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superfoods of

¿What are superfruits?

Fruits that have special nutritional
qualities for the benefit of health. We

I love
can imagine that among health
professionals, there has usually been
talk of superfoods when they have been

considered especially nutritious and
interesting to include in the regular
diet, but nothing like the power of
marketing to establish trends.
Camu Camu Lúcuma

The Aguaymanto is a shrub, native to the

Peruvian Andes, known as a native fruit
since the time of the Incas.

What color is aguaymanto?

“No nos limitamos a
Its fruits are fleshy, juicy berries with a
globose orange-yellow color.
reservar su viaje:
Where does aguaymanto originate?
si nos da una idea
It was cultivated in the Sacred Valley of the
del tipo de
Incas and was one of the most revered fruits
in the garden of the nobles. Lucuma is a fruit with a high antioxidant and anti-
experiencia que
What are the benefits of aguaymanto?
inflammatory power, strengthens defenses and
Servicios ofrecidos
cares for health
Camu-camu, is the fruit that has the Cuando se pone en contacto con Margie’s
highest content of vitamin C, which is 100 busca, hacemos sus
Combat high blood pressure and stabilize WhatTravel,
color se
is pone en contacto con los mejores.
the level of glucose, so it can be consumed Ofrecemos experiencia y versatilidad para
times greater than lemon. This tropical
fruit is native to the Amazon region. sueños realidad.”
by people with diabetes. Darkproporcionarle:
green on the outside and with orange flesh,
with •large dark brown
Reservas seeds.tipo de viaje
de cualquier
What color is the camu camu? what is the aguaymanto season?
Where • does
lucumarápidas, concretas y bien
This superfood is circular in shape, small Harvest in October and November informadas a sus llamadas y consultas
and reddish in color, with a small sour It is a• fruit tree originating
Agentes con recursosin the Andean area. In
y amplia
taste. this areaexperiencia
there are still ecotypes of lucuma that
en viajes
grow wild in Peruvian territory.
Where does camu camu originate?
benefits does lucuma have?
Camu camu is the fruit of jungle origin of
Protects the fiabilidad
skin fromysolar
nuestro premiado is a
a bush that grows on the banks of some servicio al cliente nos han merecido una
powerful antioxidant,natural energizer,helps fight
rivers. clientela exclusiva, como:
What are the benefits of camu camu? • Northwind
reduces cholesterolTraders
level,fights diabetes,it prevents
• Fabrikam
It provides very positive
nutrients.,fabulous for digestion,it When• is Contoso
the season of lucuma?
prevents premature aging,it can work as • Adventure Works
*In coast:
an antidepressant,strengthens the April-September.
immune system. * In the mountains:
When are the camu camu in season?

Flowering occurs between the months of

September and December, the harvest Aguaymanto
between November and March. The fruit
develops approximately two months after
the fertilization of the flower.

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