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Sales Forecasting


Sales Forecasting
It is the expected level of company sales
Based on chosen marketing plan
Assumed environmental conditions
It is prediction of future sales potential

(Philip Kotler)
Sales Forecasting
 It is an estimate of sales during specified future period
 It is made according to proposed marketing plan
 Which assume particular set of uncontrollable and
competitive forces

(Cundiiff and Still)

Process of Sales Forecasting
1. Deciding Basic Issues
2. Identifying Important Factors
3. Selecting Suitable Methods
4. Deciding Length
5. Preliminary Sales Forecast
6. Final Sales Forecast
7. Making Operational Program
8. Evaluation & Revision
Deciding Basic Issues
 Period
 Geographical Market Area
 Availability of Time & Finance
 Single Product or Full Product Line
Identifying Important Factors
 Level of Competition
 Economic Conditions
 Marketing Strategy
 Promotion Budgets
 Stage of product life cycle
 Government Policy
Selecting Suitable Methods
 Nature of Product
 Available Finance
 Available Time
 Experience
Deciding Length
 Short-term : Less than a year
 Medium-term : 1 year to 5 years
 Long-term : More than 5 years
Preliminary Sales Forecast
 Data Collection
 Data Analysis
 Experience of sales staff
 Growth trends in sales
Final Sales Forecast
 Preliminary
sales forecasts are presented before top
 After approval of top management, Preliminary sales
forecasts become final sales forecast
Making Operational Program
 Determination of production level
 Determination of sales budget
 Determination of sales quota
 Determination of sales territories
Evaluation & Revision
 Actual Sales are compared with the estimated sales
 If considerable difference
 Then reasons are to be identified
 Corrective steps to be taken
Method of Sales Forecasting
 Executive Opinion Method
 Experts Opinion Method
 Sales Force Opinion Method
 Delphi Method
 Users’ Expectation Method
 Economic Indicators Analysis Method
 Past Sales Projection Method
 Market Test Method
 Statistical Method
Executive Opinion Method

 A committee of top level executives

 Each member gives estimate of future sales for a
particular period
 Estimateis based on Information,Judgement &
 Collective decision is taken after discussion
Experts Opinion Method

 Outside Experts
 They have best knowledge of market condition taste and
preferences of target, level of competition etc.
 They may be Technical consultant, Distributors, Market
research firms, Advertising Agencies, Person working in
Media, Wholesalers, Retailers etc.
Sales Force Opinion Method
 Opinion of Salesmen & Sales Manager
 Each Salesmen gives estimate of sales
 Of his sales territory
 For a particular period of time
 Then individual estimate are combined
 Hence Sales Forecast of whole organization is made.
Delphi Method
 Extension of expert opinion method
 Widely used in USA
 No committee/Panel is formed
 Opinion of sales expert are presented before other sales
expert in a chain manner
 Last sale expert form final opinion about sales forecast
Users’ Expectation Method
 It
is also known as survey of customer method or user
method or survey of buyers intention method
 Actual user of product are contacted
 They are asked to give their estimated purchase for a
period of time
 Total of all users data is our estimates sales
Economic Indicators Analysis Method
 Growth rate
 Inflation rate
 Government policy
 Repo rate
 Reverse repo rate
Past Sales Projection Method
 Past Sales immediate previous year is taken as base
 Average sale of past few years may also be taken as base
 Certain percentage is added keeping in view
1. Growth trends
2. Future changes in marketing mix
3. Level of competition
Market Test Method
 Particular area of market is selected for test
 Compan5product is launched there
 Sales in test is recorded for particular area of time
 It is multiplied to the whole market area
Statistical Method
 Trend Projections
 Regression Analysis
 Exponential Trend Method

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