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What is the pH scale?
The pH scale
how acidic
or basic a
solution is.
The pH Scale
 pH scale ranges from 0
 pH 7 is neutral; neither
acid nor base
 Pure water is pH 7
 pH level 0-6.9 = acid
 pH level 7.1-14 = base
 The closer to the ends of
the scale, the stronger the
solution is
Test Your Knowledge
• What is the range of an
ACID on the pH scale?
Answer: 0-6.9

• What is the range of a

BASE and what is
another name for a
Answer: 7.1-14, alkaline
Test Your Knowledge
• What pH level indicates
that a substance is
Answer: A pH level of 7
indicates a Neutral
• Which is more acidic,
substance A (pH level of 3)
or substance B (pH level of
Answer: Substance A
Test Your Knowledge
• Which is less basic,
substance A (pH level of 8)
or substance B (pH level of
Answer: Substance B
• Which is less basic,
substance A (pH level of 2)
or substance B (pH level of
Answer: Substance B
Characteristics Of Acids and
Acids can be A Base is
characterized by: characterized by:
1. A sour taste. 1. A bitter taste.
2. It feels
2. It turns blue
litmus paper to
3. It turns Red
Litmus to
Today’s Experiment
Identify the following if it is acid or
basic by using litmus paper.
• Vinegar
• Soft drinks
• Calamansi Juice • Saliva
• Salt( dissolved in water)• Soap Powder
• Toothpaste • Bleach (Zonrox)
• Chocolate Drink (Milo) • Coffee
Other Methods of pH Testing
• pH paper

• pH indicator

• pH meter
Handling of
Acids and
 Know what you are working with;
pay attention not only to the name
(or formula) of the chemical but
also to the concentration.
 Both acids and bases can be
corrosive to human tissue.
 Pick up dropper bottles by
the bottle, not by the
 Use only the dropper that
comes with the bottle.
 Wear safety glasses or
goggles when handling either
acids or bases.
 If you do get any in your eyes, let
the instructor know and flush it out
immediately with lots of water.
 Suppose you get some acid or base
on you, other than in your eyes.
The procedure is the essentially the
 If you spill acid or base on the lab bench top or
on the floor, treat it immediately.
 If it is an acid, first neutralize it with sufficient
sodium bicarbonate, (commonly known as
baking soda).
 When the baking soda no longer bubbles when
you work it into the spill, the acid is
neutralized and you can clean up the mess.
 If it's a base, you
can neutralize it
with some
vinegar. In any
case, clean up
the area

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