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At the end of this lecture all participants will

be able to
 Define key terms listed.
 Identify the impact of IT on nursing safety.
 Discuss benefits of IT in healthcare.
 Explain the importance of informatics in developing
 Identify some selected resources supporting EBP..
 Explain computer uses to support EBP and research.
 Introduction.
 Definitions of {(EBP), quality and safety} .
 IT and nursing safety.
 Benefits of IT in Healthcare.
 The importance of informatics in developing
 Some selected resources supporting EBP.
 Computer uses to support EBP and research.
 The information and knowledge informing 21st century of
healthcare delivery has been growing at an unprecedented pace in
recent years.
 Extended and expanded access to clinical research findings and
decision support tools has been significantly influenced by the
advent of computerization and the internet.
 Working in environments of increasingly complex clinical care
and contending with the management of large volumes of
information, nurses need to avail themselves of the technological
tools that can support quality practice that is optimally safe,
informed and knowledge-based.
 At present there is a gap between theory and practice that
results in diminished patient care, inefficient practice and an
excessive time lag between the discovery of knowledge and its
incorporation into clinical practice.
 Evidence based practice is an approach to provide care that
integrates nursing experience with valid and current clinical
research to achieve best patient outcome.
The correct implementation of health interventions according to
established norms and procedures, which satisfy the health
system’s clients and maximize health outcomes without creating
health risks or unnecessary costs.”
 The prevention of harm to patients.” Emphasis is placed on
the system of care delivery that (1) prevents errors (2) learns
from the errors that do occur and (3) is built on a culture of
safety that involves health care professionals, organizations,
and patients, because so the practices should have sufficient
evidence to include in the category of patient safety practices.
 Evidence based practice (EBP) is a process through which
scientific evidence is identified ,appraised and applied in
health care interventions.

 Evidence based practice is defined as those interventions in
health care that are based on the best available scientific
 Medication error – smart pumps
 Knowledge error – EBN (Evidence Based Nursing)
 Procedural error – POC (Point Of Care) computing
 Improve communication.
 Make knowledge more readily accessible.
 Assist with calculations.
 Perform checks in real time.
 Assist with monitoring.
 Provide decision support.
 Require key pieces of information (dose, e.g.).
 EMR (Electronic Medical Record) – the set of databases (lab, pharmacy,
radiology, clinical notes, etc.) that contains the health information for patients
within a given institution or organization
 CDS (Clinical Decision Support) component - software that makes relevant
information available for clinical decision-making (clinical data, references,
clinical guidelines, situation-specific advice)
 CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry) component – enables
clinicians to enter orders (tests, meds, dietary, etc.)
 CCR (Computerized Clinical Reminder) – just-in-time reminders at the
point of care that reflect evidence-based medicine guidelines
• Computer technologies can place safety barriers
within high risk processes to improve patient safety.

• Achieved through the use of computers and
computer technology as a data management tool
• Moving away from paper records – improves
access to the data you need without flipping
through a bulky patient record
• Easier retrieval of data associated with a particular
• Data sharing is improved between disciplines

Quality Improvement
• Allows for auditing to assure a consistent standard of care
• Measurement of performance against standards of
practice to identify systems issues and opportunities for

Decision Support
• Cues and information built into the system to assist the
clinician in making care decisions .

•Why automate documentation – not only for
nursing but for all of patient care?
•Up-to-date, accurate information of each step of
the Nursing Process is the Power behind safe,
high quality patient-centered care!
 is the integrated electronic technology distributed throughout
the Nursing administrative office.
 Affects the filing and retrieval of documents, text processing,
telephone communication and informal meetings.
1- Information technology tools provide means to search the
literature and apply clinical knowledge and meeting the standards
of excellence.

2- Information technology tools are accessible at the point of care

when needed.
 Computer uses to support EBP and research
 Computers can be used in several ways to support the
development of EBP and research including the
 There are a variety of valid and reliable resources available to
promote searchable questions.
 There are also toolkits to help doctors and nurses locate
existing guidelines or clarify searchable questions with the end
goal of developing EBP guidelines.
 Doctors and nurses have online discussion groups and
professional mentors helping them to identify specific areas for
EBP or original research.
 Such as:
 -The NURSES listserv group, at is a discussion list
for nurse researchers.

 This site include a well-defined research section for

nurses who have specific research interests and list
upcoming conferences where they may submit their
research for peer reviewed presentation.
 Systematic literature searches provide effective means of
researching primary research in a logical and systematic
 It provides more efficient and effective means to find
credible scientific information than if one were doing a
general web site search.
 Primary databases for searching the nursing literature are
the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Health Literature.
 All of these primary data bases are available for online
searches through university and hospital libraries.
1. Searches may be completed quickly.
2. Searches may be done without the aid of a librarian.
3. Searches may be limited to specific years, language or
journal subsets.
4. Searches may be general or limited to clinical trials.
5. Online abstracts allow researchers to quickly determine if
a particular article suits their purpose.
1. Searches require a basic level of comfort and skill with
online resources and key terms.
2. Search results are directly related to the selection of
search terms.
3. Researchers may need the services of the librarian to
improve search strategies and selection of search terms.
4. Online retrieval may be expensive for individuals
purchasing articles.
 Digital libraries extend the missions and techniques of physical
libraries through information technology.
 Digital libraries are comprised of a set of electronic resources
with the related capabilities to create, store, organize, search
and retrieve information to meet the needs of a community of
1- To transform large volumes of data into information and
2-Digital libraries allow users to search or browse a particular
research topic.
Such as the National Library for health. (
It provides access to evidence-based reviews, guidelines, various

data bases, news and updates.

 Data collection tools may be located via online literature
searches and discussion lists.
 Test references provide comprehensive information on
published tools that are available for purchase as well as
published instruments that appear in journal articles.
 Once suitable tool is found, permission for its use often
obtained quickly through e- mail than through traditional
1- Freedom from geographic boundaries.
2- Fast and cost effectiveness.
3- Interactive forms that can be evaluated for completeness and
accuracy of data before submission.
Both Quantitative and Qualitative research methods are
supported and facilitated through various information technology
The research process include the following:
 Data collection can be easier through the use of mobile devices
such as Personal Digital Assistants ( PDAs) at the study site.
 Data can be transmitted if needed to another computer for
completion and analysis.
 This eliminates errors and lost or eligible paper notes and
speed the data collection and analysis process.
 It also reduces the time and costs needed for cleaning data to
ensure its quality
 Data analysis is the processing of data collected during the
course of study to identify trends and patterns of relationships.
 The overwhelming volume of data requires computer
processing to turn data into useful information.
It’s a term that is used to identify complex patterns and
relationships in collected data.
It provides a powerful tool suitable for the analysis of large
amount of data.
KDD can be used to identify risk factors for diseases or efficacy
of particular treatment.
 Once data analysis is completed, graphics presentation
software helps the researcher put study findings into a form
that is easy for the reader to follow in written study reports and
for listener to follow when findings are presented at
professional conferences or meetings.
There are multiple opportunities through which one can share
and disseminate research findings such as via traditional paper
based journals, digital libraries and various online publications.
This process can be shorter in time with electronic publication.
Description Web site

Information regarding health care 1- the agency of health care research

quality and quality
http: //

-web sites link sources 2- CINAHL

-document delivery http: //
-search services

-literature review for free 3- cochrane collaboration

- Full text articles by subscription http: //

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