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Topics to be Discuss:
 Patrol Force Distribution
 Manning Level of Patrol Force
 Deployment of Patrol Force
 Factors that determine Patrol Deployment
 Patrol Theories and Methods: Theories of
Patrol Force Distribution

 The patrol force is an organization

within an organization. The patrol force is
the nucleus (focal point) of the department
about which the special services are
grouped, and therefore, it shall not be
subordinated to any other police unit in the
police department.
The operational heart of a police organization is
the patrol force to which other departmental
divisions relate in a supportive role. In ordinary
police stations, the suggested distribution of
police functions is as follows:


1.Patrol Functions 50%
2.Criminal Investigations 15%
3.Traffic functions 10%
4.Vice and Juvenile Related 10%
5.Administrative Functions 10%
6. Auxiliary Functions 5%
The proportional strength of the patrol
force and the special units like
investigation, traffic, vice and juvenile
units depend on the services performed by
each. The patrol force, being the backbone
of the police service, is responsible for the
accomplishment of most police objectives.
In small police departments having no
specialization , the patrol force performs all
the primary, secondary, and administrative
police tasks.
If a special unit is created, it must be
decided which tasks.

A. Will be taken from the patrol unit, to be

made as the exclusive responsibility of
the special unit.
B. Will remain as exclusive responsibility of
the patrol unit; and
C. Will be assigned as joint responsibility.
Manning Level of Patrol Force
One basis of the effectiveness and
efficiency of the patrol force is the
manning level or manpower of the police
organization. The patrol unit must get the
most number of uniformed personnel. The
“rule of thumb” regarding the manning
level of any police department must be
 Ideally for the Philippine setting, the rule regarding the
manning level of the police is provided under section 27 of
Republic Act # 6975. The standard manning level is 1:500 (1
police officer for every 500 residents). However, in extreme
conditions, this manning level maybe stretched to maximum,
which is 1:1000 (1 police officer for every 1,000 resident).
Deployment of Patrol Force
 Responsibility for the performance of certain police tasks within a certain area
is placed on the individual policeman, and the accomplishment of his duty
requires his movement from one place to another. A choice of patrol method,
whether foot or mobile, must be made and it must be based on:

 A. The purpose of the patrol; and

 B. The conditions under which it is to be provided.
 Effective and efficient use of human resources and equipment is the
responsibility of the police chief of patrol, particularly when deploying the patrol
force. There are never enough men authorized to accomplish all the police
objectives. When arranging workdays and hours, vacations, holidays, day off,
and the unexpected sick or injury days, the purpose is to meet realistically the
community’s demand for the police service when needed.

 When planning deployment of personnel, the local chief of police and his
administrative staff must take into consideration of variable factors. Patrol
officers on the field, like you will be in the future, should be aware of these
considerations so that you will understand better the rationale behind the
assignments that you will receive
Factors that determine Patrol
1. Resident and transient populations in the business and tourist districts, and
the university belt. Some areas may double its population in daytime
because of the transients while some may be virtually empty during
working hours on weekdays.
2. Numbers and types of crimes and arrests.
3. Locations of crimes and arrests.
4. Traffic accident statistics and patterns. Location of accident prone areas
and “frequent incidents” or hazards requiring concentrated police
coverage such as sports arenas, stadiums, popular night spots, bars,
theatre, transportation terminals or other places where people usually
5. Disproportionate concentrations of population, such as widely separated
single-family residence versus the heavily concentrated dwelling in the
depressed areas
6. Socio-economic factors. People from the higher-income groups tend to
stay away from home more often than the low-income groups who have
no choice but to stay at home.
 7. Zoning plan of the city ( relative locations of business, industrial,
residential and other type of zoning). By their nature, certain types of
places call for higher volumes of police service.
8.Size of Jurisdiction and shape.
 9. Geography and Topography.
10. Location, sizes and access to park and recreational facilities.
11. Age, male-female, and married-unmarried ratios of the population.
 12. Homogeneity and/ or mixture of various ethnic-cultural populations.
 13. Modes of transportation and location of transportation terminals.
 14. Number and qualification of officers available for field duties.
 15. Amount of trust and confidence of the people to the police, which may
influence the frequency and types of calls for police service.

 A. Theories of Patrol
 1. Theory of Police Omnipresence- High police visibility discourages criminals.
Normally, criminals think twice before executing their plans if there is obvious presence
of police officers. Thus, patrol activity should be carried in a manner that attracts
maximum attention to the police officer or police vehicles. This theory applies the
principle of overt operation or high police visibility.

 2. Low Profile Theory- Low police visibility increases the opportunity to apprehend
criminals. Deceptive absence of the police officers will let criminals believe that they will
not be detected or caught if they execute crimes that they planned. The officers should
operate in a manner that it would be difficult for either criminals or the public to
determine that police are around. The principle of covert operation is integrated in this
 A smart patrol officer should use both approaches depending on the circumstances of
a situation. He can make his presence obvious in a high-crime area to deter criminals
by conducting slow motor patrol . The most important role of a patrol officer is to
serve as the police organization’s actual field with the people. Word PATROL
means Policeman Assigned To Restore Order in the Locality.

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