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What is the relationship of Culture,
Society and Politics?

The aggregate of From Greek word Politika The sum of ways of living
people living together “affairs of the cities” is the built up by a group of
in a more or less process of making decisions human beings and
ordered community. applying to all members of transmitted from one
each group. generation to another.
• Culture is generally defined as the sum of an
individuals way of life, ranging from food he
or she eats, the clothes he or she wears and
the house or she lives.

• Non -material things are the norms and values

as well as dance, music poetry and other
forms of creativity and artistry.
• Society is generally defined as an
organized group of interdependent
people who share a common
territory, language, and culture
who act together for collective
survival and well-being.
• The ways that people depend upon
one another can be seen in
different social features such as
their economic, communication,
and defense system.
In reality, there can be no culture without a society and so far there are no
known human societies that do not exhibit culture.
(Haviland, et. Al: 312)
Theory, art and Practice of Government.
The political institution is a relatively stable cluster of statuses, general
norms and role behavior, which are included in the acquisition and
exercise of power and decision making in society.
- Turner: 215
• The institution that sets up the social
norms and values as to who will possess
‘’the monopoly of legitimate use of
physical force within a given territory,’’
how that power is acquired and
maintained, and how that power is
organized and exercised.
President as head of State.
• The president or the prime minister
serves as the head of government.
He functions as the chief executive
and the commander-in-chief.
• He or she leads the military during
war and cabinet meetings
• He designates roles for cabinet
members to undertake.
• He or she is given power to approve or veto
decisions made by the cabinet or the
legislative body.
• He or she is also given a check-and-balance
• The president or prime minister and the
members of the cabinet are granted with
executive power, which is right to execute
governance and implement laws.
• Members of legislature which include
senators and congressmen are given the
legislative power to make and pass the
laws for the executive power.
• Members of judiciary are tasked to
interpret laws in accordance with a
societies standard and norms.
Gender is the socially constructed
characteristics of being male or female.
-Eccles: 43
• Gender also refers to societies division of
humanity into two distinctive categories based
on sex.

• It serves as a guide on how males and females

think and act about themselves; the way they
interact and perform various roles in the society.

• Gender is culturally-learned difference between

men and women.
Example: Judeo-Christian world, men are
perceived to be superior than women; thus
they are ascribed more vigorous occupational
roles like plowing the field or doing menial jobs
as opposed to women who are relegated to
homemaking and child rearing.
There is popular notion that gender deals only
with differences, wherein society constructs
masculine and feminine people. However, in
reality, it is how society confers power on each
of these sexes that leads to the development
of sense of empowerment and sensitivity.
Refers to the category of persons who have more or less the same
socioeconomic privileges in a society. These privileges in a society are due to
inherited wealth and/or the occupational status of the breadwinner in the
- Panopio, etc.: 327
In the Philippines, three types of social classes are identified:
upper, middle and the lower classes.

Upper class consist of elite families. They are considered the

most productive in terms of resource generation and
oftentimes very successful in their respective
fields of interests and endeavors-be it
in agriculture, industry, business,
and government.
2 general types of elites:
The new rich (nouveau)- those who have humble
beginnings and often experienced rags-to-riches turn of

The traditional upper class- made up descendants of

powerful elites families who acquired their
wealth through inheritance or
Middle Class- composed of small business and industry
operators mostly owners and managers, professionals,
office workers, and farm owners with the income sufficient
enough to provide a comfortable living. Filipino overseas
workers, who contribute greatly to the remittance
economy, are also included in this category.
Lower Class- Farm employees, skilled and unskilled artisans, service
workers, and people who may be unemployed or underemployed or
those who belong to indigent families or informal sectors fall on the
lower class.
Subsistence lifestyle is manifested through the following conditions:

1. Family could hardly eat three decent meals a day;

2. The daily income of the breadwinner could hardly feed the entire
3. The breadwinner does not have a permanent job.
CLASS % Share In Number Of Families Average Annual Income
(In pesos)

AB 1% 1, 857,000
C 9% 603,000
D 60% 191,000
E 30% 62,000

Source: Social Weather Stations, 2011

Ethnicity is the expression of the set of cultural ideas held by a distinct
ethnic or indigenous group.

Ethnic Group- refers to the people who collectively and publicly identify
themselves as distinct and unique based on distinguishable cultural features
that set them apart from others, such as language, shared ancestry, common
origin, customs and traditions.
- Haviland, et. Al: 313
Organized system of ideas about the spiritual
sphere of the super natural along with
associated ceremonial or ritualistic practices
by which people will try to interpret and/or
influence aspects of the universe otherwise
beyond human control.
- Haviland, et. al. 554
State of being intellectually gifted and/or having Physically or mentally
challenged conditions concerning personality/behavior, communication
(learning disability, speech impairment and hearing problems) intellect (mild,
intellectual and mental development disabilities)
Physical Appearance (blind-low vision)
or combination of more than one specific
exceptionality or disability.
-MinEd: 29
Legal relationship that binds a person and a country. It
allows the state to protect and have jurisdiction over a
-Wels: 29

Citizenship or nationality gives people a sense of

identity and belongingness. Individual who are legally
born of Filipino.

Referrence: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics.
By Santarita and Madrid. Vibal Group, Inc.

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