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Workday Concept #1: Employee Self Service

What is Employee Self Service?

Employee Self Service (ESS) is the functionality

allowing employees to initiate actions such as:
– Managing personal information
– Updating benefits
– Setting-up direct deposit

What is considered personal information?

Personal information is information related to your individual human

resources and payroll elections (i.e., federal tax & direct deposit
information, emergency contacts, benefit choices). Your supervisor will
not be able to view certain information such as direct deposit
information and benefits enrollment/pension/retirement information.

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept #1: Employee Self Service

Employee Self Service tasks are accessible through

Workday’s Home page

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept #2: Manager Self Service

Who is considered a Manager in Workday?

Anyone who has employees reporting to them will have

the Workday role of “Manager”, which grants a certain
level of access.

What can a Manager view and do in the system?

Manager Self Service provides supervisors with job, position, and

compensation information for their direct reports, including access to
numerous built-in reports to support HR-related analytics and decisions.
Managers will not be able to view particular employee data such as direct
deposit information and benefits enrollment/pension/retirement information.

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept #2: Manager Self Service

Manager Self Service tasks are accessible through

Workday’s “My Team” landing page

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept #3: Supervisory Organizations

What is a Supervisory Organization?

 Supervisory Organizations group employees into a management hierarchy and
are required.
 All faculty and staff are hired into a Supervisory Organization.
 There is only one manager role per Supervisory Organization.
 Supervisory Organizations are not used to manage finances and financial
responsibilities; these are addressed through Cost Centers and other data

How are Supervisory Organizations created?

Supervisory Organizations are established by:

1. Naming the organization
2. Designating the owner: the employee who supervises and manages the people in the
3. Assign members to the organization
For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept #3: Supervisory Organizations

Supervisory Organization Example

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept #4: Roles

What is the purpose of roles?

 Determine what you can see and what you can do in Workday.
 Provide individuals access to appropriate data within the assigned
organizational structure.
 Determine functional responsibilities and routing of actions in a
business process

Who will be assigned a role?

 All Workday users at Yale will inherit or be assigned a
System Role.
– Inherited roles are the default roles provided by
Workday, including “Employee” and “Manager”.
– Assigned roles include “HR Partner” or “Management

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept #4: Roles

Four Common Roles Include:

Workday Role Description

Employee General view of their own personal data, pay, and benefits
General view of own personal data and direct reports’
position and pay information, with the ability to kick off
Manager business processes (TBD)
*Can also view their own Employee information

Partners General view of personal data, pay, and benefits, client

(HR and FBO Business data, and often in the review or approval chain on business
Partners, ITS, HRGs, Lead processes
Administrators) *Can also view their own Employee information

Administrators General view of personal data, pay, and benefits,

(Med School, Central, & organization data, and full data processes. May be a step in
Faculty, Research, Clinical a business process
Admin) *Can also view their own Employee information

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#5: Position Management

What is a staffing model?

Staffing in Workday is driven by staffing models—each supervisory
organization is assigned a staffing model that determines how workers are
hired into that supervisory organization

What are Workday’s staffing model options?

Position Management Headcount Management Job Management

A single position must be A group is created with a No position quantity is

number of allocated positions
created for each new defined. Increased
in which to hire employees.
employee. One position is One headcount group is flexibility, decreased
approved at a time. control.
approved at a time.

Yale will employ Position Management in most departments, extending the

method to encompass faculty, post docs, staff and temporary hiring

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#5: Position Management

Position Management
 Position Management allows a manager (or their designee) to:
‒ Request that an open or budgeted position be routed for review and approval
‒ Request a new position
‒ Change a position
 Reporting in this model will allow visibility of open positions
 Funding or costing for positions will be maintained in Oracle Financials until July 2016
‒ After 2016, this feature will be activated in Workday

Hire an
in Workday

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#6: Configuration vs. Customization

Can Workday be customized?

 No, unlike Yale’s legacy systems, Workday does not allow customization
 Historically, Yale’s systems were customized to respond to the unique needs
of each school or administrative unit. This adds a layer of complexity that
must be addressed (typically through coding) whenever system changes are
required. .

What does “Workday is configurable” mean?

 Workday is designed to be configurable, offering Yale flexibility in designing the look and
feel of the system.
 This allows Yale to make modifications to the system that reflect the organization’s unique
business needs, but prevents changes from being made that will disrupt the business in the
future when software upgrades are required..
 Because Workday is configurable, system updates are deployed in a fraction of the time
and cost of traditional legacy ERP systems

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#6: Configuration vs. Customization

Benefits of Configuration vs. Customization

Did You Did You

Know… Know…

Workday releases new functionality 2x
 Is less costly to implement
annually, so all Workday users are on the
 Provides greater long-term value
same version of the system at the same time,
 Is less complex to maintain
promoting consistency and collaboration.

Clouds and Condos

While the floor plan in a condo cannot be customized,

the interior design and room layouts can be configured
Compare cloud to the tenant’s preferences.
computing to
living in a
condominium… Rather than employing customization toolkits, Workday
offers configurable frameworks that allow users to make
modifications to the software to meet the organization’s
specific and unique needs.

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#7: SaaS

What does “SaaS” mean?

 Workday employs a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution where data is

hosted centrally by a vendor.
 SaaS enables software and data to be delivered to users over the Internet
versus traditional ERP solutions that are hosted on premise.
 Often referred to as a “cloud-based application”, there is no local installation
of hardware or software required.

Will my data be secure in the cloud?

 Workday delivers world-class infrastructure, policies and procedures to ensure data is

 Security threats and risks are mitigated through strong internal controls and a
comprehensive security program.
 Workday consistently passes rigorous third-party compliance audits, including multiple
SAS70 Type II audits, and certifies to the U.S. Safe Harbor program for data privacy.

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#7: SaaS

Characteristics of SaaS

Highly Configurable
No Hardware/Software
Yale can modify the look
Hardware/software is
and feel of the
installed and maintained
application by selecting
by Workday
configurable options.

Single Version
A single version of Workday
is used for all customers.
Yale will always be on the
latest release.

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#8: Tenant

What does “tenant” mean?

 A tenant is any application that requires its own secure computing
environment. Each Workday customer has their own secure tenant that
only they can access.
 When Yale makes changes to the system through configuration, these
changes will only be reflected in Yale’s tenant and will not be visible to
other customers.

What is “multi-tenancy”?

 Multi-tenancy, a key feature of Workday, enables all customers to experience

the full spectrum of Workday functionality through one application server.
 Each Workday customer’s tenant is logically isolated with their own data and
configuration, but physically integrated on the same operating system.
 Multi-tenancy allows for cost savings by consolidating IT resources without
compromising individual tenants’ security.

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#8: Tenant

Benefits of Multi-Tenancy

Compare cloud computing to living

in a condominium…

Faster Innovation Stronger Community Lighter Footprint

SaaS architecture allows With every customer on the Workday’s centralized data
Workday to make updates same version of Workday, it centers reduce energy
remotely and at the same time creates a community where consumption and use computing
so no customer is left behind customers share knowledge, resources more efficiently,
when updates are made to resources, and learning. helping Yale stay green.
include new features.

When a building’s management Condominiums create a natural Condominium buildings use less
provides services to all tenants, community for tenants, who energy and cost less to
and as it improves services, all often share outdoor community heat/cool than a single
tenants benefit (i.e. air space or use a shared online occupancy unit as a result of
conditioning is repaired, portal to post questions about centralizing and sharing these
parking lot is paved). the apartment, buy/sell services.
furniture, pay rent, etc.
For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#9: Integrations

Why are integrations from legacy systems so complex?

Traditional ERP applications did not consider the need for data-processing and
communication with other systems. Today, achieving integrations from legacy
systems is complex, due to:
 Different systems  Required ongoing maintenance
 Disparate technologies  Escalating costs

Will integrations with Workday be less complex?

Yes. To simplify integrations, Workday offers a variety of packaged integration tools:

1. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): 3. Integration Cloud Connect: Workday’s

APIs specify how various software components ecosystem of packaged integrations and
interact. Workday offers comprehensive APIs to connectors are managed in the Workday
support all integrations to and from Workday Cloud. This vendor-supported approach
significantly shifts the cost, risk and burden
2. Integration Cloud Platform: Enables
of integrations from the customer to
integrations to be built, deployed and managed in
Workday’s Cloud
For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#9: Integrations

Workday’s Integration Cloud

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#10: Why Change Management?

What is Change Management?

 Change Management (CM) is the process by which an organization

prepares for and adapts to change.
 CM encompasses an integrated approach to communications,
engagement, and training.

Why do we need Change Management?

 Workday will impact everyone in the Yale Community and change the way we
do work. The transition to Workday will not only replace obsolete systems, but
will give Yale the opportunity to reimagine our business process environment.
 Workday’s twice yearly release schedule and the Program’s rapid pace of
change requires effective change management and a network of strong leaders
at every level to help create a culture of change.
 The Workday@Yale CM team works to engage the Yale Community and identify
the most effective means of increasing organization-wide commitment.

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].
Workday Concept#10: Why Change Management?

Workday@Yale CM Approach

Food for Thought

“ Existing models of higher education are broken; universities must embrace rapid change or have
obsolescence visited upon them; in today’s market, technology drives this and nothing can stop it.
However, our study determined that technology does not have a free hand in driving change. Change is
driven (and held back) by people.”

Observatory for Borderless Higher Education’s 2020: Horizon Report, Sept. 2013

For additional information or questions about the Workday@Yale program, please visit the program website at or email us at [email protected].

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