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Organizational Buying and Buyer Behavior

By: Dr. Waseem Hassan

Understanding Customers is Vital for B2B
marketing process
• Understanding buyer behaviour is the key for
a successful B2B marketing process
• Major questions:
– Who are they?
– What do they need?
– What do they buy?
– How do they buy?
– How much do they buy?
Organizational Buying Vs. Consumer Buying

 Involves more Buyers

 Stakeholders in Buying Center are driven by

professional responsibilities

 Different decisions occur simultaneously

within the Buying Center
Buying Center
• Decision making unit of buying situation
• Several people involved from several
The Buying Center
External Factors

• Customer needs and buying behavior

• Government agencies
• Independent standards-setting organizations
• Various Publics
Internal Factors

• Technology Accounting
• Management Marketing
• Legal Production/Mfg.
• Finance Service
The Buying Center:
Members must meet 3 needs in the decision
 Organization Needs
o Benefits of the product or service
 Individual Needs
o Based on professional activities and functions
of the job
 Individual’s Personal Needs
o Career, quality of life, recognition
Consumer Decision Process
• Need Recognition
• Information Search
• Evaluation of Alternatives
• Purchase Decision
• Post Purchase Behavior
B2B Buying Decision Process
1. Problem recognition
2. General need description
3. Product Specification
4. Supplier/Source search
5. Proposal solicitation
6. Selection
7. Make the transaction routine
8. Evaluate performance
Buying Decision Process:
Definition Stage
 Describing a solution
 Assess problem
 Necessary to resolve
 Complexity of solution
 Resources required
 Involvement of suppliers
Buying Decision Process:
Supplier Search
 Trade directories
 Solicit proposals
 Conduct a value analysis - an evaluation of each component
of a potential purchase; examine quality, design, materials,
item reduction/deletion to save costs, etc.
 Conduct seller analysis - a formal and systematic evaluation
of current and potential suppliers; focuses on price, quality,
delivery service, availability and overall reliability
Buying Decision Process:
Supplier Selection
 Multiple sourcing
 Sole sourcing
Buying Decision Process:
Transaction aggrement & routines
 After selecting a supplier, the buyer will negotiate the final
order by listing
 the technical specifications,
 agreed upon price,
 quantities,
 expected time of delivery,
 return policies,
 warranties
 and any other terms of negotiation.
Buying Decision Process:
Delivery Stage
 Meet the customer’s technical requirements
 Meet the customer’s delivery timing requirements
 Meet the customer special logistics and delivery
 Meet the agreement overall
Buying Decision Process:
Supplier Evaluation Stage
 Compare products with specifications
 Results become feedback for other stages in future business
purchasing decisions
 Evaluate overall buying process and supplier as a whole
 Evaluate the company’s buying process for this specific
buying situation and make necessary modifications
Typical New Task Situation
• A need not yet faced by Organization
• New offering with new technology
• Requires many sources of information and
• Utilizes complete buying process to
investigate alternatives
Typical Re-Buy Situation
• Modified Re-Buy
– Situation from New-Task Situation
– Limit exposure from competitive forces
• Straight Re-Buy
– Buying situation that is routine
– Established solutions
Value Image
 Is the total of all impressions that a
customer has of the firm (whether relevant
to the buying situation)
 Is similar to product positioning that occurs
with consumer goods
 Needs to be maximized in the “mind” of the
• Purchasing through electronic connections
• Between buyers and sellers – usually online.

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