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Based on the strengths and
weaknesses of the Filipino
the following goals for
change are proposed.
The Filipino should develop:
1. A sense of patriotism and national pride – a genuine love, appreciation and
commitment to the Philippines and things. 
2. A sense of common good – the ability to look beyond selfish interest, a
sense of justice and a sense of outrage at its violation. 
3. A sense of integrity and accountability – an aversion toward graft and
corruption in society in avoidance of the practice on one’s daily life. 
4. The value and habits of discipline and hard work. 
5. The value and habits of self-reflection and analysis, the internalization of
spiritual values and emphasis upon essence rather than on form.
General Strategic Principles:

•In identifying goals for change and

developing our capabilities for their
achievement, it is necessary to
consider certain general principles.
1.Strategies must be multi-layered and multi-
2.Strategies must emphasize change in the
power-holders as well as in the masa (people).
3.Strategies should be holistic, emphasizing
individual as well as systematic or structural
4.The change should involve a critical mass of
Multi-layered and multi-sectoral strategies

– a program of change must adopt

strategies that are multi-layered and
These layers and sectors should consists of the
a.The government
b.Non-government organizations
c.People or the masa
d.The family
e.Educational institutions
f. Media
g.Religious institutions
Roles of Power holders and the Mass
• power holders and decision makers hold the key to
structures and systems which in most cases need to
be set-up first before change can take place. The
masa constitute greater majority of Philippines
society ay program for change will have to target the
critical mass. Their active participation and support
are indispensable components of our strategies.
Holistic, Individual and Systematic /
Structural Change

• Individual conversion or renewal,

as manifested change values,
attitudes and habits and behaviour
is a prerequisite to social change.
Critical mass or Network Change
• the initiators of change must not a
few individuals, but a critical mass
or network of people highly
committed to the goals of change.
Restricted or Bite-size Goals
• strategies for change must be worked on
one goal at a time with everyone’s effort
concentrated on the goal chosen for that
designated time period. The goal must be
cut up into bite-size, realistic pieces. For
easier management.
Goals related to People’s lives

change strategies must be connected

to our daily lives. Value change must
likewise address to the matters that are
close to our hearts, that the change
must start.
Act of the will and Self-sacrifice

• the implementation of the strategies

must be an act of will. If we want
change, we must do it. We must be
ready for tremendous sacrifice –
starting with ourselves.
For Developing

Patriotism and
National Pride
1.we need ideology that can
summon all our resources for the
task of lifting national morale,
pride and productivity
a.We have to write and teach our true history.
b.We should include in our education the
aspects on the past that are still preserve by
cultural communities.
c.We can start instilling national pride by
nurturing community pride first.
We ought to use Filipino in our cultural
and intellectual. Some of our
universities and other institutions have
started doing this, the practice should
be continued and expanded.
a.We must push for the Filipinization of the
entire educational system
b.We must have value formation in the school
curriculum and teach pride in being a Filipino.
c.Literature should be used to instill national
Trade and Industry
We should support the “buy
Filipino movement”
Media Advertising
Used and coordinate with KBP, PANA
and other media agencies in different
activities and projects that will
promote national pride and patriotism.
1.leaders should be models of positive Filipino traits.
To promote national unity and integration the
government must attempt a long range strategy for
democratic transformation in Philippine politics. The
government must continue and even increase its
effort to have more independent economic strategies.
Developing a sense of a common good by
the following:
1.The government
2.Non-governmental organizations
3.Religious organizations / movements
For developing integrity and
1.Government leadership
For developing Discipline and Hard work

1.In both government and private institutions we

need to:
a.Positive controls, keep performance records
and maintain reward and recognition system.
b.Get rid of useless and meaningless rules
1. We ought to reward excellence in whatever Filipinos do by:
a. Identifying and making known centers of excellence in the
b.Looking for, documenting and publicizing success or
excellence stories;
c. Recognizing and encouraging advertisements that convey
the value of excellence and depict positive Filipino values
d.Using media that will communicate to the mass
For Developing Self-reflection and
1.Religion/religious Movement
2.Small Group/NGO’s
3.Government Leadership

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