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In reality this shoe will be one color if you are left brain dominant.

And a
completely different color if you are right brain dominant. Some people are
equally left and right brained in that they will see both colors...

So the question is with this shoe, is it green and grey, or pink and white...
Chime in with your answer.

Right brain abilities

Expressing emotions, Recognizing faces, Music, Reading emotions, Color,

Imagination, Intuition, Creativity

Left brain abilities

Language, Logic, Critical thinking, Numbers, Reasoning

If you said green you are left brain dominant. If you say pink, like me, you are
right brain dominant
• Critical thinking is the analysis of facts to
form a judgement. The subject is complex,
and several different definitions exist,
which generally include the rational,
skeptical, unbiased analysis, or evaluation
of factual evidence. 
is the inability to differentiate
between self and other. More
specifically, it is the inability
to untangle subjective
schemas from objective
reality and an inability to
accurately assume or
understand any perspective
other than one's own.
 Group Bias
Group bias occurs
when one considers
their own group to be
inherently better than
Wishful Thinking
the attribution of
reality to what one
wishes to be true
or the tenuous
justification of what
one wants to
 is the belief that there's no
absolute truth, only the
truths that a particular
individual or culture happen
to believe. If you believe
in relativism, then you think
different people can have
different views
about what's moral and
Assumption- something taken for
granted, something we believe to
be true without any proof or
conclusion evidence.
Unwarranted Assumption-
something taken for granted
without good reason
Stereotyping- making a hasty
The Intuitive and
Strategic Thinker
•  It’s more of an instinct or immediate reaction.
Typically no ‘thinking’ is actually involved.
• Intuitive thinking involves the subconscious mind
• All of us are intuitive thinkers. As we solve problems
and make decisions in our daily lives, we let our
emotions guide us. And that’s a good thing because
our “gut feelings” have been honed over evolutionary
history to help us quickly and effortlessly achieve
good enough outcomes.
• Emotional intuitive thinking. This has to do with your
ability to immediately pick up on other people’s
personality traits or emotional states. You can see
who they are, or how they are, without them having
to say anything.
• Mental intuitive thinking. This is about finding an
immediate answer to a problem, without analyzing it.
It’s very common in people with jobs that require
quick decisions, like firefighters or bomb technicians.
• Psychic intuitive thinking. This means having the
ability to choose the best path to overcome a
personal difficulty, without putting much mental effort
into it. It also means being able to pick up on social
and work-related dynamics.
• Spiritual intuitive thinking. This has to do with states
of “enlightenment” or “revelations”. They’re more of
an experience than a fact. Buddhists talk about this
kind of intuition more than anyone else, which has
given it a mystical quality.
Strategic thinking
Strategic thinking is a
process that defines the
manner in which people
think about, assess,
view, and create the
future for themselves
and others.
• Strategic thinking is an
extremely effective and
valuable tool. One can apply
strategic thinking to arrive at
decisions that can be related
to your work or personal life.
• Analytical or strategic may
require the need to put the
emotional element to one
side so as not to cloud the
facts with a personal,
emotional stand point

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