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Presented By:
Amit Prasad Singh
Kapun Kumar Nayak
Manisha Upreti
Shekh Kalam Hussain
Belt Drive
before elements.
 Belt Drives are called flexible machine before
 They are used for industrial applications such as:
 Used in conveyer system in Industry.
 Used in power transmission.
 Replacement of rigid type power transmission system.
Advantages Disadvantages

 It can absorb good amount of shock  Drive is not positive as the belt slip
and vibrations. over the pulley.
 It can take care of some degree of  It occupies more space.
misalignment between the driver and  Speed ratio cannot be maintained due
driven machines. to its slipping phenomenon.
 It can transmit power in longer  Adjustment in the tension of belt is
distance as compared with others. required time to time.
 It can be used for shafts whose axis  Less life as compared to chain drive.
are not parallel.
 Cost is low and easy to maintain.
Nomenclature of Open Belt Drive

  = Diameter of large pulley
D1 = Diameter of small pulley
Θ2 = Angle of wrap of large pulley
Θ1 = Angle of wrap of small pulley
C = Centre distance between the pulleys

Θ2 = 180 + 2β where β =
Θ1 = 180 - 2β

L = Length of the belt

Nomenclature of Open Belt Drive

L  = + 2C +

Velocity Ratio of Belt Drive

Power Transmission of Belt Drive

Belt Type

 Round Belts – Used for light loads

 V Belts – Permit large speed rotation and can transmit higher power
 Flat Belts – Ability to transmit power over long distance between pulley centers
 Timing/toothed Belts – Can transmit high power
Belt Drive Type

 Open Belt Drive

 Cross Belt Drive
 Speed Cone Drive
 Fast and Loose Pulley
 Jockey Pulley Drive
Sources of Drive Problems
Failures of Belt Drives
Safety First
Regular Inspection

Belt Drive Maintenance Belt Drive Inspection

Belt Alignment

Belt Tension
Belt Drive Installation
Storage and Handling
Safety Precautions

 Maintain the safe working environment.

 Proper Clothing is needed.
 Protection material must be used.
 Safety shoes and gloves must be used.
 Use OSHA approved guards.
Regular Inspection

 Timely Schedule Maintenance

1. Critical nature of the equipment.
2. Drive operating cycle.
3. Accessibility of the equipment.
4. Drive operating Speed
Belt Drive Inspection

Using Laser alignment tool on both ends Using string to check alignment

Using a straight edge to check alignment

Belt Alignment

Alignment of Belts on the pulley

Belt Tensioning
Belt Tension can be measured using “Sonic Belt
Tension Meter”

The tension meter measured the vibration of the

belt span and instantly converts the vibration
frequency into belt static tension.
Belt Drive Installation

 At first power off the machine and lock the control box.
 Wear proper safety equipment's.
 Loosen motor mounting bolts or adjusting screws.
 Move the motor until the belt is slack and can be removed
easily without prying.
 Remove old belt and inspect of unusual wear.
 Inspect the sheaves or sprockets for unusual or excessive wear.
 Check if old belt is damage or not if found damage change the
 Reinstall new belt and tighten adjusting screws of motor.
 Check the belt tension using sonic tension meter and
alignment of belt.
 After installing power on the machine and check the installed
drive work properly or not.
Storage and Handling

 Belts should be stored in a cool and dry environment with no direct sunlight.
 Ideally belt must be stored in the environment with less than 85°F and 70% relative humidity.
 Do not crimp belts during handling or when stored.
Preventive Maintenance

A safe working Regular drive Proper drive

environment. inspection installation
Chain Drive
before mechanical power
 A Chain drive is a way of transmitting before
from one place to another.
 A chain drive system uses on or more roller chains to
transmit power from a differential to the rear axle of a
 They are used in transportation industry, agricultural
machineries etc.
Advantages Disadvantages

 It can used for both long and short  They can’t be used where slip is the
distances. system requirement.
 A number of shafts can be driven by  They require frequent lubricant.
single chain drive.  They required housing.
 They don’t slip.  They not suitable for non-parallel
 They are easier to install. shafts.
 They can operate in wet condition.  They have less load capacity.

before before
Transmission chain Conveyor chain
• Rollers sit proud of links and can roll along
• Chains to transmit rotary power between shafts
supporting surface
• Bush roller chains are transmission chains beforefor transporting materials, as
• Can be used
rollers can support weight
• For more power capacity, multi-strand transmission chains are
• Can also be used just to support weight of
used chain if transmitting power over long distances
Inverted Tooth (Silent Chain) Leaf or lifting chain
• Sprocket teeth mesh with shaped links • Designed for lifting rather (than
instead of rollers on chain power transmission)
before before
• Joints between links use rolling rather than • Do not have to mesh with sprockets,
sliding contact hence no rollers
• Profile of links are more like involute gear • Therefore can narrower than roller
teeth chain with equivalent strength
• Overall effect is to reduce noise •Example: fork-lift truck
Nomenclature of chain Drive

=  Pitch circle radius.

P = Pitch
D = Roller diameter

Velocity ratio

Shaft alignment Sprocket alignment

Chain wear

• Wear between the pin and bushing causes the

chain to elongate (grow longer but not
stretch) until the chain will not fit the
sprockets correctly or will not maintain
correct spacing or timing.
• Sometimes wear between the roller and
bushing or wear between the link plates or
sidebars and guides causes the chain to
Safety First
Regular Inspection

Chain Drive Maintenance Chain Inspection

Chain Elongation

Storage and Handling
Safety Precautions

 Maintain the safe working environment.

 Proper Clothing is needed.
 Protection material must be used.
 Safety shoes and gloves must be used.
 Use OSHA approved guards.
Regular Inspection

 Check whether there exists vibration or not.

 Check for worn out of chain links.
 Check whether there is enough lubricant on drive.
Chain Drive Inspection

Cleanliness of the chain drive Lubricating chain drive

Checking for wear of chain Check for Elongation of chain

Chain Elongation

 Pin and bushing wear causes chain to elongate.

 The chain industry standard for maximum
allowable elongation is 3% of the chain’s nominal
 Elongation in excess of 3% can cause improper
engagement between chain and sprockets, which
in turn causes rough performance, sprocket
damage, or chain failure.
Chain Elongation

 Elongation of the chain can be measured by calipers.

 Elongation of chain can be also measured by tape.
Selection of Lubricants

 The oil grade, viscosity and purity are the most important factors for proper
chain lubrication.
 A chain lubricant should have low enough viscosity to penetrate into critical
internal surface and high enough viscosity or necessary additives to maintain
an effective film at the prevailing temperature and pressure.
 A good grade of lubricant should be used between the chain parts to
maximize the wear life of a chain drive.
 Lubricants containing antifoam, antirust or film-strength-enhancing additives
may be useful.
It is essential that the lubricants reach the side plate wearing surface and pin
bushing areas.

Contamination: Lubricants should be protected from dirt and moisture.

A filtering system should be utilized to remove wear particles and abrasive
particles to minimize wear on the drive chain.
Methods of Lubrication

Manual Lubrication:
 Oil is applied to the chain with a brush or spout
 Referred frequency at least once a day.
 If the chain is dirty, wipe it clean with kerosene
or a non-flammable solvent before re-

Drip Lubrication:
 This method is used to supply
correct amount of oil at correct
 It is also referred to as gravity feed

Bath or Disk Lubrication:

 A short section of the chain runs
through the oil in the bottom of the
chain casing.

Oil Stream Lubrication:

 The oil is pumped to nozzles that
deliver a stream or spray onto the
lower span of the chain from the
inside of the loop.
 This type of lubrication is required
for large horse power and high
speed drives.
Storage and Handling

 Chain drives must be stored in such a way that they don’t come in contact with
 The relative humidity should be maintained below 60% and the storage surface
should be dry.
 The storage area should be kept free airborne contaminants such as dust, harmful
vapors, etc.
Preventive Maintenance

Check for chain Periodically remove Check for vibration

elongation chain and wash with or noise.
everyday. kerosene and apply
fresh oil

Chain drive should Chain running under Periodic

be inspected first severe loads must be cleanliness of the
100 hours of inspected every 200 chain drive must
service and 500 hours of service be done
hours after that
Periodic Maintenance

Check the oil level Inadequate Check the lubricant

in the reservoir at lubrication can cause is supplied freely.
a periodic time. excessive slack
Favorable service conditions which will contribute to chain life:

 Drive for intermittent or for standby service

 Less than maximum service life required
 Slow speeds, smooth steady load
 Low ratios permitting larger number of teeth in the sprockets
 Long centers, or adjustable center distance drives
 Exceptionally good lubrication
Unfavorable service conditions which restrict chain life:

 Small sprocket having fewer teeth than recommended by chain manufacturers

 Unusually large sprockets
 Impulse, load reversals, or shock loading
 Three or more sprockets in the drive
 Long centers, on fixed center distance drives
 Poor Lubrication
 Dirty or dusty conditions

Case Study
Methods to optimize the energy transmission
• Optimized drive Selection: Using the wrong components can decrease drive
efficiency by as much as 10%
• Notched VS un-notched V-belt drive: While both types of V-belts will operate with
the same type of sheave, the US Department of Energy reports that the notched
style V-belts run cooler, last longer and are about 2% more efficient than the un-
notched V-belts .
• Sheaves Diameter: Under certain conditions, the drive efficiency could be
increased by as much as 10% when larger diameter sheaves are utilized.
Benefits of using larger sheave diameter
• Less tension is required since more of the V-belt contacts the sheaves - Reduced
tension translates to reduced loading on the bearings supporting the driver and
driven shafts
• The V-belts bend less and therefore generate less internal temperature - Less heat,
more efficiency
• Improved V-belt ‘wedging’ action in the sheave groove - Increased torque
transmission, more efficiency
• Less bending stresses in V-belt - Prolongs longevity with regard to fatigue
Major problems in belt drives
Misalignment leads in 2% loss of power
Parallel Misalignment (Offset misalignment):This condition causes V-belt slip resulting in
increased heat build-up and loss of efficiency. Often, the sheave grooves wear unevenly.
Angular Misalignment: Results in the V-belt(s) with less tension will typically slip and transmit
less horsepower than could otherwise be transmitted under ideal alignment conditions.
TENSION: V-belts that are under-tensioned normally make a squealing noise at start-up
and will always present a shiny ‘glazelike’ appearance on the sidewalls. This is evidence of
the independent movement of the V-belt and the sheave and the V-belt sliding when in
the sheave groove.
Estimates of the energy losses due to under-tensioned drives can be as much as 20%
based on a Fenner Drives publication in 2013

When V-belts experience prolonged slippage conditions, they harden or ‘heat age’ becoming
resistant to bending and flexing and more energy is then required for the V-belts to bend
around sheaves. The stresses associated with bending and flexing of the V-belt during
operation results in cracks on the underside of the V-belt.
Sheave condition: Using gauge

Case Study
Chain Drive Mechanism of
Guillotine Damper
Guillotine Damper

 It consists of damper which is a valve that regulates the flow of air inside a duct,
chimney and other air handling unit.
 The failure of the valve will cause to shut the flow of air inside the duct and whole
system fails.
 In this damper there exists a chain drive, failure of this drive will break the whole
operation of the damper.
Problem Faced & Solution

 Elongation of chain causes chain slips over pulley.

 The Uncertain breakage of chain

So, to overcome these issues the company optimizes the design of the chain in the
drive mechanism which results in decrement in the stress in chain.
Thank You !
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