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Situation: Ann and Mary talk while walking to their next class.
Ann: Oh, it feels so cold this morning.
Mary: It sure is. Early this morning my car’s windshield was covered with frost. I had to spray it with water before I
could head to school.
Ann: Who would have thought it could be this cold in early December, especially in California.
Mary: I know. The temperature was 35 degrees Fahrenheit when I woke up this morning. I was freezing as soon as I
got out of bed. The cold weather just hit me by surprise.
Ann: I cannot remember when it was this cold in early December.
Mary: Brace yourself for the rain this afternoon. Cold and wet, Yuck!
Ann: It is going to rain this afternoon?
Mary: Not only this afternoon, but also the rest of the week.
Ann: Oh, it is going to be miserable. I have a full class schedule today and tomorrow. To walk from class to class, I
will have to juggle my books and my umbrella trying not to get wet.
Mary: You carry too many books. Why don’t you leave some of them in your locker?
Ann: My locker is a long way from my English classes. This is the reason why I carry all my books with me. Is it
going to rain hard or just drizzle?
Mary: The news said that it would start to drizzle around noon, and then it would rain really hard by three o’clock.
Ann: No hope for better weather this week?
Mary: There is a slim chance of sunshine by Saturday. However, it will be foggy, windy, and rainy before the sun
comes out this weekend.
Ann: I am glad that it rains even though I do not like rainy weather. We have a very dry season so far this year.
Mary: Yes, I can hardly remember when it rained last time. Well, as long as there is no thunder or lightning,
I can bear it.
Ann: We rarely have thunder or lightning in California.
Mary: We are very lucky that California has one of the best weather conditions in America. When it is hot, it is not
humid; when it rains, there is no thunder or lightning, and the cold weather during the winter season is quite
mild compared to the weather of the other states.
Ann: Yes, we are lucky. However, sometimes when I look at the Christmas pictures, I just wish we had some
snow. It looks so pretty when everything is covered by a blanket of pure white snow.
Mary: Living in southern California all my life, I have never seen snow. I would not mind playing in the snow once
in a while.
Ann: Yes, it would be fun to make a snowman or go skiing.
Mary: We have never seen snow; we have never made a snowman, and we have never gone skiing. We better do
something about this.
Ann: May be we should plan a trip to Aspen, Colorado during winter break. I heard that the skiing season is
fantastic up there.
Mary: I don’t think we can afford a trip to Aspen. It is very expensive up there.
Ann: I am just wishing. I know what I will be doing during winter break. I will be working very hard to save
money for a new car.
Mary: With the cars that we drive, it is better that we live in a place where there is no snow.
Ann: You are right, we are better off with no snow. Ok, I have class right now; see you later in the library.
Mary: See you later.
Comprehension test

1. What will be the weather during the weekend?

Answer: The weather this weekend will be sunny.

2. What time will it start raining really hard?

Answer: It will rain very hard at three o’clock.

3. What kind of season did they have so far this year?

Answer: The have dry season so far this year.

4. Who are the characters of the story?

Answer: The characters of the story are Mary and Ann.

5. What is the title of the story?

Answer: The title of the story is Talking about the weather.
Comprehension test
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. How was the weather this morning?
a. rainy b. windy c. cold
Answer: c. cold

2. What happened to Mary’s car windshield?

a. covered with water b. covered with frost c. nothing
Answer: b. covered with frost

3. What did Mary spray to her car?

a. water b. oil c. gas

Answer: a. water

4. What was the temperature when Mary woke up?

a. 37 degree Celsius b. 35 degree Celsius c. 35 degree Fahrenheit
Answer: c. 35 degrees Fahrenheit

5. What will it be the weather this afternoon?

a. sunny b. rainy c. cold
Answer: b. rainy
Instruction: Write the correct words in the blanks.

a. trip b. thunder c. drizzle

d. frost e. degrees
1. Mary’s car windshield was covered with _________.
Answer: d. frost

2. California rarely have __________ or lightning.

Answer: b. thunder

3. Ann plan to have a __________ in Aspen, Colorado.

Answer: a. trip

4. The temperature was 35 __________ Fahrenheit.

Answer: e. degrees

5. The news said that it will __________ around noon.

Answer: c. drizzle


Situation: Mrs. Anderson is baking cakes when her daughter Debbie gets
home from school.
Debbie: Mom, I am home.
Mrs. Anderson: How was school? How did you do on the test?
Debbie: School was OK, and I did great on the test. Mom, I was so worried about that test , but now I feel great.
What a relief!
Mrs. Anderson: I am glad to hear that. You have been studying so hard the past few weeks. Now, you can relax and
enjoy life.
Debbie: What are you cooking? It smells so good.
Mrs. Anderson: I am baking cakes. This is your favorite carrot cake.
Debbie: It looks really yummy. And I see muffins over there too. You were busy, weren’t you?
Mrs. Anderson: Yes. Jeff has to take something to school tomorrow. So, those muffins are for him. Don’t touch
Debbie: Can I have a piece of carrot cake? I want to enjoy life right now.
Mrs. Anderson: You don’t want to wait until after dinner?
Debbie: It looks inviting, and I bet it is delicious. No, I don’t want to wait. Can I, mom?
Mrs. Anderson: OK, go ahead.
Debbie: Did you see the new recipe that was posted on Today Cooking’s website? I believe it was called
Scrumptious Pie.
Mrs. Anderson: No, I did not. But I want to try that recipe. Your dad loves pie.
Debbie: So do I.
Mrs. Anderson: So does Jeff. Our whole family is crazy about pie.
Debbie: When do you want to try the new recipe? I want to learn too. Should we bake a cherry pie or an apple pie?
Mrs. Anderson: Since this is the cherry season, let’s make a cherry pie. Tomorrow, I will get some cherries at the
supermarket, and we can start baking in the afternoon when you get home from school.
Debbie: I need to finish a science project, and I will not get home until 3:30. Will it be too late to start baking,
mom? If it is, you can start without me.
Mrs. Anderson: 3:30 PM is fine. I will prepare dinner early, and then I will have everything ready for our baking
session before you get home.
Debbie: Make sure that we still have enough sugar and eggs, mom. It seems like you were using a lot of sugar and
eggs baking the cakes and muffins today.
Mrs. Anderson: Don’t worry. We still have plenty of sugar and a lot of eggs, enough to make at least ten pies.
Debbie: Ten pies, huh? Ten sounds like a good number, but let’s not overdo it. Let’s make nine and a half pies
Mrs. Anderson: OK, we will make nine and a half pies tomorrow. No more, no less.
Debbie: It is a deal.
Mrs. Anderson: Enough about baking pies. I need to start working on today’s dinner. It is three o’clock already.
Your dad and Jeff will be home soon. I am sure they will be very hungry and will want dinner right away.
Debbie: What do we have for dinner tonight?
Mrs. Anderson: I will make roast beef and cream of mushroom soup.
Debbie: It has been a long time since you made cream of mushroom soup. Do you need any help, mom?
Mrs. Anderson: No, go do your homework and leave the cooking to me.
Debbie: Thanks, mom. Call me whenever dinner is ready. I do not want to be late for roast beef, cream of
mushroom soup, carrot cake and muffins.
Mrs. Anderson: The muffins are for Jeff. Do not touch them!
Debbie: I know, mom. Just kidding.
Comprehension test

1. What is Debbie’s favorite cake?

Answer: Debbie’s favorite cake is carrot cake.

2. Why did Mrs. Anderson bake muffins?

Answer: Mrs. Anderson bake muffins because Jeff has to take it to school.

3. How many cherry pie will they bake?

Answer: Thy will bake nine and a half pies.

4. Who are the characters of the story?

Answer: The characters of the story are Mrs. Anderson and Debbie.

5. What is the title of the story?

Answer: The title of the story is An Afternoon in the Kitchen.
Comprehension test
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Debbie’s dad loves __________?
a. pie b. bread c. cake
Answer: a. pie

2. What are they going to eat for dinner?

a. pizza b. roast beef c. pasta
Answer: b. roast beef

3. The muffins are for __________?

a. Jeff b. Debbie c. Mr. Anderson

Answer: a. Jeff

4. What was Mrs. Anderson doing when Debbie arrived?

a. cleaning the house b. watching tv c. baking cakes
Answer: c. baking cakes

5. What was Mrs. Anderson baking?

a. carrot cake b. bread c. potatoes
Answer: a. carrot cake
Instruction: Write the correct words in the blanks.

a. project b. yummy c. pie

d. baking e. recipe
1. Mrs. Anderson was ___________ cake.
Answer: d. baking

2. The carrot cake looks __________.

Answer: b. yummy

3. Debbie need to finish her science __________.

Answer: a. project

4. Did Mrs. Anderson see the new __________ that was posted on Today Cooking’s website?
Answer: e. recipe

5. Their whole family was crazy about __________.

Answer: c. pie

Situation: Lisa is having some problems with her exercise bike, and she is
calling Sport Center to have it repaired.
Nancy: Thank you for calling Sports Center. May I help you?
Lisa: I bought an exercise bike from your store last year, and I am having problems with it. I need to have it
Nancy: Let me connect you to the Service department. One moment please.
Karen: Service department, this is Karen. How can I help you?
Lisa: I bought an exercise bike from Sports Center last year and it needs to be repaired.
Karen: What seems to be the problem?
Lisa: I am not very sure, but I think there is a problem with the bike’s computer console because the LCD screen
does not display the different features.
Karen: Nothing was on when you pushed the Start button?
Lisa: No, nothing.
Karen: What is your bike model?
Lisa: It is a 126 Upright Ford Bike.
Karen: I can send a technician out to take a look at your bike. It will cost $75.00 for labor. Also, if we have to
replace any parts, that will be extra.
Lisa: That is expensive. Isn’t the repair cost covered by warranty?
Karen: When exactly did you purchase your bike?
Lisa: About fifteen months ago.
Karen: I am sorry. The standard warranty only covers a year. Did you buy extra warranty coverage at the time of
Lisa: No, I did not. Are there any other options besides paying $75.00 for repair labor?
Karen: No, I am afraid not.
Lisa: I guess I just have to pay for the repair. When can you send a technician?
Karen: I have next Thursday November the twenty third at 2:00PM available. Otherwise, the next date has to be
December the eighth at 10:00AM.
Lisa: I take this coming Thursday. Will you send out a reminder?
Karen: Somebody will give you a call the evening before to confirm the appointment.
Lisa: Will the technician accept credit card payment?
Karen: Yes, he will. By the way, you can buy the extra warranty coverage now if you want to.
Lisa: How much does it cost?
Karen: Fifty dollars for one-year warranty, seventy-five dollars for two-years, and a hundred dollars for three-years.
Lisa: Does it cover both labor and materials?
Karen: It covers everything. Do you want to sign up for it?
Lisa: Oh, I do not know.
Karen: It will be good for you. We will send a technician any times the bike needs services. It does not matter how
many times you call us in a year. Also, if we cannot fix the problem, we will provide you with a new exercise bike.
Lisa: OK, I want to sign up for the two-year warranty program.
Karen: I think it is a good investment. Are you going to pay by credit card now or do you want me to send you a
Lisa: Send me a bill, please.
Karen: One last thing before I let you go, I need your address please.
Lisa: 995 Silver Lake Street in Long Beach.
Karen: OK, it is all set. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Lisa: No. Thank you for your help.
Karen: You are welcome. Have a nice day!
Comprehension test

1. Why is Lisa calling Sports Center?

Answer: Lisa is calling Sports Center because she is having some problems with her
exercise bike.

2. What kind of problem does Lisa have with her exercise bike?
Answer: Lisa think that there is a problem with the bike’s computer console.

3. Why is the bike no longer covered by the warranty policy?

Answer: The bike is no longer covered by the warranty because the warranty covers
only a year.

4. Who are the characters of the story?

Answer: The characters of the story are Nancy, Lisa and Karen .

5. What is the title of the story?

Answer: The title of the story is Telephone Conversation.
Comprehension test
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Lisa is calling __________ to have her bike repaired.

a. sports center b. grocery shop c. mall
Answer: a. sports center

2. Lisa brought her bike from the store __________.

a. within this year b. last year c. yesterday
Answer: b. last year

3. The technician will arrive next __________.

a. Thursday b. tomorrow c. month

Answer: a. Thursday

4. How much does it cost if Lisa will avail for a one year warranty?
a. ten dollars b. twenty-five dollars c. fifty dollars
Answer: c. fifty dollars

5. Lisa’s address is 955 Silver Lake Street in Long __________.

a. Beach b. Street c. City
Answer: a. Beach
Instruction: Write the correct words in the blanks.

a. payment b. cost c. technician

d. model e. repair
1. Lisa’s bike __________ is 126 Upright Ford Bike.
Answer: d. model

2. The bike repaired __________ $75.00 for the labor of the technician.
Answer: b. cost

3. The Sports Center accept credit card as type of __________.

Answer: a. payment

4. Lisa will have to pay extra if the technician has to __________ any part.
Answer: e. repair

5. The Sports Center will send a __________ to repair Lisa’s bike.

Answer: c. technician


Situation: Every year, Rooster Run, a country music band holds a concert at
Silverado park. Alex and his two friends are heading toward the park to attend the
Alex: Hey Jane, John, there is a musical concert in the park. You want to go see the band play?
Jane: I am done with my homework; I can go.
John: Me too. Let’s go.
Jane: Hey, look at that sports car. Isn’t it neat?
Alex: That is exactly the kind of car that I want once I get a good job. I bet it is very fast. I want mine to be red
Jane: Keep on dreaming, Alex. That car costs a fortune.
Alex: It does not hurt to set high expectations. Maybe one day I will make a lot of money, and I might surprise you.
John: Talking about cars, why is the traffic so heavy today?
Alex: People are probably heading toward the park for the concert. The band does play pretty good music.
Jane: Yes, it does. For the last three years, I have never missed the concert. I have always arranged my schedule so
that I could attend the event once the band was in town.
John: How long did the band start playing at our park?
Jane: I think it started this tradition five years ago before you moved into our neighborhood. Every year it always
arrives the first week of June to play for the whole week.
Alex: You will enjoy this evening, John. There will be good Country music, a lot of stomping around, and definitely
a lot of hollering.
John: It sounds like fun.
Jane: My favorite is Rock and Roll music; however, I have to say that country melodies can be quite enticing. I can
listen to them all day long.
Alex: John, what kind of music do you like?
John: Oh, I like all kinds of music as long as it is not Hard Rock.
Jane: Wow, look at the number of people who have already shown up for the concert. Good thing that we are here
Alex: Jane, where do you want to sit? In the shade or in the sun?
Jane: In the shade, please. I have been in the sun too much lately.
John: There is a food stand over there. Do you two want anything?
Jane: Nothing for me, thanks. I already have my bottle of water.
Alex: I want a bag of chips and a soda. Are you sure you do not want any chips, Jane?
Jane: I am quite sure. Besides, my mother is cooking a good steak dinner, and I want to save my appetite.
Alex: Jane, you are so lucky to have such a good cook for a mother. John, you have to taste her cream cakes one of
these days. You cannot find better cream cakes anywhere in this town.
Jane: I know we will have cream cake for dessert this evening. I will save you a piece if you want, John.
John: I always love cake, so please save me a piece. Thanks, Jane.
Jane: How about you, Alex? A piece of cake for you too?
Alex: You know I will say yes to a piece of your mother’s cream cake any day.
Jane: OK, I will save two pieces of cream cake for both of you tonight. We can meet at the cafeteria at lunch time
tomorrow and I will give them to you.
John: Alex, you better get your chips and soda now if you still want them. It is almost 3:00PM, and the concert is
about to start.
Alex: For the last time, do you guys want anything?
Jane: I am sure I do not want anything, Alex. I am doing fine.
John: Me neither, Alex.
Alex: OK, save me a seat. I will be right back.
Comprehension test

1. Why are Jane, John and Alex heading toward the park?
Answer: They are heading toward the park to attend the concert.

2. What kind of car does Alex want to own?

Answer: Alex want to own a sports car.

3. How is the traffic during the event?

Answer: The traffic is so heavy.

4. Who are the characters of the story?

Answer: The characters of the story are Alex, Jane, and John.

5. What is the title of the story?

Answer: The title of the story is An Afternoon at the Park.
Comprehension test
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. How many years did the band start playing in Jane’s town?
a. five years b. one year c. ten years
Answer: a. five years

2. When does the band show up every year?

a. during Christmas b. first week of June c. every celebration
Answer: b. first week of June

3. What kind of music does the band play?

a. Country Music b. Pop Music c. Rock and Roll Music

Answer: a. Country Music

4. Is Jane’s mother a bad cook?

a. Yes she is b. Maybe c. No she isn’t
Answer: c. No she isn’t

5. What is John’s favorite music?

a. All kind of music b. Hard Rock Music c. Nothing
Answer: a. All kind of music
Instruction: Write the correct words in the blanks.

a. bag b. buy c. red

d. stomping e. love
1. When the band plays there will be a lot of __________ around.
Answer: d. stomping

2. Besides listening to the music they can also __________ food from the food stand. Answer: b. buy

3. Alex want a __________ of chips and a soda.

Answer: a. bag

4. John always __________ cake.

Answer: e. love

5. Alex wants to have a __________ sports car.

Answer: c. red

Situation: Laurie, Christie, and Sarah are making plans for the coming
Laurie: So, what are your plans for this weekend?
Christie: I don’t know. Do you want to get together or something?
Sarah: How about going to see a movie? Cinemax 26 on Carson Boulevard is showing Enchanted.
Laurie: That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should go out to eat beforehand.
Sarah: It is fine with me. Where do you want to meet?
Christie: Let’s meet at Summer Pizza House. I have not gone there for a long time.
Laurie: Good idea again. I heard they just came up with a new pizza. It should be good because Summer Pizza
House always has the best pizza in town.
Sarah: When should we meet?
Christie: Well, the movie is shown at 2:00PM, 4:00PM, 6:00PM and 8:00PM.
Laurie: Why don’t we go to the 2:00PM show? We can meet at Summer Pizza House at noon. That will give us
plenty of time to enjoy our pizza.
Sarah: My cousin Karen is in town. Can I bring her along? I hate to leave her home alone.
Christie: Karen is in town? Yes, bring her along. Laurie, you remember Karen? We met her at Sara’s high school
graduation party two years ago.
Laurie: I do not quite remember her. What does she look like?
Sarah: She has blond hair, she is kind of slender, and she is about your height.
Laurie: She wears eyeglasses, right?
Sarah: Yes, and she was playing the piano off and on during the party.
Laurie: I remember her now. Yes, do bring her along Sara. She is such a nice person, and funny too.
Sarah: She will be happy to meet both of you again.
Christie: What is she doing these days?
Sarah: She graduated last June, and she will start her teaching career next week when the new school term begins.
Laurie: What grade is she going to teach?
Sarah: She will teach kindergarten. She loves working with kids, and she always has such a good rapport with them.
Christie: Kindergarten? She must be a very patient person. I always think kindergarten is the most difficult class to
teach. Most of the kids have never been to school, and they have never been away from mommy for long.
Sarah: I think Karen will do fine. She knows how to handle young children.
Laurie: I think the first few weeks will be tough. However, once the routine is set, it should not be too difficult to
teach kindergarten.
Christie: You are right. The kids might even look forward to going to school since they have so many friends to play
Sarah: There are so many new things for them to do at school too. They do a lot of crafts in kindergarten. I am
always amazed by the things kindergarten teachers do.
Laurie: Yes, I have seen my niece come home with so many neat stuff.
Christie: Maybe we can ask Karen to show us some of the things that we can do for this Halloween.
Laurie: Maybe we can stop by the craft store after the movie. What do you think, Sara?
Sarah: I will talk to her. I think she will like that. It will help her with school projects when Halloween comes.
Christie: Michael’s is a good store for crafts. It always carries a variety of things, and you can find almost anything
Laurie: There is a Michaels store not far away from Cinemax 26. I believe it is just around the corner, on Pioneer
Avenue. We can even walk over there.
Sarah: So, we plan to meet for pizza at noon, go to the movies at two, and shop at Michael’s afterward. Right?
Laurie and Christie: Yes.
Comprehension test

1. What is their plan this weekend?

2. Where would they meet?

3.Who would join them this weekend?

4. Who are the characters of the story?

5. What is the title of the story?

Comprehension test
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. How many years did the band start playing in Jane’s town?
a. five years b. one year c. ten years
Answer: a. five years

2. When does the band show up every year?

a. during Christmas b. first week of June c. every celebration
Answer: b. first week of June

3. What kind of music does the band play?

a. Country Music b. Pop Music c. Rock and Roll Music

Answer: a. Country Music

4. Is Jane’s mother a bad cook?

a. Yes she is b. Maybe c. No she isn’t
Answer: c. No she isn’t

5. What is John’s favorite music?

a. All kind of music b. Hard Rock Music c. Nothing
Answer: a. All kind of music
Comprehension test
a) Does Christie have a plan for this weekend?
b) b) Where do Sara, Christie, and Laurie want to go for movies?
c) c) What do they want to do before going to the movies?
d) d) Why do they want to eat at Summer Pizza House?
e) e) What is Summer Pizza House known for?
f) f) What times do they show Enchanted?
g) g) Who is Karen?
h) h) When and where did they meet Karen?
i) i) Describe Karen.
j) j) What was Karen doing when Christie and Laurie met her?
k) k) What kind of work does Karen do?
l) l) Why is it difficult to teach kindergarten?
m) m) Why do kindergarten kids enjoy school?
n) n) What do kindergarten kids do at school?
o) o) What will Laurie, Christie and Sara do after watching the movie?


Situation: Mike is discussing plans for Winter break with his friend Brendan while they are
driving home from their basketball game.
Brendan: Hey Mike, throw your stuff in the back and ride up front with me.
Mike: OK, Brendan. Thank you for giving me a ride home. I did not want to call my parents because they were at
Mimi’s Café for my aunt’s birthday.
Brendan: Mimi’s Café? That place has the best burgers in town! The atmosphere is also nice. Good food and a
good setting, what more could you ask for? We should eat there after our next basketball game.
Mike: Yes, that sounds like a good plan. When is our next game by the way?
Brendan: I think it is after Winter break, which is a long way off. Do you have any plans set up for the upcoming
Mike: Well, besides going to basketball practices with you, I will most likely be working.
Brendan: Oh, working? Did you get a new job or are you still working at Starbucks?
Mike: Well, Starbucks was a good first job for me and I loved the people I worked with. However, my work schedule
was neither convenient nor easy. My manager would schedule me only during the times when it was most
busy, which is in the morning when there is a constant coffee rush. It was definitely very difficult and a conflict to
my class schedule.
Brendan: Well, what are you doing now at your new job?
Mike: Well, I am an Administrative Assistant for a company called Multi-Max. I have done a little training, but I do
not know what the full job entails. From what I have seen, it is mostly inputting data into the computer and
following up on customers’ orders.
Brendan: Oh, that sounds pretty easy. When did you start this new job?
Mike: I have been with Multi-Max since November 1st. Well what about you? Do you have any plans for break?
Brendan: Not really. I think I am just going to hang out at home and read some books. I am planning a
snowboarding trip though. You should come if you are not too busy working at your new job.
Mike: Oh, that sounds like fun! Who is going and where are you guys going to go snowboarding?
Brendan: As of right now, my roommates, Jay and Kristian, are planning to go. And, there are Josh, Alexis, and
Ann. We are planning to go to Big Bear. I hear that there are pretty good conditions for skiing and snowboarding
this season up there.
Mike: Yes, that is what I heard as well. The whole trip sounds like fun. Where are you guys staying at? Did you
rent out a cabin?
Brendan: No, we did not. My cousin actually owns a cabin up there, and he said it is OK for us to stay at his place
for the weekend when I spoke with him last Friday. The cabin is not far away from the ski slopes and the
eateries, so it should be a convenient place.
Mike: Would it be OK with your cousin if I come along as well? I am not sure whether I can go; however, since I am
talking to you, I might as well ask now just in case my schedule permits.
Brendan: I am sure that will be fine. He did not tell me there is a limit on the number of people I could bring, so
you are more than welcome to join us.
Mike: Awesome! I am so excited! Well, I will check my schedule, and I will give you an update tomorrow. Hey, that
is my house on the corner. Thanks again for the ride, Brendan!
Brendan: You are welcome Mike. Have a good night and I will talk to you later about the trip.
Comprehension test a) Why did Mike ask Brendan for a ride? b) What kind of foods does
Mimi’s Café offer? c) What will Mike and Brendan do after the next basketball game? d) What
will Mike do during Winter break? e) Where is Mike currently working? f) What is Mike’s
position at the new company? g) Why did Mike change job? h) What will Brendan do during
Winter break? i) Who will go to Big Bear? j) Where will Brendan and his friends stay in Big
Bear? k)Why is it convenient to stay at the cabin? l) Why is it OK for Mike to stay at the cabin?


Situation: Laura has not been feeling well lately. Today she goes to see her
doctor for a physical checkup.
Laura: Good morning, I have an appointment with Doctor Clark at 8:30.
Clerk: Let me pull your record. In the meantime, please sign-in and have a seat.
Nurse: Laura Nicholson.
Laura: Here.
Nurse: Follow me to Room A please.
Nurse: Here we are. What are your reasons for seeing Doctor Clark today?
Laura: Well, lately I have been feeling tired, and occasionally I have had really bad headaches and an upset
stomach. On top of that, I have had this persistent cough for the last two weeks.
Nurse: When did you start having these symptoms?
Laura: I started feeling tired about two months ago; then, a little bit after that the headaches came. I got the upset
stomach long before feeling tired.
Nurse: Are you taking any medications?
Laura: Only my vitamins.
Nurse: What vitamins are you taking?
Laura: I am taking a multi-vitamin tablet and extra Vitamin C every day.
Nurse: OK, let me take your vital signs.
Laura: How am I doing?
Nurse: Everything is good—normal blood pressure and no high temperature. Please wait here for a minute. Doctor
Clark will be with you in a moment.
Laura: Thank you.
Doctor: Good morning, Laura.
Laura: Good morning, Doctor.
Doctor: I see here that you started feeling tired two months ago, and then you started having bad headaches. You
also have had an upset stomach and a persistent cough. Did you run a fever too?
Laura: No, doctor.
Doctor: Let me do a quick physical check up.
Doctor: Please take a deep breath, hold your breath, and exhale. Do it again please.
Doctor: Were there any changes in your diet or your weight lately?
Laura: I ate the usual things, but I lost five pounds recently.
Doctor: Did you suffer from insomnia?
Laura: Well, it is pretty hard for me to fall asleep when I go to bed. I also woke up many times during the night.
Doctor: Do you drink? Do you smoke?
Laura: No.
Doctor: How are things at work?
Laura: There was a change of ownership three months ago, and I had to work a lot of overtime, even during the
Doctor: It looks like you have pneumonia. Other than that, I do not see any problems. You are probably under stress
from changes at work, and the stress causes headaches, upset stomach, and sleeplessness. For now, try to relax and
exercise. It may solve your problems. Come back to see me again if the symptoms persist, and I will do further tests. I
am going to give you a prescription for your pneumonia. Are you allergic to any medications?
Laura: Not to my knowledge.
Doctor: OK, take this medication three times a day after you eat. Also, I want you to have some blood tests. Stop by the
laboratory on your way out and have the nurse draw your blood.
Laura: I am anxious to know my cholesterol level. When will I get the results of the blood test?
Doctor: The results will be available in two weeks. Don’t stress yourself. I think everything will be OK.
Laura: Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor: You are welcome.


Situation: Laura’s mother had asked her to go grocery shopping before she went
to work this morning. Since Laura is still busy with her homework, she asks her
sister Martha to go to the market for her.
Laura: Mom had asked me to go grocery shopping before she left for work this morning, but I need to finish my school project.
Can you go for me, Martha?
Martha: I guess I can. I am done with my homework. What did mom want you to buy?
Laura: Well, she wanted me to buy enough groceries for the whole week. Besides meat, some fish and vegetables, we can buy
whatever else we want for snacks and breakfast.
Martha: What do you want for breakfast?
Laura: I guess some cereal as usual. Martha: I do not want cereal everyday. I will buy some pancakes and syrup then.
Laura: Get the new Fine Food pancakes in the frozen food section please. I want to see how it tastes.
Martha: Do we still have enough coffee and cream for mom and dad?
Laura: Yes, we do. Talking about coffee and cream, you better buy some milk also. We almost ran out of it.
Martha: Next, what do you want for snacks?
Laura: Some chips would be fine with me. You probably want your chocolate cookies.
Martha: I better write down all these things; otherwise, I will forget them by the time I get to the market. I would hate to make
two trips to take care of things.
Laura: Right! As far as meat, mom wants some pork and some chicken.
Martha: Just any kind of pork?
Laura: I forgot to ask mom about that. Anyways, you can ask the butcher for his opinion. He knows what is best.
Martha: How about fish?
Laura: Mom wants some salmon and some catfish. Make sure that they are fresh.
Martha: Just asking, Laura.
Laura: You have quite a few items to take care of. You need to get going.
Martha: Yes, the list is quite long. By the time I get to the cashier to pay, I will probably have a full shopping cart. OK, I am all
set to go. I will be back soon.
Laura: Drive carefully please!
Martha: I will.
Martha: How much salmon and catfish should I buy?
Laura: Oh, buy four pieces of salmon filet and four pieces of catfish filet. Mom does not like to get the whole fish.
Martha: Are these fish filets sold by weight or by the piece?
Laura: I am not very sure. Just buy four decent sized pieces. Not too big and not too small.
Martha: Do I need to buy some spices so mom can marinate the fish?
Laura: Yes, get some ground pepper and some garlic.
Martha: Now, how about vegetables? Mom probably wants carrots, potatoes, cabbages and some lettuce.
Laura: That would be fine. We need some fruits also. What do you want?
Martha: Dad always packs an apple for lunch everyday. I want the same thing.
Laura: We have already run out of eggs. So, get a carton of eggs also.
Martha: How about some soft drinks?
Laura: No, buy some bottled water instead. It is healthier for us. We need to cut down on our intake of sugar, as too much sugar is
not good for our bodies.
Martha: I need to put bread on the list before I forget. Should I get one loaf or two?
Laura: One loaf will be enough. Put down a bag of rice also.
Martha: Do we need anything for dessert?
Laura: Get a box of ice cream.
Martha: Ice cream? Isn’t ice cream packed with sugar?
Laura: Yes, but since I already drink water instead of soft drinks, one or perhaps two scoops of ice cream after dinner is not too bad.
Besides, mom loves ice cream, especially cherry vanilla.
Martha: OK, I will put down one box of ice cream if you say so. Do you want me to buy some pastries for you?
Laura: I know the pastries at the market are delicious; however, no is my answer. Do not tempt me, Martha.
Comprehension test




4. Who are the characters of the story?

Answer: The characters of the story are Laura and Martha.

5. What is the title of the story?

Answer: The title of the story is Going To The Market.
Comprehension test
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Martha and Laura are __________.

a. sisters b. classmate c. neighbor
Answer: a. sisters

2. Laura want to have __________ for breakfast.

a. during Christmas b. cereal c. every celebration
Answer: b. cereal

3. What kind of music does the band play?

a. Country Music b. Pop Music c. Rock and Roll Music

Answer: a. Country Music

4. Is Jane’s mother a bad cook?

a. Yes she is b. Maybe c. No she isn’t
Answer: c. No she isn’t

5. What is John’s favorite music?

a. All kind of music b. Hard Rock Music c. Nothing
Answer: a. All kind of music
Instruction: Write the correct words in the blanks.

a. bag b. buy c. red

d. stomping e. love
1. When the band plays there will be a lot of __________ around.
Answer: d. stomping

2. Besides listening to the music they can also __________ food from the food stand. Answer: b. buy

3. Alex want a __________ of chips and a soda.

Answer: a. bag

4. John always __________ cake.

Answer: e. love

5. Alex wants to have a __________ sports car.

Answer: c. red
3) Comprehension test
a) When did Laura’s mom ask her to go grocery shopping?
b) b) Why does Laura ask Martha to go to the market?
c) c) Why does Martha agree to go grocery shopping?
d) d) What does Martha want for breakfast?
e) e) What kind of pancakes does Laura want?
f) f) Do they want chips for breakfast?
g) g) Why should Martha write down all the things she needs to buy?
h) h) What should Martha buy for the main meals?
i) i) What does Laura’s mother use to marinate fish?
j) j) Why does Martha need to buy eggs?
k) k) Why shouldn’t Martha buy some soft drinks?
l) l) Why does Laura want to buy ice cream?
m) m) Why should Martha get going?

Situation: Henry is having problems with his homework. His friend Tim is
having problems with building a doll house. They are seeking each other’s
Henry: I have been trying to solve this physics problem for the last half hour, and I still have no idea how to do it.
Tim: When do you have to turn it in?
Henry: It is due at the end of this week.
Tim: Well, it is only Monday. Why don’t you get some after-school-tutoring tomorrow?
Henry: I have to sign up for it first. I guess I will go sign up for the Wednesday session tomorrow.
Tim: You should reread the chapter before you show up for the session. It will help you understand the subject
matter better.
Henry: OK, I will do that.
Tim: Now that your problem is solved, I need you to lend me a hand with my problem.
Henry: What is up?
Tim: I need to build a new doll house for Nancy. I was putting her doll house away, and somehow I accidentally
dropped it. It was broken into pieces.
Tim: Henry, what are you doing?
Henry: How clumsy of you! Does she know?
Tim: I told her about it. I could not lie to her.
Henry: How did she take it?
Tim: My sister really liked that doll house, and obviously she was not very happy. But, I told her that I would build
a better one for her. So, I need your help.
Henry: Me? Help you? I have never built anything in my life.
Tim: Me neither. But, don’t worry. Putting together pieces of wood is not going to be difficult.
Henry: It is more than just putting pieces of wood together. You need to put in windows and doors. Have you
thought about how you would do that?
Tim: Who says houses need to have windows and doors?
Henry: So, you are going to build a doll house with no windows and no doors?
Tim: Yes, I do not see anything wrong with that. Do you?
Henry: No. It makes the project easier to handle now. But, are you sure that Nancy will not mind having a doll
house with no doors and no windows?
Tim: Yes, I am sure.
Henry: Are you sure that Nancy will find this doll house with no doors and no windows prettier than the one you
Tim: No, I am not sure. Why do you have to make things so complicated?
Henry: I am not trying to complicate things. You did tell Nancy that the new doll house would be better than the
one you broke. I just want to remind you of your promise.
Tim: Ah, I wish I have not touched her doll house! What should I do then?
Henry: Get help from somebody who knows how to build a doll house. I would not be of any help to you in this
Tim: Who do you suggest I ask?
Henry: Mr. Brown used to be a carpenter. He will be glad to help you out. Why don’t you give him a call, and see
whether he has some free time.
Tim: You are right. It will take us forever to build this doll house. With Mr. Brown’s help, I can finish it in no time.
Henry: OK, now that your problem is solved, can you help me trim the trees in the back yard?
Tim: Who? Me? Trim the trees in your back yard? It will take us ages to trim those trees. Let’s see who is good at
trimming trees. Ah, you can ask Mr. Brown. He is also good at trimming trees. And, when you ask for his help,
please ask him to help me build a doll house also.
3) Comprehension test

a) What kind of problem does Henry have? b) When should Henry turn in his physics
homework? c) What is Tim’s suggestion to Henry? d) When does Henry want to be tutored in
physics? e) What should Henry do in order to understand the subject matter better? f) Why does
Tim need Henry’s help? g) Do Henry and Tim have any experiences in building doll houses? h)
What does Tim think about building doll houses? i) Why does Henry keep on asking Tim
questions about building the doll house? j) Is Henry trying to complicate things? k) Is there
anybody else that Tim can ask for help with his project? l) What can Mr. Brown do?


Situation: John and James will start their first semester at the University of
Southern California soon, and they are trying to find an apartment before
school starts.
John: Hey, James. What are you doing here?
James: I am looking for an apartment to rent. What are you doing here? Looking for an apartment also?
John: Yes. Since my parents’ house is so far away, I need to find an apartment closer to school. I thought you were
going to stay at the school dormitory.
James: I still have not decided whether to stay at the dormitory or not. I am looking at different options to find the
cheapest lodging.
John: So, what are you looking for?
James: All I need is a place big enough for my bed, my desk and my television. Of course, the place should have a
kitchen so that I can cook my meals. I will be living on a very tight budget and will have to watch every dime.
John: Me too. I cannot work full-time like I did during the summer. I will cut down on my workload in order to spend
most of the time on my studies. So, a safe and decent apartment is all I need.
James: How long have you been looking?
John: I just started this week. Since school is going to start next month, I figured I better start the process as soon as
James: It is not easy to find an apartment to your liking that does not cost a lot. I have been looking at the ads in the
newspaper for two weeks, and I still have not found anything yet.
John: Really? Is it that difficult to find an apartment?
James: No, it is just that everything I like so far is too expensive and way beyond my reach.
John: Is it because they are very close to school? I heard that the closer they are to school, the higher the rental cost.
James: Maybe that is the problem. Since I do not have a car, I need to find something close to school.
John: Have you thought about sharing an apartment? If you want, we can find a two bedroom apartment and share
it. It may be cheaper that way.
James: That could solve our problem.
John: Wait! Maybe we should talk this over before we decide.
James: Right. For this plan to succeed, we need to come up with some sort of agreement or set of rules.
John: Here is my first question: What do you do during the weekdays?
James: I have to work at Starbucks from 8:00AM to 12:00PM, and then I have school from 1:00PM to 5:00PM. After
that I plan to go home, eat dinner, and work on my school assignments. How about you?
John: Well, I have class from 8:00AM to 10:00AM, and then I go to the library to work until 2:00PM. After that, it is
school again until 4:00PM. I plan to stay on campus until 6:00PM to work on my computer projects, and then
go home to work on my other classes’ assignments.
James: It is my turn to ask the second question. Do you plan to have your friends over at the apartment very often?
John: No, not on weekdays. I want to finish my homework during the weekdays as much as possible. I think half of
my weekend will also be reserved for homework. If my friends do stop by, it will probably be during the
James: Good, I plan to do the same things during school time. I also plan to visit my parents during the weekend.
My mom is a great cook.
John: My parents’ house is too far to visit once a week. I will go home to see them and my little brother during the
holidays. I need to be happy with whatever foods I cook.
James: It seems that sharing an apartment with you may work. Do you want to try it?
John: Yes. Let’s go in and take a look at this one.
3) Comprehension test

a) What is James doing? b) Why does John need to find an apartment? c) Why is James looking
at other options besides the college dormitory? d) What kind of apartment does James want to
rent? e) Why is John going to cut down on his workload? f) Why does John need to start finding
an apartment now? g) How is the rental cost of apartments close to school? h) Why does James
need a place close to school? i) What is John’s solution to the high rental cost problem? j) What
is James’s daily schedule? k) What is John’s daily schedule? l) Do John and James plan to have
their friends over during the weekdays? m) Why is John planning to visit his family only during
the holidays?

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