Accident & Incident Prevention & Investigation

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Accident & Incident


Course Objectives
 Understand the need to investigate
 Know what to investigate
 Determine the causes of accidents
 Identify the methods of investigation
 Understand the need to be thorough and
 Identify prevention methods
 Identify sources of assistance
What is an Accident ?
 Any undesired, unplanned event arising
out of employment which results in
physical injury or damage to property, or
the possibility of such injury or damage.
 “Near miss” situations must also be
addressed - events which did not result
in injury or damage but had the potential
to do so.
What’s in a name ?
 Accident  Dangerous Occurrence
 Injury -v- S.B.I.
 Significant Incident
 “Near-miss” accident
 “Near-hit”
Accident Ratio Study
Serious or Disabling
Includes disabling & Serious Injuries
Minor Injuries
10 Any reported injury less than serious

Property Damage & Accidents

30 All Types

Accidents with no visible

600 Injury or Damage
(Critical Incidents)
Accident Causes
 Unsafe Act
 an act by the injured person or
another person (or both) which
caused the accident; and/or
 Unsafe Condition
 some environmental or hazardous
situation which caused the accident
independent of the employee(s)
Accident Causation
 1. Results of the accident - (harm or damage)
 2. Incident - Contact (Accident)
 3. Immediate causes (symptoms)
 4. Basic causes (real problems)
Management Safety Policy & Decisions
Supervisory Performance
Basic Causes Personal Factors
Job Factors

Human Factor
Immediate Substandard Substandard
causes Practices Conditions

unplanned release of energy
Incident - Contact and/or
hazardous material

Personal injury
Accident Results Property damage
Uninsured Costs
1. Results of Accident
 Physical harm (Injury or
 Property damage
 catastrophic (multiple deaths)  catastrophic
 death  major
 disabling, lost time, major  serious
 serious  minor
 minor
 notifiable
 compensatable
2. Incident - Contact
 Contact with
 struck against
 electricity
 struck by
 plant & equipment
 fall to below
 noise or vibration
 fall on same level
 hazardous substances
 caught on
 radiation
 caught in
 heat & cold
 caught between
 animals or insects
 over exertion
 microbiological agents
 chemical contact
3. Immediate Causes
 Standard Practices  Standard Conditions
 operating with authority  effective guards & devices
 use serviceable  serviceable tools & equipment
equipment  adequate warning systems
 use equipment properly  good housekeeping
 use of PPE where  non polluted environment
required  noise
 correct lifting  hazardous substances
 no drinking & drugs  good illumination & ventilation
 no horseplay  good working, storage &
 secure equipment or travelling space
4.Basic Causes
 Personal Factors  Supervisory Performance
 lack of knowledge or skill  inadequate instructions
 improper motivation  failure of SOPs
 physical or mental conditions  rules not enforced
 literacy or ability (NESB)  hazards not corrected
 Job Factors  devices not provided
 physical environment
 Management Policy &
 sub-standard equipment
 abnormal usage
 set measurable standards
 wear & tear
 measure work in progress
 inadequate standards
 evaluate work-v-standards
 design & maintenance
 correct performance if nec
 purchasing standards
Why Investigate ?
 Legal Requirement
 Establish Causes
 Prevent Recurrences
 Accurate record
(courts & enquiries)
 Statistical data base
Accident Investigation
 A systematic approach to accident investigation, the
identification of causal factors and implementation
of corrective actions is essential to a good H&S
program and management system. Good
 provide information needed to determine injury rates,
identify trends or problem areas, permit comparisons and
satisfy Workers Compensation requirements;
 identify, without placing blame, the basic causal factors that
contributed directly or indirectly to each accident;
 identify deficiencies in management systems;
 suggest corrective action alternatives for a given accident;
 suggest corrective action alternatives for the management
What, When & How to
 What to Investigate ? 
Who should Investigate?
 all accidents & near misses  Supervisor ?
 as soon as possible  WH&S Officer?
 scene interference
 WH&S Representative?
 survey of scene
 Team?
 chronology of data
 measurements, maps &  Training & Skills
sketches  investigative & recording
 eyewitnesses skills
 reconstruction ?  technical knowledge
 statistics & trends  interviewing skills
 injury types & groups  report writing skills
 Technical Knowledge
 Objectivity
 Analytical approach to
 Familiarity with the job,
process or operation
 Tact in communicating
 Intellectual honesty
 Inquisitiveness & curiosity
Tool Kit
 clipboard, paper (incl graph)  specimen containers
pens  magnifying glass
 camera & spare films  compass
 tape measure  danger tags
 cassette recorder & spare  yellow crayon
 orange flouro spray paint
 reporting forms
 torch with batteries
 hi-viz barrier tape for scene
preservation  hi-viz orange vest
 first aid kit  hearing & eye protection
 identification tags for parts  plastic containers for
 gloves (industrial & medical) samples
 safety helmet
 roll of paper towelling
Let Us Begin !
 Take all necessary steps to
provide emergency rescue and
medical help for the injured; and
 take those actions that will
prevent, or minimise the risk of
further accidents or physical
harm to the victim or others

Action Plan
Identification of the individual who is in charge and
assigns responsibilities;
 Authority to conduct investigation;
 Securing the accident site for the duration of the
investigation, after rescue and damage control are
 Photographic support or capability;
 Procedures & equipment to ensure observation and
recording of fragile, perishable or transient evidence
(instrument readings, control panel settings, weather &
other environmental conditions, chemical spills, stains,
skid marks);
 Development of a comprehensive report.
Determine the Facts
 Visit accident scene
 Take samples
 Visual records
 Preserve accident items
 Identify people involved
 Interview witnesses
 Review information
Finding Facts
(logic method)
 What was the exact injury or damage ?
 What was the damaging energy source ?
 What event immediately preceded the damaging
event ?
 What happened before that ?
 What happened even before that ?
 What happened in between ?
 What else was going on at the time of the accident ?
 Was anyone else involved ?
 Interview witnesses
 Put at ease
 Assure “no blame”
 Ask witness to relate their
account of the accident
 Listen carefully
 Ask questions - reinforce
 Repeat if necessary
 Ask witness for suggestions
for future avoidance
 Encourage further contact
 Be polite and thank the witness
A Good Report
 Accuracy & completeness of information
 Clarity & completeness of of the description
of the sequence of events leading up to the
 Correct identification of all causal factors
 Clarity & completeness of all causal factors “A
 Recommendations made for corrective GOOD
actions to reduce or eliminate the probability REPORT”
of recurrence of a similar accident
 Recommendations for corrective actions to
improve management system BY
 Timelines - specific time periods, monitoring CLEVER DICK
and responsibilities
 Proper review and sign off
 Accident investigation Form
 Witness Statements & Records
of Interview
 Checklists:
 Victim(s)
 Witnesses
 Environment & Locations
 Equipment & Parts
 Documentation
 Accident/Incident Record
 Specified forms
 records maintained
 periods
 Notifiable injury - S.B.I.
 admitted as an “in-patient”
 Times
 S.B.I. - within 24 hours
 death - immediately
Effects of Accidents

 1. On the Victim
 2. On the Supervisor
 3. On the Company
 4. On the Nation
1. The Victim
 Death
 Pain & suffering
 Permanent disability
 Effects on family & dependants
 Loss of earnings
 Extra expenditure
 Inability to resume occupation
 Psychological effects
 Feeling of uselessness
 Fear of further injury
 Social effects
 Loss of sports or hobby
2. The Supervisor
 loss of trained worker
 loss of production
 extra work
 investigations & reports
 training new employee
 loss of prestige by:
 management
 other workers
 effects on promotion
 worry (could I have prevented it ?)
 Stress
3. The Company
 loss of trained worker
 loss of production
 damage to machinery
 damage to equipment
 wasted materials
 increased insurance premiums
 prosecutions
 fines
 civil actions
 legal costs
 loss of prestige - customers
4. The Nation

 loss of section of workforce

 loss of production
 increased cost of
 effects on imports
 effects on exports
 effects on balance of trade
 the community pays !
 Effective Management & Supervision
 Commitment to Accident Prevention
 Effective Policy & Procedures
 Effective Reporting & Recording
 Regular Consultation & “Toolbox” Meetings
 Risk Assessments
 Specific Training
 Literature & Culture
 Incentive Schemes ?
Warning Signs
 Increases in breaches of safety procedures
 Increase in reportable incidents
 Technical concerns
 Friction or disputes
 ageing or suspect equipment
 Introduction of new procedures or
 New employees
 Age of employees
 Long periods of work
 Environmental issues
 Safety Officers
 Bureau of Emergency Services
 Div Workplace Health & Safety
 Workers Compensation Board
 Queensland Health
 Doctors & Specialists
 Rehabilitation Experts
 Consultants
 Psychologists
 Employee Assistance Programs

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