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by Katherine Mansfield
About the Author
Katherine Mansfield Murry was a prominent
New Zealand modernist short story writer and
poet who was born and brought up in colonial
New Zealand and wrote under the pen name
of Katherine Mansfield.
 Born: 14 October 1888, Wellington, New
 Died: 9 January 1923, Fontainebleau, France
 Short stories: The Garden Party, Miss
Brill, The Doll's House
 Siblings: Leslie Heron Beauchamp, Jeanne
This is a story about a little girl. She feared her father greatly. She thought that he
was hard-hearted and strict. She always avoided him. He often rebuked her. Once he
beat her severely for tearing his important papers. But one night, her mother was in
the hospital. The little girl was afraid of the dark. But her father consoled her. She
slept beside her father. Then she realised that her father was not that bad.
KEZIA ( The Little Girl)
Kezia was a sweet little girl full of
childish innocence. Like a majority
of girls, she was in awe of her father.
She would feel nervous in his presence
and avoided talking to him. once she tried
to please him by making a birthday gift for him;
but tore his speech paper to fill the pin cushion.
The angry father slapped her, which further
alienated her from him. She would often wonder
why her father could not be as loving as Mr. McDonald.
Once her mother fell ill and was hospitalized. She was
left alone at home under the care of the cook.
At night she had a nightmare and woke up
screaming. She found her father standing by her bedside.  
He picked her up and took her to her room.
He tucked her up in his bed and soon fell asleep.
Kezia felt secure lying near her. She realized her
father was not as big as a giant. She felt the beating
of her father’s loving and large heart. Finally she
realized her father was also very loving.

Kezia’s father looked quite strict, authoritative,
and emotionally cold. Most of the time he would
remain busy doing his work. However, he was
quite loving from within. It appears that he fails
To understand the innocent emotions of his
daughter who damages his papers accidentally.
Kezia came to know about her father’s soft side when her mother
had been admitted to hospital. She was sleeping
alone in her room when she had a nightmare and
woke up crying. Her father came and took her to
his own room and made her feel comfortable.
Kezia’s father thus makes a typical father who
Poses a stern exterior which actually hides a soft,
affectionate, and tender big heart, full of love.
Kezia’s mother was a very caring, loving person
and took an interest in the studies of the
children. She was a kind-hearted person looking
after everything in the household. However,
working all the time to satisfy her husband and
looking after the children, she neglected her
health and often felt sick.
Kezia’s grandmother is addressed as ‘Grannie’ by
Kezia. Her character comes up as a mature and
understanding elder in the family. She advices
Kezia to talk nicely to her parents when they are
relatively relaxed on Sunday. She always helps
Kezia to build the bond of love with her father.
She wraps her in her shawl and rocks her in chair
clinging her to her soft body when she is upset
after getting scolded by her father. Hence, she is
an important character even though remains
mostly in backdrop.
The story is based on the theme of a young child’s point
of view about her father. Children take time to
understand the actions of their elders. Till then, they
tend to develop a negative opinion and sometimes
even distrust. However, as kids grow older, their
attitude towards their elders undergoes change. The
theme of this story is based on this process of change
that makes little children notice the soft and caring
heart of their overtly strict parents.


The title of the story “The Little Girl” is apt as it is about
a little girl Kezia. All the episodes in the story describe
the experiences, opinions and observations made by
Kezia. This story is in fact narrated from the point of
view of Kezia alone. Her views about her father, her
mother, her grandmother, their cook Alice, and their
neighbours – Macdonalds, let the reader know what a
little girl thinks and how she feels regarding the people
around her. Thus, the title is appropriate.
A figure to be feared : a person to be feared
Glad sense of relief : feeling relaxed
Fainter and fainter : to lessen or reduce
slip down : come down quietly and unwillingly
Stutter : to stammer, to speak with pauses
given it up : stopped doing it
Trying so hard : making a lot of efforts
Wretched : unhappy, sad
on the brink of suicide : about to commit suicide
Snoring : the sound produced by some people when there are asleep.
Gravely : seriously.
Laboriously : with lot of effort or difficulty.
Wandered into : went into, by chance
Scraps : small pieces of cloth or paper etc that are not needed.
Hue and Cry : angry protest.
The damned thing : used to express anger at something.
A sad little pattern : the sad atmosphere in the room.
Bedclothes : the top sheets that you cover yourself when you are sleeping.
Clung : to attach yourself to something.
Nightmare : a bad dream
A Butcher : a person who cuts animals, who cuts meat.
tucked up : covered up nicely in bed
Snuggled : moved into a warm & comfortable position close to someone

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