The Feasibility Study On Proposed Yummy Burger and Fruits Juice House at Bolocboloc Sibulan

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Calusin, Khim
Hoyohoy, Ronil
Statement of the Problem
 Is the proposed “Yummy burger and fruits juice
house” feasible in the Management Aspect?
 Is the proposed” Yummy burger and fruits juice
house “feasible in the Marketing Aspect?
 Is the proposed” yummy burger and fruits juice
house “feasible in the Technical Aspect?
 Is the proposed” Yummy burger and fruits juice
house “feasible in the Financial Aspect?
 Is the proposed” Yummy burger and fruits juice
house “feasible in the Socio-Economic Aspect?

This study of the “Yummy burger and fruits juice house "
business is limited to bolocboloc ,Sibulan Negros Oriental
and will be focused on business management, marketing,
socioeconomic and financial aspects. Bolocboloc students
and residents are included as a part of the respondents.
Products will be sold by direct sale and orders will also be
approved from customers in Sibulan to Dumaguete from
those who are willing to buy our products. This business will
be offering a burger with beef, tuna, meat and you can
choose your own toppings. It will also offer a delivery
service to the customers. This business is offer free Wi-Fi
inside the establishment.
The strategy extends to both owners who
are responsible for carrying out the business
in a manner appropriate to the schedule to
be established and completed successfully.
Marketing Aspects

This part of the study explains the degree to which

Yummy burger and fruits juice house services are required
and this part also includes various marketing strategies
and plans that will help the targeted customers make use
of the business services. This also discusses the proposed
marketing program with regard to services, their prices,
locations and promotion.
In order to succeed and prosper, the company also
requires time and effort. In providing the relevant services,
the company must be able to meet customer needs. The
satisfaction and fulfilment of the customer's needs and
demands is essential, and is the company's main goal.
 It is very important to know about the
strengths and weakness of our internal
environment and use our strength for the
productivity and remove weakness to gain the
competitive advantage. It is also very
important for us to analyse the external
environment to know about the threats into
The main product we'd be selling is the Beef Burgers, Veggie
Burgers, Wild TUNA Burgers; Chicken Burger. Yummy burger
and fruits juice may add toppings whatever you want. Because we
offer additional toppings you want like lettuce, tomatoes, egg,
bacon, fried onions, mushroom and etc.
But when it comes to packaging or design box and cups, there's
a little bit. We believe that putting some different design and or
colourful design is attractive. We're going to put some "Disney
hero” and “anime “,”quotes” in different box and cups to make it
more attractive. And we also plan to make the box and cups
different colours not like the normal box you've ever seen. Black,
pink, and many more would be like what consumers want. And
we're making sure that our burger is bigger and delicious.
Financial Aspect

This financial aspects is an assessment of the

feasibility of the proposed establishment of
yummy burger and fruits juices in Bolocboloc
Sibulan. The capital of the business burger and
fruit juices is 1,000,000 and all the expenses
monthly 131,025 including the raw materials and
the employees salary.

 This project has its own vision to improve and

upgrade the yummy burger and fruits juice
house in Bolocboloc ,Sibulan. The
implementation of this project will be beneficial
to society. And this business study the
economy and the people who can get the
benefits the government can have the taxes and
the people can have the vacant works.
 Therefore the whole study on the proposed project is
 The proposed on the management aspect is feasible
because, we were giving some brochure about our
business to be notice by the people. We will choose
were we buy our raw materials so we can save more
and not buying too much it might be waste if there are
leftovers we would not prefer to serve old stock
product. The money that we earn we will deposit it
into a bank because we know that the time will come
our business will go down and we have enough
money to continue our business that we started
 . The proposed in marketing aspect is feasible
because we can buy our raw materials in a low
price and we will buy in the same person, so
that we can get a free. And it is easy to find
because our raw materials are common. And
this raw materials are order from the farm so
we can make sure the products they gave to us
are fresh and nutritious and that the costumers
who will buy our will be satisfied.
 The proposed in technical aspect was feasible
because first of all we will buy only the needed
one to make burger and fruit juice, like frying
pan and blender. If we can have enough money
we will slowly buy some staff that help us to
improve our burger and juices business.
 The proposed in financial aspect is feasible
because we use our save money to build this
burger and juices business. We gather our
money and spent this money to the materials
that we needed so we can start our business if
ever our money would not enough to our
business we would prefer to loan a small
 The proposed in socio-economic is feasible
because they can help the people who don’t
have works so they can be part to our business.
They can be a driver, security guard and they
can have benefits of as and fulfill their way of
living or support their family.

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