Quiz Powerpoint

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1. Every object revolves around the Sun in a
path called a ________.

Ellipse Revolution

2. The sun is a star.

3. One year on Earth is 365 days. Which of these
definitions could be used for one year?

The time for Earth to spin The time it takes for the
on it axis. Moon to go around Earth
12 times.

The time it takes for Earth

The time for the Moon to
to go around the Sun complete all of it phases.
4. The centre of our solar system is

Earth The sun

The Milky Way

5. What planet is famous for its big
red spot?

Uranus Mars

Neptune Jupiter
6. The dwarf planet PLUTO is 39.5 Astronomical units
away from the sun. What is that in centimetres?

3.95cm 0.395cm

395cm 3950cm
7. Earth has only one Moon?

8. What are the 8 planets in order?

Venus, Earth, Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars,

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury,
Uranus and Neptune Uranus and Naptune

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Venus, Earth, Mars,

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune,
Uranus and Neptune Uranus, and Saturn
9. What planet is the Hottest in our
solar system?

Venus Juptier

10. What is the coldest planet in our
Solar System?

Uranus Neptune
FINALLY, who enjoyed today?

Not so much Lets do it again!

We had heaps of fun It was okay I guess

1. Orbit
2. True
3. It time it takes for Earth to go around the sun
4. The sun
5. Jupiter
6. 395cm
7. True
8. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune
9. Venus
10. Neptune
11. Every answer 

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