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Strategic Human

Principles of SHRM
1. Integration of HR to Strategy
2. Consistency of HRM Practices
What are 3. Devolvement of HRM to Line
the major Management
Principles 4. High Employee Commitment
5. High-Quality Staff and Internal Practices
of SHRM? 6. Management-Employee Relation
7. People as a Strategic Resource

Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017
Principles of SHRM
1. employment activities into general

org’nal strategies & policies
2. HR practices & policies and the three
of HR to generic competitive strategies of Porter

3. HR practices & policies and the four
generic strategies of Miles and Snow
4. HR practices & policies and the firm’s
life cycle stage
To what extent are 5. HR systems & other systems within an
the HR policies org.
integrated to the 6. HR systems and business strategy of
the org.
Business/Corporate 7. the HR system and the org’s env’t
Strategy of the 8. all employees into the business
Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017
Principles of SHRM
o SHRM is a discipline that integrates

HRM with the process of strategic
o SHRM is a management activity which
What is involves integration of human factors to
meant by strategic goals of the organization

integration o SHRM is a management process

requiring HR policies & practices to be
in SHRM? linked with the strategic objectives of
the org
o SHRM is the process of linking HR
practices to business strategy

Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017
Principles of SHRM
1. Single-employee consistency
Consistency of
2. Among-employees consistency
HRM Practices
3. Temporal consistency

To what extent are Benefits

the individual 4. the different HR practices support each
pieces of the HR other
5. Aids in the learning process
system internally 6. Aids social learning in the org.
complementary? 7. Allows for better initial employee-work
setting match
8. Diffuses invidious social comparisons and
feelings of distributive injustice
Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017
Principles of SHRM
1. the locus of responsibility for HRM no
longer resides with specialist managers
Devolvement of but is now assumed by senior line
HRM to Line management
Management 2. the degree to which HRM system
involves and gives responsibility to line
managers rather than HR specialists

To what extent do 3. Responsibility for designing the formal

policies for managing employee
HRM practices behaviors lies with HR professionals,
involve and give while responsibility for implementing
HR responsibility those policies lies with supervisors and
to line managers?
Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017
Principles of SHRM
o High employee commitment to the goals
& practices of the organization
High Employee o Managers assume the role of ‘enabler’,
‘empowerer’ and ‘facilitator’
Commitment o Making behavior self-regulated rather
than controlled by sanctions and
pressures external to the individual
o relations within the org. are based on
high levels of trust
o Commitment is the strength of an
individual's identification with, and
involvement in, a particular organization

Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017
Principles of SHRM
1. high-quality staff and internal practices
to achieve high-quality products
Staff and 2. the comprehensive set of managerial
Internal activities and tasks related to developing

Practices and maintaining a qualified workforce

3. organizations with high quality staff and

that manage them in the most efficient
and effective manner are strategic
Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017
Principles of SHRM
1. The focus in SHRM shifts:
o from management–trade union
Management- relations to management–employee
Employee relations
o from collectivism to individualism
2. maintaining links between:
o the organization and individual
o in preference to operating through
group and representative systems.

3. a commonality of interest between the

organization and the employees

Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017
Principles of SHRM
1. Seeing the people of the organization as

People as a a ‘strategic resource’ for achieving

competitive advantage
Resource 2. the emphasis is upon training and
development, employee involvement
Are employees and all the other HR practices which are
seen as human designed to optimize the potential of
resources or employees.
humans? Abraraw-SHRM 06-2017

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