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Policy Imperatives:

1. Drawing-up a scheme for monitoring the

implementation of the BPFA by concern agencies.

The NCRFW Board of Commissioners agreed to

identify priority policies concern towards the
attainment of commitments .
2. NCRFW’s participation in the Anti-
Poverty Summit

The women sector raised the following

minimum demands:

a. Speeding up the passage of Anti-Rape


b. Consideration of women’s issues as

cross-concern in the Social Reform Agenda
c. Including the NCRFW as regular member
of the Social Reform Council

d. Implementation allocation by line

agencies of the government as well as LGUs
atleast 5% of their respective budget for
women’s programs and projects that will
give benefit to the most disadvantage group
e. Electing local representatives and
increasing the representation of women in
decision making at national and local levels
to atleast 30%.

f. Implementing the intent of the Barangay

Day Care Law and increasing allowances of
day care workers and BHWs
3. Implementation of EO 268

NCRFW shall create a new division, the

Monitoring and Evaluation Division

1. Establish and maintain a national
monitoring system to ensure the
participation of women to benefit from the
intent of pertinent laws, policies and
2. Monitor and assess national
implementation and compliance to
international conventions/treaties on

3. Gauge the progress and identify gaps in

the implementation of GAD Plans,
policies and laws
4. Women’s Budget Statement

Steps taken to institutionalize the mobilization of

resources for GAD activities:

a. the insertion in the 1995 GAA of provision

(Sec.27) directing agencies to place priority on
gender based projects and programs and set aside
amount from their appropriations or the “1995-
1996 Women’s Budget Statement
3. The publication of “The Women’s Budget:
Philippines 1995-1996 which assessed the extent
of different agencies utilization of Sec. 27 of the
1995 GAA.

4. Issuance of Presidential Directives instructing

the incorporation of GAD funding requirement
into the annual budgets of government line
agencies with focus on activities relating to
GAD training and data base management.
5. In cooperation with the DBM, the NCRFW pushed for
the allocation of resources for gender concerns.

GAD is among the priority programs of government that

agencies have to include in their work plans and program.

More importantly, the 1995 GAA (Sec. 27) requires all the
department, bureaus, offices and agencies to set aside a
minimum of 5% out of their appropriations to be used for
projects designed to address gender issues in accordance
with RA 9172.
Thank you!

Irene P. Jaballas, RSW

Social Welfare Officer II

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