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Aqualisa Quartz: Simply a

better Shower

Submitted by APO 8

Diksha Singh (190101043)

Pranjal Singh (190103099)
Bhuvan Malhotra (190103043)
Siddhant Kankrej (190103192)
Ankur Kandelwal (190101022)
Siddharth Gupta (190103141)
U.K. Shower Market

60% of U.K. homes had shower

Plumbing style was majorly traditional.
Plumbing was gravity fed which resulted in
◦ Poor-to low water pressure(3-4 lpm)
◦ Frequent fluctuations in pressure
◦ Noticeable temperature variability

Separate boiler and cylinder to store hot water

Installation of old system was tough and typically
took 2 days
Retail DIY
DIY markets
markets Property
Property developer
developer markets
•• Small
Small vendors
vendors •• Large
large retail outlets •• No
No worry
worry about
about pressure
pressure problems
•• Large
Large High
High Class
Class Showrooms
Showrooms •• Inexpensive
Inexpensive models
models and
and easy
easy to
to •• Reliable,
Reliable, nice
nice looking
install •• Price
Price sensitive
sensitive except
except luxury
luxury dealers
•• Electric
Electric showers
showers common
common •• Sold
Sold under
under ShowerMax
ShowerMax brand
•• Popular
Popular among
among landlords
landlords and
apartment dwellers

•• Their
Their recommendations
recommendations drove
drove the
sale by
by aa major
major scale
Types of

Electric Showers: 2. Mixer Shower Valves: 3. Integral power showers:

• Heat water instantly to the • Manual and thermostatic • Compact unit comprising of
required temperature temperature adjustment thermostatic mixer valve and booster
• Boiler replace by the bulky White • Required additional booster pump pump
Box • Aquavalve 609 – 60,000 units per • 18 litres per minute
• Limitation- amount of energy that year • Bulky box
could be applied • Top selling shower • Aquastream Thermostatic – 20,000
• Sold under “Gainsborough” brand units per year
– 180,000 units per year
Pricing Categories

Value Standard Premium

• Convenience and price are • Performance and service are • Style is the major criteria for
the preference the major factor chosing
• Rely on independent • Relied on independent • Shopped in showrooms
plumber to select the plumber to • High performance and service
product recommend/select product
for them
Aqualisa’s problems
1. Competitors have started to catch up in quality which was Aqualisa’s USP.
2. Due to the competition the prices of Aqualisa’s products was being perceived as overpriced.
3. Decline in sales
4. The rate of 10% of showers getting malfunctioned.
The Quartz: Breakthrough in Shower
Installation time was just half a day with no complex work to be done
Reliable water pressure
Easy and stable temperature adjustments
One touch control which was mounted on wall
Easy to push button
Automatic temperature control (perceived as safe for children and elderly)
Despite these benefits and being awarded best product in Bathroom Expo in London
this product could not sell largely in the market and sold only 30 to 40 units per day
instead of expected 100 or 200 units per day
Plumbers were wary of innovation due to past electronic failures

Rawlinson’s dilemma
Rawlinson believes Quartz will become a mainstream product, but sales force and
managers considers it to be a niche product
Available Options
Targeting the customers: 
◦ Directly through advertisements trough hoardings and TV ads
◦ High risk, high reward strategy

Targeting Do-It-Yourselfers: 
◦ Electric showers are their leading product and if premiums can be offered for the Quartz then
this product can work in this market
◦ In addition, if Aqualisa could get its partners like B&Q to help push the product the need for
expensive consumer advertising can be totally avoided

Targeting Developers:
◦ Focus more rigorously as they can sell lot of showers and familiarize the plumbers also about
the product
◦ May not work as the developers look for inexpensive products and demand high discount rates
◦ The company does not feel like offering high discount rates for this break-through product
Available Options
Targeting trade shops:
◦ By promoting their product, its benefits and give them lucrative offers
◦ This will encourage them to sell their product to the plumbers (who are their customers) and thereby
increase sales of the Quartz

Targeting showrooms: We can get displays around the country and everyone can view its
benefits through demonstration
Targeting plumbers: 
◦ Make them aware about the product
◦ To new or other plumbers on the fitting of Quartz
Targeting customers directly without any middle man
Targeting trade shops
Targeting showrooms
Thank You

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