for two main purposes:

1. It is designed to make sure a computer

performs well by managing all its

2. It provides an environment for the

development and execution of programs.
Why Need Of OS?
 It allows a program to run on multiple different
types of hardware.

 An operating system provides a layer between

the program and hardware to enable a program
to use a standard interface no matter what
hardware is used.

 Without an operating system, you would have to

access all of the hardware at a very low level -
implement your own file system, etc.

 The operating system handles the jobs so that

other programs can concentrate on something
What OS does?
 An operating system performs basic tasks such as,

 Controlling and Allocating Memory,

 Prioritizing system requests,

 Controlling input and output devices,

 Facilitating networking and

 Managing file systems.

Features Of OS
 Managing Resources.
 Providing a user interface.
 Control to the computer hardware.
 Support for built-in utility programs.
 Reliable.
 Enhance time sharing.
 Operational at all times.
 Coordination and have good control of input and
output operations.
Functions Of OS
 Process Management.

 Resource Management.

 Memory Management.

 File Management.

 Security Management.

 Communication Management.
Process management
 By process management OS manages many
kinds of activities :-
◦ All process from start to shut down:
◦ Open,
◦ Save,
◦ Copy,
◦ Print,
◦ Send and
◦ Install.
Resource Management
 It is a technique of managing Resources.

 Its Operating System Primary Responsibility.

 Installing drivers required from input,

output,power,memory, communication device.

 Coordinating among peripheral.

File Management
 The file management system allows the user to
perform such tasks:-

Creating files and directories.

Renaming files.

Coping and moving files.

Deleting files.
Security Management
 By security management OS manages many
tasks such as:-

Alert messages.

Dialogue boxes.


Communication management
 User-application-software-hardware.

 Command interpretation.

 Downloading- uploading.

 One computer to another computer-LAN/WAN.

Types Of OS
 Real time operating system.

 Single user, single tasking.

 Single user, multi tasking.

 Multi user, multi tasking.

Real time operating system
 A real time operating system is a
very fast, relatively small OS.
 It is needed to run real-time

 It may support multiple

simultaneous tasks or it may

support only single tasking.
 Real time applications are

needed to run medical

diagnostics equipment, life-
support system, scientific
instruments & industrial system.
Single user, single tasking
 An operating system
that allows a single user
to perform just one task
at a time is a Single
user-single tasking
operating system.
 To a user a task is a

function such as printing

a document , writing a
file to disk, editing a file
or downloading a file
from a network server.
 MS-DOS is an example of

a single-tasking OS
Single user/multitasking
 A single user-multitasking
operating system is one
that allows a single user
to perform two or more
functions at once.
 The most commonly used

personal computers
usually run such Os,
including Microsoft
Windows and Macintosh
operating system.
Multi user/ Multi tasking
 Multi-user operating system
which means more than one
user is logged on and can use
the computer at the same time.
 Allows multiple users to access

the computer system at the

same time.
 Time Sharing system and

Internet servers as the multi

user systems.
 Examples of multi user- multi

tasking Oss include UNIX.

Advantages Of OS
 Easy to use and User friendly.

 It is a plate-form of all programs.

 No need to know any technical language.

 Allocating memory is easy and cheap .

 Allows Paging and demand paging concepts.

 More efficient in swapping.


World without Operating system is like

human without heart..
Thank You….

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