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Kurdistan Region Government

Ministry of Higher Edu. & Sci. Research

Sulaimani Polytechnic University

Technical College of Informatics
Department of Database

M-Commerce and Its Applications

:Prepared by
Haidar Hussen – Halo Hassan – Hedi Abdurahman
Kazhan Kamaran – Mhamad Nasih – Mhamad Tariq
Parez Dara – Rebaz Asi – Rebin Kamal – Shady Esmail
Zryan Osman
1. Introduction

2. Definition Of Mobile commerce

3. E-commerce vs. m-commerce

4. Advantage

5. Disadvantage

6. Applications Of M-Commerce

7. Electronic wallet in Kurdistan

8. Summary
Definition Of Mobile Commence
“Mobile commerce, also known as m-commerce,
is defined as “the buying and selling of goods and services
through wireless handheld devices such as smartphones
and tablets”,  As a form of-commerce, m-commerce
enables users to access online shopping platforms without
needing to use a desktop computer”
Other E-Commerce
of mobile minutes are speed in-app %85
as opposed to browsers


E-commerce Vs. M-commerce

Mobility Easy to use

Users can get any information that they need, whenever
they want regardless of their locations, via mobile devices
.that connected to the Internet
In mobile commerce applications, users may still be
engaged in activities, such as meeting people or traveling
.while performing transactions or getting information
Attracts new customers
mobile commerce is that there’s always the potential to
bring in new customers
An optimized site is not just one that retains your current
customer base, but it’s also one that attracts new customers
who come across your store and find it appealing
Easy to use
It is the easiest purchase where without any disturbance
you can search all the online sites and choose the best
among the one.
Does not require to wait for laptop to load , just push the
button on the mobile device and it ready to use
Smart phone
Need Faithful
Shipment Company
Applications Of M-Commerce
• Mobile Ticketing

• Mobile Money Transfer

• Content Purchase and Delivery

• Information Services

• Mobile Banking

• Location Based Services

• Mobile Purchase

• Mobile Marketing and Advertising

:Mobile Ticketing is used in many applications like

• Airline ticketing • Cinema ticketing

• Railway & Bus ticketing • Concert/Event ticketing

Electronic wallet in Kurdistan
• We depicts that Mobile commerce is rapidly growing in
all business market with spite of its positive and negative
impact. Today, with the help of new technology
The End

Thank you all

For your Attention

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