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Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire

Presented By
Nikita Singh
Roll No:-21
 The Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire is
is a self administered instrument that collects a
large body of significant medical and psychiatric
data without the physician participants , so that the
physician may have available even before he
interviews the patient information on which to base
tentative diagnostic appraisals of the patient total
medical problem.
 This communication reports the accuracy and
completeness of the diagnostic appraisals that can be
made with the data on the Cornell Medical Index.
Description of the Form
 The CMI contains 195 question in informal
 After each question a Yes and a NO appear the
patient answers the question by circling one.
How the health Questionnaire is
 The CMI is found most useful by those
physicians who practice comprehensive
medicine that is who attempt to understand all
aspects of the patient medical problem.
The section on the Cornell
Medical Index
Section Questions refering on Number of Questions

A Eyes and Ears 9

B Respiratory System 18
C Cardiovascular System 13
D Digestive Tract 23
E Musculoskeletal System 8
F Skin 7
G Nervous System 18
H Genitourinary System 11
I Fatigability 7
J Frequency of illness 9
K Miscellaneous Diseases 15
L Habbits 6
M Inadequacy 12
N Depression 6
O Anxiety 9
P Sensitivity 6
Q Anger 9
R Tension 9

Total 195
Testing each Questions
 Questions were selected to correspond to those
usually asked in a detailed and comprehensive
medical interview.
 The accuracy and medical usefulness of
responses to each were rigoursly tested before
the question was included in the CMI.
Assesment of Cornell Health
 Although devised as an adjunctto oral medical
interview the cmi can be used alone when
interview is impractical.
 The CMI collects data only on symptoms
observable by the patient
Techniques Of using the Health
 The most effective method of using CMI is for
the patient to complete it and for the physician
to review it before the interview is started.
 Use the diagnostic sheet enables the physician
to summeries his diagnostic inferences from
the data on the CMI.
Diagnostic area Diagnostic area Diagnostic area
Identified in the Identified only in Identified only wi
Hospital and the Hospital the CMI
with CMI

Practitioner 1 5.9 0.4 2.8

Practitioner 2 5.5 0.4 2.9

Practitioner 3 5.4 0.4 3.2

Practitioner 4 5.8 0.4 4.0

Intern 1 5.5 0.4 3.0

Intern 2 5.1 0.5 3.1

Thank You

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