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Agile Software


Sri Sudhir Naidu

CS 532
Traditional Software
Less communication between Customers and
Requirements process in sealed before
Analysis and design process.
Take more than estimated time and estimated

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Agile Modeling

What is agility ?
Where is it needed ?
What are Agile Software Development
Why do we choose Agile Software
Development ?

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What is Agile Modeling (AM)?
A practice-based methodology for effective
modeling and documentation of software-
based systems. [1]

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The Goals of AM:

To put into practice, a collection of values,

principles and practices pertaining to effective
and light-weight modeling.

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The Scope of AM:

Figure : AM enhances other software processes.

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AM Values:
 Communication

 Simplicity

 Feedback

 Courage

 Humility.

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AM Principles:
 Assume Simplicity

 Embrace Change

 Incremental Change

 Rapid Feedback

 Model with a purpose and need multiple models

 Software is the primary goal.

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AM Practices
Active Stakeholder Participation
Apply the Right Artifacts
Consider ownership
Consider Testability
Models in small increments and working

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Agile process Philosophy
 Individuals and interactions over processes
and tools.
 Working software over comprehensive
 Customer collaboration over contract
 Responding to change over following a plan.

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When is a Model Agile?
 If there is a such thing as agile modeling, then
there are also agile models.

 Agile models are good enough when they

exhibit the following criteria:
• They fulfill their purpose and no more.
• They are understandable.
• They are sufficient accurate.
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Agile Software Development
Methods (Processes)
– Incremental Small releases, rapid cycles

– Cooperative and communication

– Straightforward

– Adaptive

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Agile Models
XP( Extreme Programming)
Feature Driven Development (FDD)
Dynamic Systems Development methods

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Conclusion: When go agile?

Uncertain & volatile requirements.

Responsible & motivated developers
Customers who understand and willing to get
AM manage and optimize cost and time of the

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 Manifesto for Agile software development;
 New methodology; Fowler; Martin;
 Agile software development: Evidence from the field.
2003/ files/AlanAgileSoftwareJun03.ppt

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