Trifles by Susan Glaspell: The Conflicts

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by Susan Glaspell
The Conflicts
1st Conflict
Mr & Mrs Wright

She tried to control her anger

by sewing the quilt, but it was
not enough in which led the
John killed the bird that sings in murder of her husband, John
which it irritates him so much in
front of Minnie.

John didn’t allow Minnie to socialise,

made a friend or even participate in
2nd Conflict
The Investigation

The men repeatedly behave towards the women in a

condescending way, belittling their trifles.

The women register this attitude from the outset, and

increasingly show signs of their resentment of it.

They consider a distorted system of justice but as a revenge

against a general male address towards females to which
they themselves, along with Minnie, have been subjected.
3rd Conflict
Mrs Peters

to l Such a conflict as a conflict of

e d il wills within the protagonist.
a rri e w T
as he
s "m r s h r to in wi on wil
o i th e h e n y ll e h l t
h he e ot elo to he t o as o d
w d o
e rs, to w h th (a f rder as s ha o th been the
P et , as wit ce" n o tice s c e r ta r
o m ig h u g ig h
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M e ns ct rig e i ee o s hin an in
th co tru n rav ly s ee g a d t g
bs ow g te it. s o h e
"o its nt a riva ne
e p
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