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Salaries inequities at AstraZeneca

• Darshan
• Dane
• Prathamesh
• Parnab
• Prashant
11-13. Although the case with OFCCP is closed, we wonder if there are any
less discriminatory explanations possible for why our women sales reps on
average earned less than men. If so, what are they?

There are various reasons that can lead to discrepancies at places of work that may result in less
earning for women as compared to their male counterparts. Some of the possible factors could be:
• The level of education
• The extent of technical know-how
• Geographical location

Male dominance was still operational within the institutions of the United States of America.
Consequentially, this yielded to the breaching of the law of the Labor department’s Office of Federal
Contract Compliance Programs.

In a poll conducted on 124 women at AstraZeneca, another contributing factor why women received
less pay than men emanated from the believe that men had a greater responsibility of taking care of
the family and therefore, needed more money.
11-14. Our own company now uses a point method to evaluate jobs for pay
purposes, and each resulting job class also has a rate range associated with it. Sales
associates are now paid a salary that is not based on incentive pay. List three
specific things we can do to ensure that a similar problem (inequitable pay based on
gender) does not arise again, assuming they continue using the point plan.

1. Establishing a fair wage setting technique to assured that wages are unrestricted from sexual
orientation disposition.
2. Implement practices and policies which strengthen pay worth.
3. Commence a compensation value examination to select areas and professions where sexual
orientation inconsistency may exist with the objective that it can be resolved.

It is crucial for human resources to ensure that pay equity is aligned with employment laws.
Documenting initial salary decisions can also be used towards future litigations.

There should be an open pay policy that enables the creation of a more productive working culture. The
level of work experience should also be considered when strategizing on leveling salary between men
and women. Subsequently, this aids in helping the present and potential employees to assess whether
they meet the threshold of the job requirement.
11-15. What sort of compensation plan would you recommend for us, and why?

• Understanding the laws that require men and women to receive equal pay for equal work. “The Equal Pay Act
requires that men and women be given equal pay for equal work in the same establishment. The EPA provides
that employers may not pay unequal wages to men and women who perform jobs that require substantially
equal skill, effort and responsibility, and that are performed under similar working conditions within the same
establishment” (EEOC, 2017).
• The company should institute an internal policy prohibiting wage discrimination. Ensuring that all employees
are paid fair and equal wages based on position and skill.
• Employers, supervisors and HR managers need to make sure that all employment decisions regarding
promotions, raises, bonuses, etc., are based on legitimate and nondiscriminatory factors such as skill, merit and
• Provide training for supervisors and managers to avoid wage discrimination.
• Documented salary guidelines and requirements for any bonuses or overtime based on fair, objective, and
measureable criteria.
• Initiate audit pays and frequent reviews, ensuring that we are not engaging in any discrimination. This will
reduce the chance that we could be faced with a claim for wage discrimination.
• Ensure we are hiring an integrated and diverse workforce, and that qualified candidates regardless of gender
and that they are being hired based on education, skill and merit.
• Provide timely and effective performance evaluations. This will set expectations and show employees if they are
meeting them or not.
• Have an open pay policy. This clearly affords the employees to engage in mutual protected activity and improve
wages, hours and working conditions

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