Department of Health (DOH) Deployment Program: Rationale

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Department of Health(DOH)

The Department of Health Deployment
program is a composite of several human
resources for health that aims to deploy
community –oriented and dedicated human
resources for health to difficult areas. To
improve access to quality healthcare systems,
the delivery of oral health care for the Filipinos,
the DOH has designed the Dentist Deployment
Project to make available quality, affordable and
accessible oral health care services in support
to the attainment of Universal Health Care or
All for Health towards Health for All.
• The project utilizes training cum deployment approach
designed for selected registered health professionals
and grantees of DOH scholarship programs. The
Dentists shall render Oral Health Services primarily
focused on health promotion and prevention; and
address the inequitable distribution of healthcare
professionals and augment the need for human
resources for health specifically I rural, underserved and
hardship communities

• To provide an in-depth understanding of the different

roles and function of the Public Health Dentist in the
management and delivery of Public Health Services.
Oral health
• Relates to total health , good oral health is
said to be the most visible indicator of health
of an
- family
- community
Oral Health

• It means more than good health

• It is integral to the general health and essential
for well being
• It implies being free from oro-facial pain, oral &
pharyngeal cancers, oral tissue lesions, birth
defects and other diseases & disorders that affect
oral, dental and craniofacial tissues.
• The main oral health problems are dental caries (tooth decay) and
periodontal disease (gum disease). These two oral diseases are so
widespread that 87% of our people are suffering from tooth decay and
48% have gum disease. (2011 NMEDS Survey)
• The combined ill effects of these two major diseases (except oral cancer)
weaken bodily defense and serve as portal of entry to other more serious,
potentially dangerous and opportunistic infections overlapping other
diseases present. Such will incapacitate a young victim as in crippling
heart conditions arising from oral infection that may end in death.
• The individual so affected with such handicap also has disturbed speech,
becomes withdrawn and avoids socializing with people and so lessen his
opportunities for advancement. More critical however is the effect of poor
or defective teeth to overall nutrition to maintain good general health, that
begins with the first bite and chewing the food efficiently.
Oral Health Program
In order to provide basic oral health care services the oral health
are integrated and link with other family health programs
Which includes:
• child,
• maternal,
• adolescent,
• older person, etc- of the Family Health Office, National Center
for Disease Prevention and Control.
• And now communicable diseases
• And cuts across the lifecycle stages approach
Orally Fit Child (OFC) Campaign
In 2009 the DOH launched the OFC campaign for 2-
6 years old children (pre-school children) in day care
Orally Fit child is a child who meets the following
conditions upon oral examination and /or completion
of treatment
a.) caries-free or all carious tooth/teeth must be
restored either temporary or permanent filling
b.) have healthy gums
c.) has no oral debris
d.) no dento -facial anomaly that limits oral cavity’s
normal function.
Essential/Basic Oral Health Package
Lifecycle Approach

Pregnant Women**

Oral Examination
Oral Prophylaxis (scaling)
Permanent Filling
Gum Treatment
Health Education/instruction
Essential/Basic Oral Health Package
Essential/Basic Oral Health Package
Children 12-71 months old**
supervised tooth brushing drills
dental check-up: as soon as the first tooth appears
and every 6 months thereafter
removal of unsavable teeth
referral of complicated cases
treatment of post extraction complications
drainage of localized oral abscess
application of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART)
Health education
Essential/Basic Oral Health Package
Youth and Adolescents
10-24 years old

Oral examination
Health promotion and education on oral
hygiene, diet, and the adverse effects
of tobacco smoking and alcohol
Essential/Basic Oral Health Package

Older Persons 60 +

Oral Examination
Extraction of unsavable tooth
Gum Treatment
Relief of Pain
Health Education and advice
Essential/Basic Oral Health Package

Other Adults 25 – 59 years old

Oral Examination
Emergency dental Treatment
Health Education and advice
Reporting and Recording System
• Standard Oral Health Record and Report Forms:
The following are required:
• Oral Health Form I - Individual Treatment Record (ITR)
• Oral Health Form 2 – Oral Health Status and Services Report
• Oral Health Form 3 – Daily Tooth brushing Progress Report
• Oral Health Form 3-A – Consolidated Tooth brushing Drill Report
Individual Treatment Record
Individual Treatment Record
Instructions for
Accomplishing the
Individual Treatment
The ITR is divided into Five (5) parts namely:
• A. Personal Identification- composed mainly of File Number,
Municipality/City/Province, Name, Date of birth, Sex, Place of
Birth, Address, Occupation, Parent/Guardian and Medical
History- make sure to accomplish each items
• B. Oral Health Status- composed of the specific oral diseases
and conditions included in this record are dental caries,
periodontal diseases , calculus, neoplasm and dento-facial
anomalies put a check sign for the presence of the following
and put a sign of x if negative or no presence
Cont. Oral Health status
Write the following :
- total number of Permanent and Temporary teeth present,
- Permanent and Temporary sound teeth
- ,number of Decayed teeth( D), number of decayed temporary teeth(d)
- , number of missing teeth (M), number of missing temporary teeth
- Number of filled teeth (F), number of filled temporary teeth (f)
- Total number of( DMF) decayed, missing, filled, total number of (df)
teeth decayed and filled
• C. Oral Health Condition - The oral health condition of the
patient shall be recorded during the oral examination ,in the box
provided for using the Federation Dentaire numbering System (FDI) or
the Two Digit system ,adopting both for the permanent and temporary
dentition for easy distinction and identification of the specific tooth.
• In recording the oral health condition of the patient, the symbols are
listed in the legend located at the forefront of the form shall be used.
• Capital letters shall be used for recording the condition of the
permanent teeth and small letters shall be used for the condition of the
temporary teeth.
• D. Services Monitoring- this chart will serve as a record to
enable the dentist and dental supervisors to monitor the
quality of treatment/services given to the patient.
• This will also guide the dentist to track down the oral
condition and status of individual patient
• Treatment/services provided to the patient and for every visit
of the patient to the dentist particularly for the sealant,
fillings, oral prophylaxis, gum treatment, and extraction shall
appear in the monitoring chart.
Cont. Services Monitoring
• To fill up the chart, record the date of the treatment/service
rendered and place in the diagram/box of specific tooth the
appropriate symbol located in the legend. This shall be done in
chronological order and also in repeated treatment/services.
• E. Summary of Services Rendered- All oral health services
given to the patients shall be recorded at the back of Form I.
The date and tooth provided with treatment/services shall be
written in chronological order with the recognition of
treatment/services rendered by putting a check sign
corresponding to the column of the type of treatment/services
given, the date of treatment and the tooth number.
Cont. of Summary of Services
• Any important information that needs documentation during and
after the treatment/services shall be written under the column of
“Remarks”. These also include schedule of re-appointments, medicine
prescribed etc.
• For every treatment/services rendered, the signature of operator
shall appear on the indicated column.
• At any time during inspection, the forms should be available for
checking by the superior officers.
Oral Health Form 3 (OHForm 3- Daily
Tooth Brushing Progress Report
Oral Health Form 3-A (OHForm 3-A)
Consolidated Tooth Brushing Drill
.Oral Health Form 3 and 3-A- Daily Tooth
brushing Drill Report and Consolidated Tooth
Brushing Drill Report
OH Form 3 –Daily Tooth brushing Drill report
should be accomplished by the pre-school
teacher and shall be submitted to the Public
Health Dentist in the area within the 3rd
working day of the succeeding month.

All Operating dentists shall consolidate the

Daily Tooth brushing Drill Report. Data derived
from the consolidated report shall be entered in
OH Form 2.
• All datas and services done on the ITR, Oral Health Form 3 and Oral
Health Form 3-A are consolidated on the Oral Health Form 2 or the
consolidated oral health status and services report, and from these
forms the data gathered are written on the FHSIS form on the
different indicators
Oral Health Form 2
Oral Health Form 2

Monthly/Quarterly/Year Annual
Center for Health Development
Municipality/City/Province Pangasinan
UNDER SIX CHILDREN Young Adult Older Person Other Age Groups Total GRAND
1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL 10-24 y/o 60 y/o 6-9 & Other Adult All Ages TOTAL
No. of Person Examined 0 0 0 0 0
No. of Person Attended 0 0 0 0 0
A. Oral Health Status
1. Total No. with Dental Caries 0 0 0 0 0
2. Total No. with Gingivitis/Perio Disease 0 0 0 0 0
3. Total No. with Oral Debris 0 0 0 0 0
4. Total No. with Calculus 0 0 0 0 0
5. Total No. with Dento-Facial Anomalies
(abnormal growth , cleft lip / palate,
Malocclusion, etc) 0 0 0 0 0
6. Total df 0 0 0 0 0
a.Total Decayed (d) 0 0 0 0 0
b. Total Filled (f) 0 0
7. Total DMFT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a. Total Decayed (D) 0 0 0 0 0
b. Total Missing (M) 0 0 0 0 0
c. Total Filled (F) 0 0 0 0 0
B. Services Rendered
1. No. Given OP/ Scaling 0 0 0 0 0
2. No. Given Permanent Fillings 0 0 0 0 0
3. No. Given Temporary Fillings 0 0 0 0 0
4. No. Given Extraction 0 0 0 0 0
5. No. Given Gum Treatment 0 0 0 0 0
6. No. Given Sealant 0 0 0 0 0
7. No. Completed Flouride Therapy 0 0 0 0 0
8. No. Given Post Operative Treatment 0 0 0 0 0
9. No. Patient w/ Oral Abscess Drained 0 0 0 0 0
10. No. Given Other Services 0 0 0 0 0
11. No Referred 0 0 0 0 0
12. No. Given Counseling/Education on
Tobacco, OH, Diet, etc. ; 0 0 0
13.No. Under-six Children Completed
Toothbrushing Drill 0 0 0
C. No. of Orally Fit Children (OFC) 0 0 0

Preapared By: Noted By:

Name of DDP assigned Name of DMO
DDP- Pangasinan DMO
Municipality: Calasiao
Month: October
Population: 100,791
Indicator Elig. Pop Number % Recommendation/Action Taken
Male Female Total  
Col. 1 Col.2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Col. 5 Col. 6 Col. 7 Col. 8
Orally Fit Children 12-71 months old. 1134            
34 28 62 5.46

Children 12-71 months old provided with BOHC. 1134 54 34 88      


Adolescent & Youth (10-24 years) given BOHC.. 2519 20 23 43      


Pregnant women provided with BOHC…              


Old Person 60 years old & above provided with 580            

BOHC…   1 9 10 1.72


. ..
Eligible Population: TPx13.5% TPx30% …TPx2.7% ….TPx6.9%
Prepared by: Noted by:

Dr. Veronica Guadiz- De Guzman RN, MPH Mary Joan Tabayoyong-Quinto, RN

The FHSIS form has the four (4) indicators namely :
• Orally Fit Children 12-71 months old.
• Children 12-71 months old provided with BOHC.(Basic
Oral Health Care)
• Adolescent & Youth (10-24 years) given BOHC..
• Pregnant women provided with BOHC…
• Old Person 60 years old & above provided with BOHC
• In order to get the eligible population located on the first column
for every indicator you should:
- Get the total population of the municipality and multiply with
each indicator for example:
Calasiao has a total population of 100,791
Target population (TP)100,791 X 13.5% =
Target population (TP)100,791 x 13.5% =
Target population (TP)100,791 x 30% =
Target population (TP)100,791 x 2.7% =
Target population (TP)100,791 x 6.9%=
• All consolidated Oral health status and services reports or the
Oral Health Form 2 and the Field Health Services Information
System(FHSIS) are to be submitted to your respective
Provincial Department of Health Office (PDOHO) every last
day of the month
• All consolidated Oral health status and services reports or the
Oral Health Form 2 and the Field Health Services Information
System(FHSIS) are also to be submitted to the Inter Local
Health Zone (ILHZ) or to the Provincial Health Office of the
respective DDP’S every 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th quarters respectively
Food for Thought

IF you do what you like to do, chances are

you will do it BETTER.
 IF you do it better, you
will be WORTH more.
IF you are worth more, you can COMMAND
more salary and you will have more JOB

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act, but
a habit." –Aristotle

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