Project Stakeholder Management: Stakeholders

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Project Stakeholder
4 Processes Engagement
PMBOK Knowledge Areas Project Scope
Project Project
Stakeholder Schedule
Management Management

Project Project Cost

Procurement Management

Project Risk Quality
Management Management

Project Project
Communications Resource
Management Management
Where are we in the PM Process Groups & Knowledge Areas

Source: PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition, Page 25.

Project Stakeholder Management: Objective
You will learn following things after completing the chapter:

o Understand the process required to identify the people, groups or organizations

that could impact the project.
o Tools and Technique to analyze stakeholder expectation and their impact on
o Technique to develop appropriate stakeholder engagement strategies.
o Technique to manage stakeholders expectations, conflicting interest and fostering
appropriate stakeholder engagement in project decisions and activities.
Stakeholder Management in a Project
Project Manager Should:
o Identity ALL of them.
o Determine ALL of their requirements.
o Determine their expectations
o Determine their interests
o Determine their level of influence
o Plan how you will communicate with them
o Manage their expectations, influence and engagement
o Communicate with them
o Monitor communications and stakeholder engagement

Source: Rita Mulcahy, 8th Edition p # 529

Stakeholder Management in a Project
Project Stakeholder Management includes the processes required to identify the
people, groups, or organizations that could impact or be impacted by the project, to
analyze stakeholder expectations and their impact on the project, and to develop
appropriate management strategies for effectively engaging stakeholders in project
decisions and execution.

Source: Rita Mulcahy, 8th Edition p # 529

Stakeholder Management in a Project
 Stakeholder satisfaction should be identified and managed as a project objective.
 The process of identifying and engaging stakeholders for the benefit of the project
is iterative: the activities of identification, prioritization, and engagement should
be reviewed and updated routinely, and at least at the following times when:
 The project moves through different phases in its life cycle,
 Current stakeholders are no longer involved in the work of the project or new
stakeholders become members of the project’s stakeholder community, or
 There are significant changes in the organization or the wider stakeholder

Source: Rita Mulcahy, 8th Edition p # 529

Stakeholder Management: Processes
Process Name Process Group (PG)
Identify Stakeholders Initiating
Plan Stakeholder Engagement Planning
Manage Stakeholder Engagement Executing
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement Monitoring and Controlling
Identify Stakeholders

13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4

Plan Manage Monitor
Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder
Engagement Engagement Engagement
Identify Stakeholders: ITTO

Source: PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition, Page 507.

Identify Stakeholders
Main 2 jobs:
o Identify stakeholders (People, groups or organizations that could impact or be
o Analyze their level of interest, expectations, importance and influence

Time of Identify Stakeholders:

• At the beginning or as early as possible of the project
Identify Stakeholders : Inputs

1 Project Charter Contains some of the stakeholders name and responsibilities

 Sponsor, PM, Consultants, Subject matter experts
 Other groups
 Other departments

2 Business Documents 

Business Case
Benefits management Plan

3 Project Management Plan  Communications management plan

 Stakeholder engagement plan
Identify Stakeholders : Inputs

4 Project Documents 

Change Log
Issue log
 Requirements documentation

5 Agreements 

All parties in the agreement
Additional, if any mentioned in the
EEFs and OPAs
Enterprise Environmental Factors That might include
o Organizational culture, political climate, and governance framework;
o Government or industry standards (regulations, product standards, and codes of conduct);
6 o Global, regional, or local trends and practices or habits; and
o Geographic distribution of facilities and resources.

Organizational Process Assets That might include

o Stakeholder register templates and instructions,

7 o Stakeholder registers from previous projects, and

o Lessons learned repository with information about the preferences, actions, and involvement of
Identify Stakeholders : Tools and Techniques
Expert Judgment: Expertise should be considered from individuals or
1 groups with specialized knowledge or training in the following topics:
 Understanding the politics and power structures in the organization,
 Knowledge of the environment and culture of the organization and
other affected organizations including customers and the wider
 Knowledge of the industry or type of project deliverable, and
 Knowledge of individual team member contributions and expertise

2 Data Gathering 

Questionnaires and surveys
 Brainstorming
 Brain writing
Identify Stakeholders : Tools and Techniques
Stakeholder analysis: Stakeholder analysis results in a list of stakeholders
3 and relevant information such as their positions in the organization, roles
on the project, “stakes,” expectations, attitudes (their levels of support for
the project), and their interest in information about the project.
Stakeholders’ stakes can include but are not limited to a combination of:
 Interest.
 Rights (legal or moral rights)
 Ownership.
 Knowledge.
 Contribution.

Documents analysis: Assessing project documentation and lessons learned from

previous projects
Identify Stakeholders : Tools and Techniques
DATA REPRESENTATION A data representation technique that may be used in this
4 
Stakeholder Mapping/
process includes but is not limited to stakeholder
mapping/representation. Analyze them
Representation  Power/interest grid
 Power/influence grid
 Impact/ Influence grid
Identify Stakeholders : Tools and Techniques

Identify Stakeholders : Tools and Techniques

Stakeholder cube
Identify Stakeholders : Tools and Techniques

Salience model
Identify Stakeholders : Tools and Techniques
Upward (senior management of the performing organization or customer
4 organization, sponsor, and steering committee)
Downward (the team or specialists contributing knowledge or skills in a
Directions of influence temporary capacity)
Outward (outside the project team, such as suppliers, government
departments, the public, end-users, and regulators)
Sideward (the peers of the project manager)

Prioritization Prioritizing stakeholders may be necessary for projects with a large number of
stakeholders, where the membership of the stakeholder community is changing
frequently, or when the relationships between stakeholders and the project team
or within the stakeholder community are complex.
Identify Stakeholders : Tools and Techniques
5 Meetings are used to develop an understanding of
significant project stakeholders
Identify Stakeholders : Outputs
Stakeholder Register: Contains all details related to identified stakeholders including but not limited
a) Identification information:
• Name, position, location
• role in the project
• contact info
b) Assessment information
• Major requirements
• Main expectations
• Potential influence
c) Stakeholder classification
Internal/external, impact/influence/power/interest, upward/downward/outward/sideward, or any
other classification model chosen by the project manager

Source: PMBOK® Guide, 6th Edition p # 514

Identify Stakeholders : Outputs

Identify Stakeholders : Outputs

2 Change Requests
During the first iteration of identifying stakeholders, there will not
be any change requests. As stakeholder identification continues
throughout the project, new stakeholders, or new information about
stakeholders, may result in a change request to the product, project
management plan, or project documents.
Sample Exam Question
As part of stakeholder analysis you have prepared an Influence-Impact Grid
Q with a scale of one to five; five being the highest on each coordinate. Which
of the following will be the most appropriate rating of the project sponsor on
the grid?

A Influence = 1.8, Impact = 4.8

B Influence = 4.2, Impact = 2.2

C Influence = 4.8, Impact = 4.4

D Influence = 4.6, Impact = 6.2  

Answer and Explanation
Answer: C. The project sponsor is a stakeholder who would have a high ratings on both
the parameters vis-à-vis influence and impact. (A) and (B) do not fit this criteria and (D)
has a value outside the defined limit.

Plan Stakeholder
13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4
Plan Manage Monitor
Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder
Engagement Engagement Engagement
Plan Stakeholders Engagement: ITTO
Plan Stakeholder Engagement is the process of developing approaches to involve
project stakeholders based on their needs, expectations, interests, and potential
impact on the project.

The key benefit is that it provides an actionable plan to interact effectively with

[Time to Do]
This process is performed periodically throughout the project as needed.

Source: PMBOK® Guide, 6th Edition p # 516

Plan Stakeholders Engagement: ITTO

Source: PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition, Page 516.

Plan Stakeholders Engagement: ITTO
The stakeholder engagement plan is updated regularly to reflect changes to the
stakeholder community. Typical trigger situations requiring updates to the plan
include but are not limited to:
 When it is the start of a new phase of the project;
 When there are changes to the organization structure or within the industry;
 When new individuals or groups become stakeholders,
 current stakeholders are no longer part of the stakeholder community,
 or the importance of particular stakeholders to the project’s success changes;
 When outputs of other project process areas, such as change management, risk
management, or issue management, require a review of stakeholder engagement

Source: PMBOK® Guide, Sixth Edition p # 518

Plan Stakeholders Engagement: Inputs
PROJECT CHARTER The project charter contains information on the project purpose, objectives, and
success criteria that can be taken into consideration when planning how to engage
Project Management Plan   The resource management plan may contain information regarding roles and
 Resource management responsibilities of the team and other stakeholders listed in the stakeholder
plan register.
 Communications  The communications strategies for stakeholder management and their
management plan implementation plans
 Risk management plan  The risk management plan may contain risk thresholds or risk attitudes that can
assist in the selection of the optimal stakeholder engagement strategy mix.
PROJECT DOCUMENTS  Assumption log
 Change log
 Issue log
 Project schedule
 Risk register
 Stakeholder register: The stakeholder register provides the list of project
stakeholders including additional classification data and other information.

Source: PMBOK® Guide, 5th Edition p # 400

Plan Stakeholders Engagement: Inputs
Agreements When planning for the engagement of contractors and suppliers, coordination
usually involves working with the procurement/contracting group in the
organization to ensure contractors and suppliers are effectively managed.
Enterprise Environmental  Organizational culture, political climate, and governance framework;
Factor  Personnel administration policies;
 Stakeholder risk appetites;
 Established communication channels;
 Global regional or local trends, practices, or habits; and
 Geographic distribution of facilities and resources.
Organization Process Assets  Corporate policies and procedures for social media, ethics, and security;
 Corporate policies and procedures for issue, risk, change, and data management;
 Organizational communication requirements;
 Standardized guidelines for development, exchange, storage, and retrieval of information;
 Lessons learned repository with information about the preferences, actions, and
involvement of stakeholders; and
 Software tools needed to support effective stakeholder engagement.

Source: PMBOK® Guide, 5th Edition p # 400

Plan Stakeholders Engagement: TT
Expert Judgment  Corporate policies and procedures for social media, ethics, and security;
 Corporate policies and procedures for issue, risk, change, and data management;
 Organizational communication requirements;
 Standardized guidelines for development, exchange, storage, and retrieval of information;
 Lessons learned repository with information about the preferences, actions, and
involvement of stakeholders; and
 Software tools needed to support effective stakeholder engagement.
DATA GATHERING A data-gathering technique that can be used for this process includes but is not limited to
benchmarking. The results of stakeholder analysis are compared with information from other
organizations or other projects that are considered to be world class.
DATA ANALYSIS Assumption and constraint analysis
Root cause analysis
DECISION MAKING Decision-making techniques that can be used for this process include but are not limited to
prioritization/ranking. Stakeholder requirements need to be prioritized and ranked, as do the
stakeholders themselves. Stakeholders with the most interest and the highest influence are often
prioritized at the top of the list.
Plan Stakeholders Engagement: TT
Meetings Experts and project teams to define the required engagement
levels of all stakeholders
DATA Mind mapping:
REPRESENTATION Mind mapping is used to visually organize information about
stakeholders and their relationship to each other and the
Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix.
Engagement level classifications:
• Unaware
• Resistant
• Neutral
• Supportive
• Leading
Plan Stakeholders Engagement: TT

C = Current engagement
D = Desired engagement

In above figure,
 C represents the current engagement level of each stakeholder and D indicates the level that the
project team has assessed as essential to ensure project success (desired).
 The gap between current and desired for each stakeholder will direct the level of communications necessary
to effectively engage the stakeholder.
 The closing of this gap between current and desired is an essential element of monitoring stakeholder

Source: PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition, Page 522.

Plan Stakeholder Engagement: Outputs
Stakeholder Engagement Plan:
 Desired and current engagement levels
 Scope and impact of change
 Interrelationships and potential overlap
 Communication requirements
 Information to be distributed (Language, format, content and level of detail)
 Reason for the distribution and expected impact
 Time frame and frequency for the distribution
 Method for updating and refining the stakeholder management

Source: PMBOK® Guide, Sixth Edition p # 522

Manage Stakeholder
13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4
Plan Manage Monitor
Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder
Engagement Engagement Engagement
Manage Stakeholder Engagement
 Engaging stakeholders at appropriate stages to obtain or confirm their commitment
 Managing stakeholder expectations through negotiation and communication
 Addressing potential concerns that have not yet become issues and anticipating future problems
that may be raised by stakeholders
 Clarifying and resolving issues that have been identified.

The key benefit of this process is that it allows the project manager to increase support and minimize
resistance from stakeholders.

[Time to do]
This process is performed throughout the project.
Manage Stakeholder Engagement
Manage Stakeholder Engagement involves activities such as:

 Engaging stakeholders at appropriate project stages to obtain, confirm, or

maintain their continued commitment to the success of the project;
 Managing stakeholder expectations through negotiation and communication;
 Addressing any risks or potential concerns related to stakeholder management
and anticipating future issues that may be raised by stakeholders; and
 Clarifying and resolving issues that have been identified.
Manage Stakeholder Engagement : ITTO

Source: PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition, Page 523.

Manage Stakeholder Engagement : Inputs
PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN  Communications management plan.
 Risk management plan.
 Stakeholder engagement plan.
 Change management plan

PROJECT DOCUMENTS  Change log. Change requests and their status are documented in the change
log and communicated to the appropriate stakeholders.
 Issue log. Any project or stakeholder concerns are documented in the issue
log, as well as any assigned action items associated with managing the issue.
 Lessons learned register. Lessons learned earlier in the project with regard to
managing stakeholder engagement can be applied to later phases in the
project to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this process.
 Stakeholder register.


Source: PMBOK® Guide, 5th Edition p # 406

Manage Stakeholder Engagement : Change Log

Change log:
Impact A running document which logs all the changes of
Impact on Cost the project
on Risk

on time

Must be communicated to the

appropriate stakeholders
Manage Stakeholder Engagement : TT
COMMUNICATION SKILLS The methods of communication identified for each stakeholder in the
communications management plan are applied during stakeholder engagement
The project management team uses feedback to assist in understanding stakeholder
reaction to the various project management activities and key decisions.
Feedback may be collected in the following ways, but not limited to:
 Conversations; both formal and informal,
 Issue identification and discussion,
 Meetings,
 Progress reporting, and
 Surveys.
INTERPERSONAL AND  Conflict management.
TEAM SKILLS  Cultural awareness.
 Negotiation
 Observation/conversation.
 Political awareness.
Manage Stakeholder Engagement : TT
GROUND RULES Ground rules, defined in the team charter set the expected behavior for project team
members, as well as other stakeholders, with regard to stakeholder engagement.
MEETINGS Meetings are used to discuss and address any issue or concern regarding stakeholder

Types of meetings that are beneficial as part of this process include but are not limited to:
 Decision making,
 Issue resolution,
 Lessons learned and retrospectives,
 Project kick-off,
 Sprint planning, and
 Status updates.
Manage Stakeholder Engagement : Outputs
 As a result of managing stakeholder engagement, changes to the project scope or product scope may emerge.
 All change requests are processed for review and disposition through the Perform Integrated Change Control
Any change to the project management plan goes through the organization’s change control process via a change
request. Components of the project management plan that may require a change request for the project
management plan include but are not limited to:
 Communications management plan. The communications management plan is updated to reflect new or
changed stakeholder requirements.
 Stakeholder engagement plan. The stakeholder engagement plan is updated to reflect new or changed
management strategies required to effectively engage stakeholders.
 Change log. The change log may be updated based on any change requests.
 Issue log. The issue log may be updated to reflect an update to, or the development of, an issue log entry.
 Lessons learned register. The lessons learned register is updated with effective or ineffective approaches to
managing stakeholder engagement so that information can be used in the current project or future projects.
 Stakeholder register. The stakeholder register may be updated based on new information provided to
stakeholders about resolved issues, approved changes, and general project status.
Monitor Stakeholder
13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4
Plan Manage Monitor
Stakeholder Stakeholder Stakeholder
Engagement Engagement Engagement
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement : ITTO
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement is the process of monitoring project stakeholder
relationships and tailoring strategies for engaging stakeholders through modification
of engagement strategies and plans.

The key benefit of this process is that it maintains or increases the efficiency and
effectiveness of stakeholder engagement activities as the project evolves and its
environment changes.

This process is performed throughout the project

Source: PMBOK® Guide, 6th Edition p # 530

Monitor Stakeholder Engagement : ITTO

Source: PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition, Page 530.

Monitor Stakeholder Engagement : Inputs
Project Management  Resource management plan. resource management plan identifies the methods for team
Plan member management.
 Communications management plan The communications management plan describes the
plans and strategies for communication to the project’s stakeholders.
 Stakeholder engagement plan. Defines the plan for managing stakeholder needs and
Project Documents  Issue log. issue log documents all the known issues related to the project and stakeholders.
 Lessons learned register. Lessons learned earlier in the project can be applied in later
phases of the project to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of engaging stakeholders.
 Project communications. These include the project communications that have been
distributed to stakeholders as defined in the communications management plan and the
stakeholder engagement plan.
 Risk register. The risk register contains the identified risks for the project, including those
related to stakeholder engagement and interactions, their categorization, and list of
potential responses.
 Stakeholder register. The stakeholder register contains stakeholder information that
includes but is not limited to stakeholder identification, assessment, and classification.
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement : Inputs
Work Performance Data Work performance data contains data on project status such as which stakeholders are
supportive of the project, and their level and type of engagement.
ENTERPRISE  Organizational culture, political climate, and governance framework;
ENVIRONMENTAL  Personnel administration policies;
FACTORS  Stakeholder risk thresholds;
 Established communication channels;
 Global, regional, or local trends, practices, or habits; and
 Geographic distribution of facilities and resources.
ORGANIZATIONAL  Corporate policies and procedures for social media, ethics, and security;
PROCESS ASSETS  Corporate policies and procedures for issue, risk, change, and data management;
 Organizational communication requirement;
 Standardized guidelines for development, exchange, storage, and retrieval of
information; and
 Historical information from previous projects.
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement : TT
DATA ANALYSIS • Alternatives analysis
• Root cause analysis
• Stakeholder analysis
Decision making • Multicriteria decision analysis
• Voting
Data representation Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix

Communication skills • Feedback

• Presentations
Interpersonal and • Active listening
team skills • Cultural awareness
• Leadership
• Networking
• Political awareness
Meetings  Types of meetings include status meetings, standup meetings, retrospectives, and any other meetings as
agreed upon in the stakeholder engagement plan to monitor and assess stakeholder engagement levels.
 Meetings are no longer limited by face-to-face or voice-to-voice interactions. While face-to-face
interactions are ideal, they can be expensive.
 Teleconferencing and technology bridge the gap and provide numerous ways to connect and conduct a
Monitor Stakeholder Engagement : Outputs
Work Performance • Status of deliverables
Information • Implementation status for change request
• Forecasted estimates to complete
Change Requests • Recommended corrective action to bring expected future performance in line
• Recommended preventive actions to reduce probability of future negative impact
Project Management  Resource management plan
Plan Updates  Communications management plan
 Stakeholder engagement Plan
Project Documents • Stakeholder register
Updates • Issue log
• Risk register
• Lessons learned register

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