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Porac National High School

Poblacion, Porac, Pampanga

“Challenges of Consistent
With Honor Senior High
School Student”
Maricar G. Roque
12 ABM Honesty

Pilar B. Limin
Research Teacher
Research Questions:
1.) What are the challenges that a consistent with
honor Senior High school student encounter?
2.) How did learners manage and survive those
3.) What advice can they give to those other consistent
with honor Senior High student?
• Research Design: Qualitative—
Phenomenological Design
• Sampling technique: Purposive sampling
• Participants: 3 consistent with honor
• Research instruments: Interview guide
and voice recorder
• The results of the analysis of the interview data will
be presented in this chapter. The themes identified
within the data include: (a) challenges of consistent
with honor Senior High School student (b)
intervention to the challenges, (c)
recommendation for other consistent honor
Challenges of consistent with honor SHS
The results of this study provide insights into various aspects of the
challenges encountered by Senior High School student because of being an
honor student. The first category that emerged was primary in which
learners became honor student since they were in elementary. Feelings is
the another major category with subcategories; fulfilling, worth it and
proud. This unique findings was developed through the participants'
answers. While for the most important part which is the category of
challenges, participants said that the challenges they encountered is that
somehow they were being bullied and called as 'teacher's pet', classmates
and some are insecure, and also due to work loads consistent with honor
student tend to have health issues.
Intervention to the Challenges
Moreover, the intervention to the challenges that emerged in this
study is compete with past achievements, time management and have
faith in God. In addition, the result of another category which is
difficulties led me to develop subcategory; demanding people,
requirements, and pressured. Consistent with honor SHS student meets
demanding people, need to pass requirements on time and being
pressured by some teachers and classmates. Furthermore, the last major
category emerged is advices. Participants entails the different advices
they suggest to be an achiever. The subcategory that was developed
were: never live to please others, be responsible and have passion.
Recommendation for other consistent
honor student
Furthermore, the recommendation for consistent honor
students that emerged in this study is to be humble, be
responsible, and study hard. Another major category is
motivation in which I asked the participants on who motivates
them which led me to three subcategories; loved ones, mother
and parents Another findings for the category of tips is that if
you want to be an achiever all you need to do is do best, avoid
absentism, and always be willing to learn whatever it takes.
Learners explained the challenges they encountered
based on their experience as consistent with honor
student. Through the data that has been collected, it was
seen that some challenges they encountered is that they
were bullied because some accused them of being
teacher's pet. Another challenges is that some are
insecure to them and even having health issues because
of a lot of tasks to finish, they compromise their health.
• The intervention of the learners towards the challenges they
encountered is that in order for them to manage those, all
they need to do is; compete with past achievements, learn to
have time management and have faith in God. Through the
participants' answers I was able to develop those findings.
• Having recommendation for those other consistent honor
student is important because other learners will be more
aware. The data collected led to developed commend like be
humble, be responsible, and study hard.
• Sabo, R. (2019). Unique challenges straight 'A' students face & how to conquer it.
Retrieved from:
• Shaffer, C. (2019). Honors level classes woth the challenge, students say. Retrieved from:
• T. J. Jeremy & Fisher, P.A. (2012). High achieving students and their experience of the
pursuit of academic excellence. Retrieved from:

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