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Overwind Prevention

Slow Braking

Decking Indicators
Overwind Prevention
Mine hoist operation carries particular risk of crash-type accidents at th
e upper and lower extremities of the hoisting range. Furthermore, a nu
mber of factors combine to increase the severity of the consequences t
hat such an accident could have. An overwind incident occurs when the
conveyance overruns the design upper limit of travel and is at risk of cra
shing into the headgear. These events may be caused by the failure of t
he braking or control system and may have catastrophic consequences
with regard to the loss of human life and/or mine capital equipment an
d production
The primary design parameters for th
e overwind protection system
➤ The maximum deceleration to prevent injuries to people transported in
a conveyance was taken as 9.8 m/s2.
➤ The maximum speed of the conveyance was 18 m/s.
➤ After stopping, the conveyance had to be restrained from falling down t
he shaft.
➤ After retardation the occupants of the conveyance had to be able do di
sembark via emergency access as applicable. No permanent distortion of
the conveyance was allowed.
The primary design parameters for th
e overwind protection system
➤ The system preferably had to be a mechanical device.
External sources of energy or signals supplied via
electricity or hydraulics could be compromised by the
primary cause of failure.
➤ The system had to require minimal maintenance and
inspection due to the remote positioning of the
Overwind Protection system:
• Analysis and testing of the jack catches to ensure safety during operation.
• Analysis of the headgear structure to accommodate the horizontal force tr
ansmitted by the pivoting arms when actuating the striking pins used to o
pen the detaching device.
• Analysis of the pivot arms and striking pins to establish their dynamics and
• Analysis of the headgear structure to accommodate the forces generated
by the jack catches catching onto the rack fitted to the guide rails.
Before shaft tests of the protection systems, full-scale tests in a suitabl
e test facility are recommended to further qualify the systems. Althou
gh designed with vertical shafts in mind, in principle the protection sys
tems can be used in incline shafts as well.

The risk of underwind and overwind incidents is sufficient that additio

nal self-sufficient protection devices should be installed to decrease th
e risk of injury or loss of life of workers being transported in mine con

What is Brake?
• Brake is a safety device which inhibits motion.

• Braking is the conversion of kinetic energy into

other forms of energy,
Purpose of Braking

o Stopping the cage at various insets

o Holding the cage at rest at a desired location
o Speed control of hoists( affect retardation)
o Emergency stoppage of cage for safe hoisting
o Controlled slipping function
Hydraulic Brakes
Reasons for their popularity over air operated
• Difficulty to maintain compressed air pressure, requirement of clean and d
ry air.
• Compressibility of air leads to slow brake operation Hydraulic brakes requir
e only electric current for operation
• Instantaneous response and good control with high-pressure brakes.
• The braking effort can be quickly and easily changed to suit the operating c
Hydraulic Brakes
Braking is smooth, accurate, reliable under al braking conditions.
No deadweight is necessary with spring power brakes
o Hydraulic power pack is compact
o Easy erection
o Initial cost is less
Hydraulic Brakes
Depending on pressure of oil used, hydraulic brakes system are designed as:
low-pressure system (0.5-1.0 MPa)
medium-pressure system (10-21 MPa)
high-pressure system (24-27 MPa)
o The volume of fluid to be moved, the dead time, reaction time and size of
hydraulic components decreases with increase in oil pressure.
o High pressure system have a high speed of operation with fast response an
d high accuracy of control.
Types of Hydraulic Brakes
Shoe-type Hydraulic Brakes: These are generally
a. "Fluid pressure applied and fluid pressure released” type with weight appl
ication in case of power failure
b. “Spring pressure applied” type, sometimes reinforced by weight for emer
gency application
Coal Mining Regulations
According to Coal Mine Regulation 2011:
• There shall be provided one or more brakes on the drum or the drum-sha
• At least one of the brake shall be so designed that the brake remains at th
e ON position except when operated.
• Where the brakes are Power-operated at least one of them shall be arrang
ed to be applied automatically at all times, if the power supply fails.
• The brake on the drum shall be used only for the purpose of keeping the d
rum stationary and not for lowering the cage or any other means of conveya
• Application of blasting to rock breakage is increasing day by day due to faster rat
e of mining, tunneling, construction of highways, canals and other civil infrastruc
ture work worldwide. Furthermore, most of the raw materials from which our m
odern society is built are produced by mining using blasting. The main objectives
of rock blasting in mining are to utilize more energy into rock fragmentation and
minimize the blasting ill effects like vibrations (seismic), fly rocks (kinetic), air bla
sts (noise), dust generation (environmental hazards) etc. Therefore, mine manag
ements are always trying to using some innovative technique to obtain higher pr
oductivity with low excavation and operating cost.
• Air deck blasting is one of most commonly used for improvement of blastin
g efficiency. It is completely changes the blasting mechanism phenomena f
or transfer of explosive energy to surrounding rock mass. This paper has be
en enlightening the brief review on air deck blasting mechanism to underst
and the phenomena of rock breakage under air space. The results of latest
and advance tool of dynamic numerical modeling are also represented in t
his paper.
• Historical results in mining applications proved a reduction of 10%-50% of
explosives consumption, 75% reduction in vibration, and completely elimin
ating air blast and fly rock. Despite reducing explosive consumption, the fr
agmentation distribution remains unchanged or is actually improved in so
me operations, while reducing the undesirable fines content in others.
• The mechanism by which the explosive energy is transferred to the surrounding r
ock mass is changed in air-deck blasting. It allows the explosive energy to act repe
atedly in pulses on the surrounding rock mass rather than instantly as in the case
of concentrated charge blasting. The air-deck acts as a regulator, which first stores
energy and then releases it in separate pulses. The release of explosion products i
n the air gap causes a decrease in the initial bore hole pressure and allows oscilla
tions of shock waves in the air gap. The performance of an air-deck blast is basical
ly derived from the expansion of gaseous products and subsequent multiple inter
actions between shock waves within an air column, shock waves and stemming b
ase and shock waves and hole bottom. This phenomenon causes repeated loadin
g on the surrounding rock mass by secondary shock fronts for a prolonged period.
Several attempts have been made in the past to study the mechanism of air-d
eck blasting and to investigate its effects on blast performance but a clear und
erstanding of the underlying mechanism and the physical processes to explain
its actual effects is yet to emerge .In the absence of any theoretical basis, the
air-deck blast designs are invariably carried out by the rules of thumb. The fiel
d trials of this technique in different blast environments have demonstrated it
s effectiveness in routine production blasting, pre-splitting and controlling ove
r break and ground vibrations etc. The air-deck length appropriate to the differ
ent rock masses and applications need to be defined more explicitly. It general
ly ranges between 0.10 and 0.30 times the original charge length. Mid column
air-deck is preferred over the top and bottom air-decks.
Top air-deck is used especially in situations, which require adequate breakag
e in the stemming region. The influence of air-deck location within the hole
on blast performance also requires further studies. This paper reviews the st
atus of knowledge on the theory and practice of air-deck blasting in mines a
nd surface excavations and brings out the areas for further investigation in t
his technique of blasting.
• It can reveal from pervious study of air deck blasting that completely cha
nge observed from the explosive energy transmission to surrounding rac
k mass. Air deck technique provides the repetition loading rather than in
stantly loading of explosive generated pressure. Although, lower pressur
e formed from air deck blasting but it worked for longer duration which i
mprove the fracture process as compare to high intensity of loading with
very micro fraction of seconds. Several attempts have been made to und
erstand the mechanism of air deck blasting by previous existing tools but
there is strongly need for understanding of air decking mechanism in the
light of latest and advance tool of numerical modeling.
• Why do we use hydraulic brakes over others ?
• Write the salient features of coal mine regulation 2011 ?
• What is air decking ? Why it is used over ancient mining technique ?
• Explain the mechanism of air decking ?
• What is overwind prevention ?what are the parameter of overwind pr
otection system ?
• Explain the mechanism of hydraulic brakes system ?

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