Banking Functions: Navjeet Parvez Rakesh Majid Navjot

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Banking has been defined as
“Accepting for the purpose of lending &
investment, of deposit of money from the public,
repayable on demand order or otherwise and
withdraw able by cheque, draft or otherwise.”

Banking means transacting business
with a bank; depositing or withdrawing funds or
requesting a loan etc.
 The development of banking is evaluation in
nature. The origin of the word bank can be
traced back to the German word ‘Banck’ and
Italian word ‘Banco’ which means heap of
Banking is an old concept in India. It
was present in ancient Vedic times. There
were bankers known as ‘Sheth’, ‘Shah’,
‘Shroff’ or ‘Chettiar’ who were performing the
function of bank.
 The main functions of banks are accepting deposit and lending

A – accepting deposits

1. Fixed deposits:- These deposits mature after a considerable

long period like 1 year or more than that the rate of interest is
fixed the amount deposited cannot be withdrawn before
maturity date.

2. Current A/C deposit:- These are mainly maintain by

business community to facilitate frequent transaction with big
amounts. Generally no rate of interest or very low rate of
interest is paid on this account.
3. Savings bank A/C:- It is kind of demand
deposits which is generally kept by the
people for the sake of safety. These facility is
given for small saver and normally a small
rate of interest is paid.

4. Recurring deposit A/C:- In case of

recurring deposit the fixed amount is
deposited in a bank every month for a fixed
period of time.
 B-Lending loans

1. Call loans:- These loan are called back at any

time. Normally, this loans are taken by bill brokers
or stock brokers.

2. Short term loans:- These are sanctioned for a

period up to 1 year.

3.Medium term loans:- These are sanctioned for

the period varying between 1 and 5 years.
Long term loans:-
These loan are sanctioned for a period of more than 5 years it

1. Overdraft:- The bank grants overdraft facility to its reliable

and respectable depositors. It enables companies, firms and
businessmen to withdraw amount over and above their actual
balance in their current account.

2. Cash credit: Under this facility, the bank allows the borrower
to withdraw cash against certain security.

3. Bills of Exchange:- The bank provide funds to their customers

by purchasing or discounting bills of exchange. The bank
charges commission up to the maturity period of bills.
Apart from the main functions, the banks also
provide financial services to the corporate sector and
business and society. They are as follows:

1.Merchant Banking:- Merchant banking is an organization

which underwrites securities for companies, advises in
various activities. No person is allowed to carry out any
activity as a Merchant Banker unless holds a certificate
granted by SEBI. Thus, merchant banks are financial
institutions which provide specialized services including
acceptance of bills of exchange, corporate finance,
portfolio management and other services.
2. Leasing:- Banks have started funding the fixed
assets through leasing. It refers to the renting out
of immovable property by the bank to the
businessmen on a specified rent for a specific
period on terms which may be mutually agreed
upon. A written agreement is made in this respect.

3.Mutual funds:- The main function of mutual fund

is to mobilize the savings of the general public and
invest them in stock market and money market.
4. Venture Capital (VC):-Venture Capital is
financial capital provided to early-stage,
high-potential, high risk, growth startup
companies. The venture capital fund makes
money by owning equity in the companies it
invests in, which usually have a novel
technology or business model in high
technology industries, such as biotechnology,
IT, software, etc.
5. ATM:- An ATM is also known as cash point. The banks
nowadays provide ATM facilities. The customers can withdraw
money easily and quickly 24 hours a day.

6. Telebanking:- Telebanking is a throwback to the days when

people would call into a central number at their bank/financial
institution in order to get balance, check status and other
account-related information.
Most financial organizations offer telebanking services today;
however, the public representation is known as telephone-based
customer service or just customer service.
7. Credit cards:- Credit cards allow a person to
buy goods and services up to a certain limit
without immediate payment. The amount is
paid to the shops, hotel, etc. by the commercial

8. Locker Service:- Under this service, lockers

are provided to the public in various sizes on
payment of fixed rent. Customers can deposit
their valuables, documents, jewellery, securities,
etc. in these lockers.
9. Underwriting:- This facility is provided to
the joint stock companies and to the
government. The banks guarantee the
purchase of certain proportion of shares, if
not sold in the market.

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