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What is Rapid Prototyping
Rapid prototyping is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a
scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional
computer aided design (CAD) data. Construction of the part or
assembly is usually done using 3D printing or "additive layer
manufacturing" technology.
Types of Prototypes in Product Design
The Concept Model Prototype
Presentation Model Prototype
Scale Model
Functional Prototypes
Factory Sample

TheGives general
Concept Model Prototype idea about the look and the feel of the product.

Does not represent full functionality of the item but rather conveys the idea.
Serves as test to check the feasibility of product.
Base of all projects
Presentation Model Prototype
Used for presentation purposes.
Closely resembles to the actual product.
Focus is not on the functionality but on visual aesthetic and design.
Scale Model
It represents the smaller size of the product.
Mainly used to depict the large scale projects e.g. large machines, turbines etc.
Functional Prototypes
Looks and functions like the actual product.
Actual models are tested to check the validity of simulations.
Problems are encountered and solved before manufacturing.
Is rapid prototyping the same as 3D
3D Printing Rapid Prototyping
3D printing is a manufacturing process Rapid Prototyping or RP is an application used in
which takes a digital 3D model and turns additive manufacturing to create a model faster
it into a physical object. In this process, a than the normal process. Rapid prototyping is
material is fabricated using a print head, mainly completed using 3D printing or additive
nozzle or other printing technology manufacturing technology.

Price Less costly compared to Rapid Can cost twice as much of 3D Printing
Complexity of Less Complicated Parameters are complex to adjust
Material choices Limited Range of Materials Wide range of Materials
Level of Minimal room to create accurate parts. More Accurate with better Finishing
Why is rapid prototyping important?
Opportunities for Innovation
Time Saving
Cost Reduction
Easy Visualization
Low Risk
Support for Customization
Types of Rapid Prototyping
 SLA --- Stereolithography
 SLS --- Selective Laser Sintering
 LOM --- Laminated Object Manufacturing
 FDM --- Fused Deposition Modeling
 3DP --- Three Dimensional Printing
Stereolithography (SLA)
Patented in 1986, Stereolithography started the rapid prototyping revolution. The technique
builds three-dimensional models from liquid photosensitive polymers that solidify when
exposed to ultraviolet light.
Basic Components of SLA
Laser – concentrative UV beam to transom liquid into solid state.
Elevator – control the movement of platform upward and downward
Platform – a steel plate with plenty of holes as the basement for part building
Resin vat – contain raw material to form SLA model
Mirrors – control the path of movement of the laser beam at X and Y axis
Sensor – locate the coordinate and instant power of the laser beam and feedback to the
control unit for fine adjustment
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Selective laser sintering is an additive manufacturing technique that uses a laser as the power
source to sinter powdered material, aiming the laser automatically at points in space defined by
a 3D model, binding the material together to create a solid structure
Flexibility of materials used PVC, Nylon, Sand for building sand casting cores, metal and
investment casting wax.
No need to create a structure to support the part
Parts do not require any post curing except when ceramic is used.
During solidification, additional powder may be hardened at the border line.
The roughness is most visible when parts contain sloping (stepped) surfaces.
Application Range
Visual Representation models
Functional and tough prototypes
Laminated Object Manufacture (LOM)
As the name implies the process laminates thin sheets of film (paper or plastic).
The laser has only to cut/scan the periphery of each layer.
 The build material (paper with a thermo-setting resin glue on its under side) is stretched from
a supply roller across an anvil or platform to a take- up roller on the other side.
 A heated roller passes over the paper bonding it to the platform or previous layer.
 A laser, focused to penetrate through one thickness of paper cuts the profile of that layer. The
excess paper around and inside the model is etched into small squares to facilitate its removal.
 The process of gluing and cutting continuous layer by layer until the model is complete.
 To reduce the build time, double or even triple layers are cut at one time which increases the
size of the steps on curved surfaces and the post processing necessary to smooth those
 Advantages
Wide range of materials
Fast Build time
High accuracy
LOM objects are durable, multilayered structures which can be machined, sanded, polished,
coated and painted
 Application Range
Used as precise patterns for secondary tooling processes such as rubber molding, sand
casting and direct investment casting.
Medical sector for making instruments.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
(FDM) is a solid-based rapid prototyping method that extrudes material, layer-by-layer, to build
a model.
 A thread of plastic is fed into an extrusion head, where it is heated into a semi-liquid state and
extruded through a very small hole onto the previous layer of material.
 Support material is also laid down in a similar manner.
Easy fabrication o Minimal wastage
Ease of removal o Easy handling
Application Range
Engineering analysis and planning
Tooling and manufacturing
How Rapid Prototyping Technologies
Three Dimensional Printing (3DP)
3DP is the process of creating an object using a machine that puts down
material layer by layer in three dimensions until the desired object is
formed. A 3D printer extrudes melted plastic filament or other material,
building objects based on specifications that come from modeling
software or from a scan of an existing object.
How does 3D printing work?
To create something with a 3D printer, a user begins either by scanning an existing object with
a 3D scanner to obtain the needed specifications or by generating the specs in a 3D modeling
The specifications are then sent to an extrusion printer, where plastic filament or other
material is used to create the three-dimensional model one layer at a time.
 As the material is extruded from the nozzle of the printer, the software controlling the
machine moves either the platform or the nozzle itself such that the material is deposited in a
succession of layers to create the object. Often, the completed object is a single color, but
printers are now available with two nozzles for dual-color prints. Printing can take a few minutes
for a small object the size of a keychain or several hours for larger, more complicated objects.
Why 3D printing?
3D Printed technology is being used by some of the most modern manufacturers to develop
prototypes and products going through testing phase. This has increased the efficiency of
product development. These 3D printing innovations are saving; time, money and resulting in
higher profit margins.
3D printing technology is gaining in popularity, becoming more competitive, and increasingly
affordable. A lot of businesses and industries are benefiting. Those employing the new
technology include manufacturers, print advertisers, and commercial marketing firms who are
reaching out to clients with new brilliant ideas.
Why Rapid Prototyping
 Prototyping can improve the quality of requirements and specifications provided to developers.
 Reduced time and costs.
 Users are actively involved in the development.
 Quicker user feedback is available leading to better
Errors can be detected much earlier.
 Missing functionality can be identified easily
Limitations of Rapid prototyping
High precision RP machines are still expensive.
RP systems are difficult to build parts with accuracy under +/- 0.02mm and wall thickness
under 0.5mm.
The physical properties of the RP parts are normally inferior to those samples that made in
proper materials and by the traditional tooling.
 The RP parts are not comparable to (CNC) prototype parts in the surface finishing, strength,
elasticity, reflective index and other material physical properties.
Thank You……

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