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Damage Repair Techniques For

Sandwich Panels
What is Sandwich Structure?

 A sandwich structure basically consists of three parts; two stiff and

relatively high-density GRP skins or faces separated by a thick, light and
structurally weaker core.

 The lightweight core acts as a support for the thin composite skins and
prevents them from buckling when the component is subjected to bending
and twisting loads.

 These are an efficient type of structure in which the bending and buckling
loads are carried almost entirely by the thin skins, and only the shear
loading is carried by the low-density core.
Sandwich Structure

 When a sandwich part requires repair, the core must be replaced with the
correct type and density or one that is slightly heavier and stronger.

 Sandwich structures typically are used in aircraft design for components

such as flaps, ailerons, rudders, elevators, spoilers, fairings, and access
panels, as well as for floor panels, galleys, wardrobes, and most of the cabin
interior trim areas in large civil aircraft.

 Because the skins are thin and the mechanical loading is usually low, a
sandwich structure is most easily repaired by adhesive bonding, regardless
of whether it has metal or composite skins.
Combinations of Sandwich Structure

 The most commonly used combinations found in aerospace structures.

 Core Material Skin Material
 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Foam Glass/Epoxy Composite
 Polymethacrylimide Foam (Rohacell) Kevlar/Epoxy Composite
 End Grain Balsa Wood Carbon/Epoxy Composite
 Phenolic Coated Kraft Paper Honeycomb
 Aluminum Honeycomb (Various Foil Grades
 (3003, 5052, 5056, and 2024)
Typical construction of a sandwich panel

Normally, adhesive film is used to bond the

skins to the sandwich core. With some glass,
Kevlar, and carbon pre-pregs, the resin in the
uncured pre-preg can flow and bond well to
the honeycomb core during the cure cycle,
thus eliminating the need for a separate
adhesive. This is known as a co-cured

The alternative technique is to pre-cure the

sandwich skins and bond them to the core in a
second operation, often referred to as
secondary bonding.
Damage and Inspection of GRP/Foam
Sandwich Structures
 Damage to GRP/foam sandwich structures can be assigned to the
three groups.
 Type A damage generally involves matrix cracking, fiber breakage
delamination in the skin and debonding of skin from the core.
 Type B damage involves Type A damage to one skin combined with
crushing or shear cracking of the core.
 Type C damage involves the same damage mechanisms as Type B
except both skins are affected. Type C damage can fully penetrate
the sandwich structure.
Damage and Inspection of GRP/Foam
Sandwich Structures
 Some instances of delamination and core debonding may be repaired through
simple methods such as resin injection, damage to sandwich structures usually
requires removal and replacement of the affected material.
 The primary reasons for removal of all damaged material is that damage will
tend to grow under subsequent loading.
 Before any material is removed, it is necessary to know the extent of the
damage, which can often be difficult to determine with any degree of certainty.
 Internal damage to the skins and core can extend well beyond any visible
external damage.
 Tap testing and ultrasonic A-scan can be used to determine the damage extent
in the skins but require an experienced operator.
Repair Techniques for Marine Sandwich
 Repair techniques used in the aerospace industry undergo extensive development
and testing before being implemented.
 Some of the approaches used in the aerospace industry can be adapted to marine
structures but the materials used differ significantly.
 Marine structures are usually made from glass fibres with polyester or vinylester
 They often use hand lay-up or vacuum bagging techniques and the resulting fibre
volume fraction could be as low as 20% and void content could exceed 10%.
 Core materials typically used in marine structures, such as foam or balsa wood,
are different from the stronger and stiffer Nomex or aluminium honeycomb
normally used in aerospace components.
 Another significant difference between repairs on aerospace and marine structures
is the size of the repair.
 Bonded and bolted repair methods could be applied to repair marine sandwich
 Bonded repairs were considered to be the most applicable repair technique and
offer several advantages over bolted repairs. They are lighter in weight and
distribute the load more evenly over a wider area.
 Bolted repairs are more easily carried out and require minimal surface
preparation. However, they add bulk and weight and require holes to be drilled
through the structure.
 bolted repairs are more difficult to implement on sandwich structures and need to
be water-tight.
Scarf Repair Technique
A repair technique developed for use in aerospace structures which can be applied
directly to marine structures is the scarf repair used on composite laminates.

This repair produces constant shear stress in the bondline between the parent and
repair laminates and is capable of restoring the strength to the damaged laminate.

An important aspect of such a repair is the scarf angle which should be less than
60 to ensure good transfer of shear load in the bondline.

Damage to sandwich structures often involves damage to the core material. The
damaged core can be filled either with a foaming adhesive, a laminate or a new
core section bonded in place.
Repair of Type A Damage

 The replacement of a skin for Type A damage

is a straightforward procedure which is best
accomplished using a scarf repair.
 An important aspect of such a repair is the
scarf angle which should be less than 60 to
ensure good transfer of shear load in the
 The surface preparation is also critical to
ensure good adhesion between the parent and
repair laminates.
Repair of Type A Damage
 Remove Damaged Material:
 The damaged skin is removed starting at the centre of the damaged region,
working downwards and outwards until sound material is encountered.
 2. Repair Preparation:
 If the damage is deeper than one layer, taper sand the surrounding skin 20 mm
per layer (scarf angle of approximately 60).
 3. Replace Skin:
 Replace the skin using the number of layers removed. Each successive layer is
to be 40 mm longer and wider than the previous layer. Apply one extra layer
extending 100 mm beyond all damage.
Repair of Type B Damage

 The repair of Type B damage to GRP/foam sandwich structures

requires the replacement of one skin and the core.
 1. Remove Damaged Material.
 a) Remove the damaged skin, working from the centre of the
damaged region outwards until sound material is encountered.
 b) Remove the exposed damaged core leaving the other skin intact.
 2. Prepare the area for repair.
 a) Prepare the foam core to an angle of 45°.
 b) Sand the edge of the laminate to a taper of 20 mm per layer. This
provides a scarf angle of approximately 60.
Repair of Type B Damage
3. Install the replacement foam.

a) Use a paste adhesive designed to bond PVC foam.

b) b) Use the appropriate grade of foam.
c) c) Use the minimum amount of adhesive (bondline thickness 3 mm
d) d) No voids should exist between the undamaged skin and the
replacement foam.

4. Replace the skin.

e) Use the same number of layers as the original skin.

f) b) Each successive layer is to be 40 mm longer and wider than the
previous layer.
g) c) Apply one extra layer of GRP extending 100 mm beyond the extent of
all damage.
Repair of Type C Damage

 The repair of Type C damage to GRP/foam sandwich structures requires the

replacement of both skins and the core.
 1. Remove damaged material.
 a) Remove the damaged skins, working from the centre of the damaged region
on both sides outwards until sound material is encountered.
 b) Remove the exposed damaged core.
 2. Prepare the area for repair.
 a) Prepare the foam core to an angle of 450,
 b) Sand the edges of both skins to a taper of 20 mm per layer providing a scarf
angle of approximately 60.
Repair of Type C Damage
 3. Install the replacement foam.
 a) Use a paste adhesive designed to bond PVC foam.
 b) Use a backing plate where required.
 c) Use the appropriate grade of foam. d) Use the minimum
amount of adhesive (bondline thickness 3 mm maximum).
 4. Replace the skins.
 a) Use the same number of layers as the original skin.
 b) Each successive layer is to be 40 mm longer and wider
than the previous layer.
 c) Apply one extra layer of GRP extending 100 mm
beyond the extent of all damage.

 [1] Repair of Damage to Marine Sandwich Structures: Part I - Static Testing ,

Rodney Thomson', Raoul Luescher' and Ivan Grabovac2


Keith B. Armstrong L. Graham Bevan William F. Cole II

 [1]

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