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Tasayco Maldonado Jean Pierre 162312584


1. The Graveyard
2. The Horror in the Vault
3. The Deserted Village
4. The Story of Eleanor's Bridge
5. In the Graveyard Again
6. Is Frankie Mad?
7. The Lovers
8. Frankie's New Friend
9. 'I Must Find Eleanor'
10. Todd Blakely
11. Isenglas Hall
12. The Secret Room

• Frankie Fitzgerald
• Regan Vanderlinden
• Tom Christmas
• Jack Christmas
• Mrs Tinker
• Leo Gardener
• Edward Musgrave
Frankie, Regan and Tom are standing in a cemetery near a church. They want to
learn more about archeology and to take a look at the old church and the
cemetery. Leo needed to make a phone call and had to leave the children. When
they leave the church they see a small stone building, a family vault of the
Glanville family. They try to enter. Frankie glanced around the other side of the
building and she screamed. She fell into a big black hole.

Mrs. Tinker, your history teacher came to take you back to camp. They told him
about his discovery. They traveled along a lake and, on the other side, along an old
house at the top of the hill: Isenglas Hall.
After the narration, they went for a walk in the Isenglas Park and visited an old
building that looked like an ancient Greek ruin; The eleanor Leo bridge told them
that it was popular to build such ruins at the end of the 18th century. Once he
reached the bridge, Leo told the sad story of Eleanor, a lovely young girl whose
parents are dead. She lived with Hugo Glansville and he arranged a marriage.
Hugo was killed by a man with a knife. The servants caught the man and hung him
in a tree. The story is that Eleanor, threw herself into the water and drowned.
Although his body was never found.
The next morning, the four of them and Leo and his teacher were working very hard on
the excavation. After lunch they fell asleep and Frankie went into the water. She was
convinced that Eleanor did not jump into the water.
Strange noises came from the vault and a cold wind blew from the vault. The friends
called: "Frankie, are you okay?" There was a deep voice and the light of a candle. Jack
came down to help Frankie. He saw the face of a young man in dark clothes, but after
blinking his eyes, it was Frankie. He thought that the dead were waking up in the vault
and that something was terribly wrong.

The next day Edward Musgrave arrived at the excavation. He knew a lot about coins
and had his own story about Eleanor. Eleanor was in love with Todd Blakely and did not
want to marry the neighbor who did not love her, but wanted to marry her because of
the land she was to inherit. Todd Blakely killed Hugo Glansville by accident and was
caught by the servants and hanged from a tree. After that night, no one had seen
Eleanor again.

Tom found her in the cemetery, she was crying. Tom tried to talk to Frankie, but she
was running away. Why was he behaving so strangely? Regan was walking near the
lake and called her by her name. "Frankie!" There is no answer, she called again. Then
he heard a voice. It was Frankie's voice. She was standing in the old ancient Greek
Regan slept badly that night and when she woke up early, she saw that Frankie's
sleeping bag was empty. He woke up the other children and followed Frankie's
footsteps to the Hall. When they arrived, Frankie was tearing the wood from the door to
enter. The children tried to stop her, but she got angry. I wanted to go in there to find
Eleanor, he said. He looked at the half coin he had in his hand and started walking
back to the camp.
Back at the campsite, after having breakfast, they went to town. When they returned
the mist came back. Frankie went out again and the friends follow her. She met the
boy/ghost and he told her to get the other half of the coin in Isenglas Hall. The moment
Frankie found the half-coin of the boy; Frankie took him out of the darkness. Eleanor
had the other half of the coin and the boy wanted Frankie to find that coin too, so she
also wakes up.

Regan was waiting for her at the campsite. When she was back at the campsite, at
nine o’clock, they went to bed. Regan still had strange dreams and woke-up, she
couldn’t sleep and wanted to wake-up Frankie, but her sleeping bag was empty again.
She woke up the boys. They hesitated to go to the river, or Isenglas Hall. They decided
to go to Isenglas Hall. When they arrived at the Hall, the wooden door was open. They
went through the door and in the hall was a terrible smell, old and evil.
Regan and Jack heard Tom shouting. They ran to Tom. He was standing in the middle of
a room. They where followed by ghosts, and Regan said they had to stop following
them. They found a stair to walk to the upper floor. Regan wanted to stop her, but it
didn’t work, Frankie was free to go and she ran to a secret room.

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