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Birla Committee Recommendations

in Corporate Governance

Presented by,
Liz Maria

 Second major initiative taken by SEBI on 7th May 1999.

 Appointment of committee under chairmanship of

Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla

 The Committee made 25 recommendations, 19 of them

were ‘mandatory’.
Why was the committee

The primary objective of the committee was to view

corporate governance from the perspective of the
investors and shareholders

To promote and raise the standard of corporate

The Term “Committee”.
Suggest suitable amendments to the listing agreement
executed by the stock exchanges with the companies and
any other measures to improve the standards of corporate
governance in the listed companies in areas such as
 continuous disclosure of material information (both
financial and non-financial)
 manner and frequency of such disclosures
 responsibilities of independent and outside directors
 draft a code of corporate best practices
 suggest safeguards to be instituted within the companies
to deal with insider information and insider trading.
The committee divided the recommendations into two
categories, namely,

• Mandatory
The recommendations which are absolutely essential for
corporate governance can be defined with precision and
which can be enforced through the amendment of the listing
agreement is classified as mandatory.

• Non- Mandatory
Others, which are either desirable or which may require
change of laws be classified as non-mandatory.
Mandatory Recommendations

 The mandatory recommendations apply to the listed companies

with paid up share capital of 3 crore and above.

 Composition of board of directors should be optimum combination

of executive & non-executive directors.

 Audit committee should contain 3 independent directors with one

having financial and accounting knowledge.

 Remuneration committee should be setup

 The Board should hold at least 4 meetings in a year with maximum
gap of 4 months between 2 meetings to review operational plans,
capital budgets, quarterly results, minutes of committee’s meeting.

 Director shall not be a member of more than 10 committee and

shall not act as chairman of more than 5 committees across all

 Management discussion and analysis report covering industry

structure, opportunities, threats, risks, outlook, internal control
system should be ready for external review

 Any Information should be shared with shareholders in regard to

their investments.
The committee made several recommendations with reference to:

 Role of chairman
 Remuneration committee of board
 Shareholders’ right for receiving half yearly financial performance.
 Postal ballot covering critical matters like alteration in memorandum
 Sale of whole or substantial part of the undertaking
 Corporate restructuring
 Further issue of capital
 Venturing into new businesses
Conclusion :
 These recommendations were to apply to all the listed
private and public sector companies, their directors,
management, employees and professionals associated
with such companies.

The Committee recognizes that compliance with the

recommendations would involve restructuring the
existing boards of companies. It also recognizes that
smaller ones will have difficulty in immediately
complying with these conditions.

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