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Novel crude oil filter using natural media

Student Name: Azan Mohammed Al Rashdi

Student Number:10466
Program: POM
Name of Project Supervisor:
 Aim
 Project Objective
 Introduction
 Literature Review
 properties of crude oil
 Material use in the filtration
 Equipment need in chemical lap
 Technical project
 Chart plan
 Conclusion
 Future work
 Reference
The basic aim is to analyze the process of
filtering crude oil from impurities like salt,
Also to see the ability of natural media to
filtrate the crude oil.
Project Objectives
The objective of the project is as follows:
 Study filtration of crude oil

Find the good/easy process to clean crude oil from

impurity nutshell to filter oil

Use of natural media to filtrate crude oil ( stones and

nut shell).
To avoid break or block the equipment by impurities.
 Crude oil (hydrocarbon) is heave liquid get from bottom of

earth and it is component carbon and hydrogen.

 The crude oil has mixed with impurities like sand, salt,

 To make crude oil pure and able to refine they must remove

the impurities by using filtration and desalting .

 Filtration by using natural media is a new process in crude oil

Literature Review:
1. At the beginning of the experiments, the concentration of suspended solids in runoff
was measured in the laboratory of the Department of Water Management at Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University. It was measured by filtering runoff samples through
paper filters and drying sediments at a temperature of 105 C until their weight became
2. artificial neural network (ANN) modeling for prediction of crude oil fouling behavior in
preheat exchangers of crude distillation units has been evaluated.
3. The effects of surfactant concentration and salinity on the interfacial behavior of crud oil–
water were investigated in detail. also greatly effective in reducing the interfacial tensions
and can lower the tension of crude oil–water interface to ultra-low at very low
concentration, 0.002 mass%, without alkali and the other additives.
4. This paper provides a set of empirical evidence from five Northern Mediterranean
countries that are subject to similar refinery reference prices regarding the relative
sensitivity of crude oil prices and exchange rate on (pre-tax) petroleum product prices.
5. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was applied for the elemental analysis of
Arabian crude oil residue samples. The spectra due
6. to trace elements such as Ca, Fe, Mg, Cu, Zn, Na, Ni, K and Mo.
Some of the most important physical
properties of crude oil include:
oAPI = (141.5/SG 15oF) – 131.5   The purpose of this equation was to
extend the range of the specific gravity scale.  Crude oil SG changes,
although small, may be important.
Crude Oils oAPI = 10 – 50

Higher oAPI, more paraffinic crude, higher yields of gasoline.

Lower oAPI, more aromatic crude, lower yields of gasoline.

Resistance to flow, usually measured @ 100 oF in centistokes (kinematic
Pour Point
Measured by ASTM D-97 – temperature at which oil ceases
to flow.  Diesel may contain waxes, smaller than candle wax,
which could solidify in cold weather.
Flash Point
Temperature above which the oil will spontaneously
combust.  Fractions in vacuum tower are the least
combustible.  They are the heaviest.
Vapor Pressure
Measured by ASTM D-323.  Also know as Reid vapor
pressure (RVP).  True vapor pressure is usually 5-9% > RVP
Carbon Residue
The solid residue (%wt) remaining after heating to
coking temperatures (700-800oC)
ASTM D-524 Ramsbottom Carbon
ASTM D-189 Conradson Carbon
CCR incr. then Asphaltene incr.
Salt Content
Measured by ASTM – 3230 (lb NaCl/1000 bbl)
Desalting is necessary because NaCl content > 10
lbs/1000 bbl leads to corrosion
Measured by EPA Method 3040  These include Ni, V, Ag, Hg, Na, and Ca.
Metals can cause catalyst deactivation and corrosion.
Sediment and Water
Measured by ASTM D – 96  These inorganic particles can lead to
operational problems.

            Measured by ASTM – 664

Measured by ASTM D – 129, 1552, 2622
Sour crudes > 0.5 wt% and sweet crudes < 0.5 wt%.  Today it is difficult to
find crudes below 1% sulfur
Material will Used in the filter:

Nut Shell Stone

Equipment use in the lap to measure the
whatman filter paper Balance Furnace

Technical project:
Gantt chart planned for semester B
Gantt chart planned for TP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Preparation of
Activated Carbon

Analysis of the


The crude oil in Oman need complicated refinery
because has more impurities and water.
The crude oil can filtrate by using natural media.
The filtration only to reduce the impurities in crude oil.
They can reduce the impurities but it is expensive.
By this project we hope help to find solution for
impurities in the crude oil.
The result will show the probability of the natural
media to filtrate.
Future Work
-The work will be done in workshop and the chemical lab of
Caledonian college of engineering, Oman in semester A of the
year 2015-2016
To work in the raw material of vessels, pump, pipe and filter (net
shell and stones).
To prepare the project and make it ready to work.
To prepare the crude oil (with impurities) from desert.
Do the filtration and see the deferent prosperities before and after
To analyses the result In the chemical lap
 See the ability of filter to remove the impurities.
See the ability to use this project in real refinery.
 The Pennsylvania State University, 2010. Lecture 4 – Crude Oil Properties. [Online]. Available
from: stm. [Accessed:
10th June 2012].

 Aminian,J. & Shahhosseini,S., 2007. Evaluation of ANN modeling for prediction of crude oil
fouling behavior. Applied Thermal Engineering. 28. (March).p. 668–674.

  Chenguang, B.& Zongshi. L., 2005. Interfacial tension between crude oil and
decylmethylnaphthalene sulfonate surfactant alkali-free flooding systems. Colloids and Surfaces
A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 276. (October). P. 186–191.

 Berumen, H. Sahin, A, & Sahin, S., 2014. The relative effects of crude oil price and exchange rate
on petroleum product prices: Evidence from a set of Northern Mediterranean countries. Economic
Modelling. 42. (July). P.243–249.

 Gondal, M. Hussain, T. Yamani, Z. & Baig, M., 2006. Detection of heavy metals in Arabian crude
oil residue using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. Talanta. 69. (November). P. 1072–1078.

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