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Paz Marquez-Benitez

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1. G e r a r d o L u n a - a j e w e l r y s t o r e
s a l e s m a n i n h i s 3 0 ’s , h e d r e a m t o f
going to a forest in his childhood.
2. H i s w i f e - a w o m a n w h o s e m i n d i s
centered on her business
3. A m b o - a n o r c h i d g a t h e r e r, t o l d m a n y
stories about the forest to Gerardo.
4. A t e Te r e o r S o t e r a - G e r a r d o ’s o l d e r
s i b l i n g , s h e m a n a g e s G e r a r d o ’s l i f e i n
a w a y.
5. P e r e g r i n a - s h e l i k e s G e r a r d o
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A long time ago in Intramuros,
Manila, Philippines

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Gerardo was a salesman who always aspired to

go to the forest, which was beautiful in his
dreams. One day, when Ambo, an orchid
gatherer who buys some jewelry for his wife’s
store, tells Gerardo about living in the forest for
weeks at a time, the latter gets more interested,
and tells his wife about it. However, his wife is
eyeing only the business aspect of such idea.
Hence, he never mentions his dream again.
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His wife died, and now he was free to go to the
forest, which he always dreamed off. He went
under the guise of looking at public lands,
which Sotera did not agreed to. She believed
that it was better for Gerardo to marry
Peregrina and inherit a pawnshop, which is
more profitable than buying land. Nonetheless,
he still went and travelled to the hills together
with Ambo.
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Gerardo arrived in the forest, only to
realize that it was not as beautiful as what
he imagined. Not only that, he also
experienced different things which he
never knew about the forest, like seeing
the aftermaths of kaingin and thirsting for
water while being drenched in sweat.
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He experienced a lot of uncomfortable
experiences. He also remembered and thought
about God and his wife, probably not his wife as
herself but merely as a companion. He then
realized that the forest wasn’t as beautiful as
what he thought.

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He went home and met
Peregrina. He then decided to
ask which was “very very
important to him”.

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Symbolism Irony
• His whole experience represents the • His dream is ironic
reality of life. We see life and prepare
for it but if you get to that point in because the forest is not
your life, it will surprise you of how what he thinks it is.
different it was from how you pictured
it. It can be like a child thinking of
how free you can be when he/she Imagery- the stairs of his
becomes an adult, but realizes how house were narrow and
difficult it will be because of all the
responsibility and more challenges dark and rank with
they have to face when they do get characteristic odors.
to that point in their life.

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Third Person Point of View

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Man vs. Himself.

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Everything is full of unknown variables or
surprises that you will not expect.
Dreams vs. Reality

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If one wishes to fish he must go
where the fish are.

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It’s okay to explore new things, gain new
experiences but you have to ready yourself for
the unimaginable and always expect the

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