Name:Priyanka.N.Pol STD: Roll No:43 Project Topic:Endangered Animals

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• India has more than 130,000 animal species, and its

wildlife is one of the richest in the world. However, India
also has many endangered animal species. Endangered
species are so classified because they are either few in
numbers or threatened by changing habitats. The list of
endangered species in India is created together with
several different environmental organization, both national
and international. Some of the animal species on the list
are in more danger of becoming extinct than others, and
therefore need immediate protection and strict
conservation methods.
• The Indian rhinoceros lives primarily in northern India
and Nepal. These massive beasts have some noticeable
physical differences from their African relatives. Their
segmented hide looks like a formidable coat of natural
body armor. It functions a bit like one also: Flexible skin
between the thicker hide "plates" allows them to shift.

• Naturally armored, the Indian rhinoceros is

distinguished from other rhinos by its single horn as
the rhinoceros moves
Key Factors

Type: Mammal

Diet: Herbivore

Average life span in the wild: 40 years

Protection status: Endangered

Bengal tiger
• The scientific name of tiger is 'Panthera tigris'. The
origin of the cat family from what we know today is
•  In Asia, India and Malaysia are the two prominent
countries where tigers live. The Indian tigers, the Royal
Bengal tigers are the most graceful animals found in
Sundarban in Bengal. 
• Royal Bengal Tigers can have an incredible size ranging
in length from under 6 feet to over 9 feet, while the
length of its tail can be over 3 feet
Key Factors
• Zoological name : Panthera tigris tigris
• Major Sites : : The Royal Bengal Tiger is found in the
wild across India in protected forests, and in Nepal,
Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. 
• Estimated population : It is estimated that there are
around 3,250 - 4,700 Royal Bengal Tigers in the wild
with over 330 in captivity, including zoos and animal
Indian Elephant
• The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) is a
one of three subspecies of the Asian elephant ''Elephas
•  An average Indian elephant is anything between 2.4 m
to 3 m tall, and weighs anything between 3,600 kg to
5000 kg!
• the life expectancy of an Indian Elephant is 70 to 80
years, and they are versatile creatures that adapt to
diverse living conditions.
Key Factors
• Class : Mammalia
• Indian Elephant : Elephas maximus indicus
• Population : India’s elephant population is estimated
between 10,000 and 15,000, the largest in Asia.
• Major Sites : About half of these are found in the
northeastern states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and
Meghalaya located in far northeastern India
Cobra Snake
• The King Cobra, found in India is the largest venomous
snake in the world. In a single bite it can inject enough
venom to kill up to 20 people. The venom of King
Cobras has a paralyzing effect on the nerves and has
been used to develop painkillers used to treat arthritis
in humans
• The King Cobra is worshipped in India, particularly on
the festive occasion of Nag Panchami. 
• King Cobras grow to an average length of 3.7 m (12 ft).
The longest recorded King Cobra was 5.58 m
Key Factors
• Family: Elapidae
• Zoological name: Ophiophagus hannah
• Indian Cobra: Naja Naja
• Spitting Cobra: Naja Nigricollis
• Estimated population : Exact numbers of King Cobra
population in India are unknown. They are considered
an endangered species. 
White Tiger
• White tigers are basically a colour variant of the Bengal
tiger and are rarely found in the wild. 
• A White Tiger is the same as a Royal Bengal Tiger
except for a genetic mutation that causes the change in
the colour of their fur and eyes
• The tiger reaches up to 13 feet in size from nose to tail
with the female being slightly smaller. They weigh
approximately 500-700 pounds hite tigers have blue
eyes and brownish stripes.
Key Factors
• Zoological name: Panthera tigris tigris 
• Origin : "Mohan" the tiger found by the Maharaja Shri
Martand Singh of Rewa in the year 1951.
Snow Leopard
•  the snow leopard is remarkably different from the
common leopard. Although it has identical rosettes and
broken-spot markings, they seem less well defined and
have too much space between. now Leopard
•  The fur is long, woolly and heavy, which protects the
cat from the extreme cold of its generally high altitude
• Body Length - 1.2 to 1.5m (4-5ft). Tail - 90cm (35.5ins).
Weight: 25 - 75kg. The life-span of snow leopard is
about 20 years in captivity
Key Factors
• Class : Mammalia
• Zoological Name : Panthera uncia . 
• Major Sites : Nanda Devi National Park (Uttaranchal) ,
Hemis National Park (Jammu & Kashmir),

• Barasingha stands up to 130 cm and weigh around 170-

180 kg. It is a medium size deer.
• It is dense brown in colour. It's underparts are white in
colour. Male antlers are up to 75 cm long and can have
more than 12 points. It has high legs, short head and long
broad ears.
Key Factors


Zoological name :
Cervus duvaucelii

Found In Kaziranga, Kanha, Dudhwa and

Manas National Park

•The red panda is a reddish brown, bushy-tailed

mammal the size of a small dog. The red panda
shares its name with the giant panda
•The red panda lives in temperate forests from
Nepal to southwest China. It feeds on bamboo, is a
good climber, and spends most of its life in the
Key Factors

Average life span in the wild:8
Weight:12 to 20 lbs (5.4 to 9 kg)

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