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Lecture 5: Research Variables and Indicators

Lecturer: Mr. Abdirisak Suleiman Ibrahim

• Define Variable
• Types of Variables
• Example of Variables
• Variables can be defined into two ways:
• Indicator
• Example of Indicator
Define Variable
• A VARIABLE is a characteristic of a person, Object or phenomenon
that can be classified and can take different values.
• Variables are Characteristics/Attributes that may vary in different
Variables According To Their Types:
1. Biological: Age, Sex , Blood Pressure, HB level etc.
2. Physical: Height, Weight, MUAC.
3. Social: Education, Marital Status, Occupation, Income etc.
4. Habits: Smoking, Drinking, Health Care.
5. Event: Birth Deaths, Hospital Stay
Variables For Epidemiology Analysis
1. Dependent Variable: The variable that is used to describe or
measure the problem under study is called the dependent variable (
effect, disease, outcome, consequence, result).
Dependent variables are the variables that are influenced by other
2. Independent Variable: The variable that are used to describe or
measure the factors that are assumed to cause or at least to influence
the problem are called the independent variable ( cause, risk factor,
determinant, input, characteristics) etc.
Independent variable influence, regulate or cause the dependent
3. Confounding Variable: A variable that is associated with the problem
and with possible cause of the problem is a potential confounding
The confounding variable may either strengthen or weaken the
apparent relationship the problem and a possible cause.
4. Background Variable: The variable that are often related to a
number of independent variables and influence the problem indirectly
are called background variables.
Example of Variables:
Smoking-------------------------------------------------------Lung Cancer
(Cause) (Disease)
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Confounding Variable
Background Variables: Occupation, Income etc.
Variables may be defined into two ways:
1. The conceptually definition states the variable as conceive it-
2. The operational definition highlights the variable in workable terms.
Obesity ( conceptual variable)
More than 10% increase of normal body weight ( operational variable).
Definition of Indicators
• Indicators: are formed by defining and stating variables in operational
terms- operationalization.
• An indicator is a tool for measurement.
Seriousness of disease condition:
The indicator usually identified are mild/moderate/severe/very severe
Unless stated these stages are stated, it is open to different
The End

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