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• To identify what are the factors influenced the
choose of franchise location.
• Selection of the right location for a proposed
franchise outlet can mean the difference between
success and failure.
• Location theorists often claim that the three most
important criteria for success of any business are
location, location, and location!
• Factors associated with a specific site can affect the
initial cost, profitability forecasts , and the rate of
growth of the business at the proposed site.
• A franchisor has the responsibility for
planning the growth and development of the
franchise system within a particular area,
across areas, cities, states, and regions.
• Both franchisor and franchisee want the best
possible site within a locale that displays the
demographic characteristics and traffic
patterns that will increase the chance for
success in the organization's line of business.
How to Choose the Right
Franchise Location?
1. Know the Concept Inside and Out
• What drives traffic to the business?
• Who are its target customers?
• Where do those target customers live?
• How and when do those customers interact with the
concept? (Is it a restaurant that caters to the
business crowd on their lunch breaks?
• Does it rely on impulse sales, and so is a highly
visible location a must?
• Are your customers coming to you, or are you going
to them?
2. Do Your Homework With the
• Franchisor has its own specific set of requirements
and regulations when it comes to selecting a site
location will be spelled out in the Franchise
Disclosure Document.
• Good franchisors have already done a lot of the
market research for you. It's in their best interest to
keep track of demographics, and they'll share that
data with you.
• The common approach today with many franchisors,
especially the more established ones, is to grant a
location, but no territorial protection
3. Talk to Fellow Franchisees
• It's a good strategy to solicit input from
current franchisees.
• development sites might be difficult for a first-
time franchisee to nab, because franchisors
will want to give their best locations to
franchisees with proven track records.
4. Carefully Evaluate Your Retail Site
• Study the traffic patterns
• Is there enough parking at your site? – monitor and visit several
different times
• Be financially realistic – Is the business can generate sales and cover
your operation cost?
• Look out for your neighbors.
 avoid location near direct competitors
 demand generators – choose location if there are a similar business
to yours that are doing well.
 the tenant mix – choose location that are complimentary to your
product or service
 The anchor store – location near hypermarket ie. Tesco driving
customers to your area.
5. Recognize that Criteria are Different
for Non-Retail Sites
• If your business requires you to go to your
customers, rather than your customers
coming to you, home-based business is better.
• a highly visible or easily accessible location is
less importance.
• Instead, you can focus more on finding a
manufacturing facility or a warehouse with a
low cost of rent.
6. Close the Deal With a Professional
• Once you think you've got your perfect site,
work with a real estate broker and a franchise
attorney to seal the deal.
 There are three-step approach to identification of
areas for expansion (geographic areas, number of
franchises to be established, and individual site
 There are 6 important factors that influenced the
choose of franchise location.
 Franchisee seeks professional advice (banker,
attorney, real estate broker, and accountant)

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