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Read, Write and Speak

For communication to be effective,

there has to be both information and
meaning. And .meaning requires
communication . -Peter F Drucker

“Peopledon’t get along

Because they fear each other

People fear each other

Because they don’t know each other

They don’t know each other

Because they have not
Communicated each other”.
-Martin Luther king
Culture is a group which shapes a
person's values and identity.

Cultural identities can stem from the

following differences: race, ethnicity,
gender, class, religion, country of origin,
and geographic region.
Communicate across Cultures

 Gender
 Race and ethnicity
 Regional and national origin
 Social class
 Religion
 Age
 Physical ability
We communicate the way we do because we
are raised in a particular culture and learn its
language, rules, and norms.
Different cultures (and subcultures) may have
different rules and norms.
Understanding the other's culture facilitates
cross-cultural communication.
Cultural conflicts arise :

because of the differences in values and norms

of behaviour of people from different cultures.

 A person acts according to the values and

norms of his or her culture; another person
holding a different worldview might interpret
his or her behaviour from an opposite
standpoint. This situation creates
misunderstanding and can lead to conflict.
How To Resolve Conflicts
 (1) the parties describe what they find offensive in
each other's behavior;
 (2) they get an understanding of the other party's
cultural perceptions;
 (3) they learn how the problem would be handled in
the culture of the opponent;
 (4) they develop conflict solutions.
Learning about other cultures.
People can prevent cross-cultural conflicts by
learning about cultures that they come in contact

This knowledge can be obtained through training

programs, general reading, talking to people from
different cultures, and learning from past experiences.
Altering organizational practices and
 Often the organizational structure reflects the norms of just
one culture and gives rise to cultural conflict in the
workplace .
 In such cases, structural change in the organization
becomes necessary to make the system more sensitive to
cultural norms of other people
Dealing With Discrimination At Workplace
Dealing effectively with discrimination is a
twofold process:
Become knowledgeable with regard to
antidiscrimination laws,
 Pay close attention to what’s happening in
your company
Types Of Discrimination
1.Gender discrimination

Socially, gender differences have been used to

justify different roles for men and women, in
some cases giving rise to claims of primary
and secondary roles.
The United Nations had concluded that women
often experience a "glass ceiling" and that there
are no societies in which women enjoy the same
opportunities as men.

The term "glass ceiling" is used to describe a

perceived barrier to advancement in employment
based on discrimination, especially gender
2. Language discrimination
 Diversity of language is protected and respected by most
nations who value cultural diversity.

 However, people are sometimes subjected to different

treatment because their preferred language is associated
with a particular group, class or category.

 Discrimination exists if there is prejudicial treatment

against a person or a group of people who speak a
particular language or dialect.
Keep your personal beliefs personal
Your personal opinion regarding race,
religion, gender orientation, and other
potentially controversial issues should not
affect your duty to monitor workplace
Be careful of what you say and to whom
you say it
 It’seasy for an off-the-cuff remark — said by either you
or an employee — to start a torrent of bad feelings and
even a charge of discrimination.

 Think before you say something that might be

misunderstood, and teach your employees to conduct
themselves similarly.
Educate yourself
Stay informed about workplace discrimination. Talk
with your peers in similar and different industries,
read your daily newspaper for information about
what’s happening locally, and conduct research on
discrimination and harassment law.
Tips on Bias-free Communication

Managers and their wives will…

Managers and their spouses will…
Manpower – Personnel
Man-hours – Hours or working hours
Manning – Staffing
Workman – Worker, employee, writer
Chairman – Chair, chairperson
Always remember that there are always
Varied solutions to problems
one set of steps or one
solution that can resolve
every issue – does not
exist. Each issue and set
of circumstances are
different and might require
yet another approach.
Prepared by Ms.Ananya Roy

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