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Moras Dela Paz, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga

Introduction to
the World of
What is Retailing? 1

a set of business activities that
adds value to the products and
services sold to consumers for
their personal or family use.
A Retailer’s Role in a Supply Chain 2
PPT 1-4
Distribution Channel
How Retailers Add Value 3
Retailers Create Value
• Breaking Bulk
1 -Buy it in quantities customers want
• Holding Inventory
2 -Buy it at a convenient place when you want it
• Providing Assortment
3 -Buy other products at the same time
• Offering Services
4 -See it before you buy, get credit, layaway
Social and Economic Significance
of Retailing 4

1 • Social Responsibility

2 • Retail Sales

3 • Employment

4 • Global Retailers
Opportunities in Retailing 5

1 • Management opportunities

2 • Entrepreneurial opportunities
The Retail Management Decision Process 6
1  Understand the World of Retailing – Section I
1. Microenvironment
• technological, social and
ethical/political factors.
• Competitors
2. Macroenvironment
• Customer
The Retail Management Decision Process 7
 Developing a Retail Strategy – Section II
2 1. Retail strategy – A statement that indicates
 The target market toward which a
retailer plans to commit its resources.
 The nature of the retail offering that the
retailers plans to use to satisfy the
needs of the target markets, and
 The bases upon which the retailer will
attempt to build a sustainable
competitive advantage over competitors
2. Strategic Decision Areas
The Retail Management Decision Process 8
 Developing a Retail Strategy – Section II
2 2. Strategic Decision Areas
- the key strategic decision areas for a
firm involve determining its target
market, financial status, location,
organizational and human resources
structure, information system, supply
chain organization and customer
relationship management strategies
The Retail Management Decision Process 9
 Implementing the Retail Strategy – Sections III
3 and IV

Retail Mix the combination of factors used by a retailer

to satisfy customer needs and influence their purchase

The elements in the retail mix:

• Merchandise and services offered
• Pricing
• Advertising and promotions
• Store design and location, and
• Visual merchandizing
The Retail Management Decision Process 10
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