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 Audio
 Video
 How are you today?

 With patience and

gratitude, let’s pause for
a while to thank the Lord
for His goodness.
 Identifymajor events in history that were brought
about by religion
 Analyse how these events have led to both human
flourishing and human disaster
Discuss the role of Interreligious Dialogue in promoting the positive effects
and mitigating the negative effects of religion on human existence. .
 Go to Hurtado and access reading material for our next topic
 Jot down important details for an insightful
Tell me about your personal experience of
the positive and negative effects of religion.

“Religion always makes you a better person”

If you agree, justify your answer and

if you don’t, why?
Positive effects of Religion
 It gives Meaning, Purpose and Hope, based on the
beliefs and values, often expressed in myths and
 It allows community gathering for rituals of worship
and symbolic celebrations of religious holidays.
Positive effects of Religion
 It gives personal identity as part of a group with
similar world views, beliefs, values, practices and
lifestyles, relationships of commitment to giving
support and caring critique to one another.
 It provides opportunities in community to identify
and provide needed action and service to meet
needs of the wider community and the world
 It creates rituals and practices experienced in
community for life transitions of birth,
commitment, forgiveness, and death.
 It provides private rituals that support identity,
calmness, stability, and hope
 It gives educational opportunities
providing history and understanding of
religious and cultural traditions.

 It provides guidance for living in "right

relationship" :

a) with other persons (respect and caring

for the "out-group" as well as the "in-

b) with the natural world identification of

personal, cultural and environmental
needs which inspire concern and
motivate responses of outreach and
Negative Effects of Religion
 Religion promotes tribalism, Infidels, heathen,
heretic. Religion divides insiders from outsiders.
Religion anchors believers to the Iron
 Putting a god’s name and endorsement on some of
the very worst human impulses. Any believer
looking to excuse his own temper, sense of
superiority, warmongering, bigotry, or planetary
destruction can find validation in writings that claim
to be authored by God.
To stay strong, religion trains believers to
practice self-deception, shut out contradictory
evidence, and trust authorities rather than their
own capacity to think
Religion teaches helplessness. Que sera, sera—
what will be will be. Let go and let God
Religions seek
Watch the video in our course space

Answer the following questions;

1. What is the benefit of engaging into
interreligious or interfaith dialogue?
2. How will it help in nation building a diverse
community like we have today?
What is Interreligious Dialogue?
 is understood as ‘an encounter where people
holding different claims about ultimate reality can
meet and explore these claims in a context of
mutual respect.

In this respect dialogue is an act of non-othering the

others but of recognizing the others and their faith
 Go to our Hurtado course space
 Click Session 3: Positive and Negative Effects of religion
 At the bottom of the session portal click the Formative
Assessment link.
 Submit your output in a Word Doc format.
 Make sure to SAVE a copy.

How can we ‘harness’ religion in such a way that its

positive elements can be brought to light? In the
same way, how are we harnessed by our respective
religions that our positive qualities will be brought
to light?

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