Magna Carta of PWD

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An act providing for the
rehabilitation, self-development and
self-reliance of disabled persons and
their integration into the mainstream
of society and for other purposes.
(a) Disabled persons are those suffering from
restriction or different abilities, as a result of a
mental, physical or sensory impairment
(b) Impairment is any loss, diminution or
aberration of psychological, physiological, or
anatomical structure or function
(c) Disability shall mean
1) a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits one or more psychological,
physiological or anatomical function
2) a record of such an impairment
3) being regarded as having such an
(d) Handicap refers to a disadvantage for a given
individual, resulting from an impairment or a disability,
that limits or prevents the function or activity, that is
considered normal given the age and sex of the
(e) Rehabilitation is an integrated approach to physical,
social, cultural, spiritual, educational and vocational
measures that create conditions for the individual to
attain the highest possible level of functional ability; 
(f) Social Barriers refer to the characteristics of
institutions, whether legal, economic, cultural,
recreational or other, any human group, community, or
society which limit the fullest possible participation of
disabled persons in the life of the group.
• (g) Auxiliary Aids and Services include:
–qualified interpreters or other effective methods of
delivering materials to individuals with hearing
–qualified readers, taped tests, or other effective methods
of delivering materials to individuals with visual
–acquisition or modification of equipment or devices
–other similar services and actions or all types of aids and
services that facilitate the learning process of people
with mental disability
• (h) Reasonable Accommodation include:
–improvement of existing facilities used by
employees in order to render these readily
accessible to and usable by disabled persons

• (i) Sheltered Employment refers to the provision of

productive work for disabled persons through
workshops providing special facilities, income-
producing projects or homework schemes with a
view to giving them the opportunity to earn a living
thus enabling them to acquire a working capacity
required in open industry
(j) Auxiliary Social Services are the
supportive activities in the delivery of social
services to the marginalized sectors of society

(k) Marginalized Disabled Persons refer to

disabled persons who lack access to
rehabilitative services and opportunities to be
able to participate fully in socioeconomic
activities and who have no means of
livelihood and whose incomes fall below the
poverty threshold
(l) Qualified Individual with a Disability
◦ an individual with a disability who, with or without
reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential
functions of the employment position that such
individual holds or desires

consideration shall be given to the employer's judgment

as to what functions of a job are essential, and if an
employer has prepared a written description before
advertising or interviewing applicants for the job, this
description shall be considered evidence of the essential
functions of the job
(m) Readily Achievable
◦ means a goal can be easily attained and
carried out without much difficulty or
expense. In determining whether an action is
readily achievable, factors to be considered

(1) the nature and cost of the action

(2) the overall financial resources of the facility
or facilities involved in the action
◦ the number of persons employed at such
◦ the effect on expenses and resources
◦ the impact otherwise of such action upon the
operation of the facility
(3) the overall financial resources of the
covered entity with respect to the number of
its employees
◦ the number, type and location of its facilities

(4) the type of operation or operations of the

covered entity, including
◦ the composition, structure and functions of
the work force of such entity
◦ the geographic separateness, administrative
or fiscal relationship of the facility or
facilities in question to the covered entity
(n) Public Transportation
◦ transportation by air, land and sea that provides the
public with general or special service on a regular and
continuing basis

(o) Covered Entity
◦ an employer, employment agency, labor organization or
joint-labor management committee

(p) Commerce
◦ shall be taken to mean as travel, trade, traffic, commerce,
transportation, or communication among the provinces or
between any foreign country or any territory or
possession and any province
Rights and Privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 5. Equal Opportunity for
- no qualified, disabled
person shall be denied access to
opportunities for suitable
- 5% of all contractual
positions in government
engaged in social
development shall be reserved
for disabled persons
Rights and Privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 5. Equal Opportunity
for Employment
- no qualified,
disabled person shall be
denied access to
opportunities for suitable
- 5% of all
contractual positions in
government engaged in
social development
shall be reserved for disabled
Rights and Privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
•Sec. 6. Sheltered Employment
- the state shall
provide sheltered employment to
ensure good working
atmosphere and efficient

•Sec. 7. Apprenticeship
- disabled
persons shall be eligible as
learners provided that their
handicap does not
impede the performance of
such job operations for
which they are hired
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons

R.A 7277 R.A 9442

Sec.  8. Incentives for Employers
-incentives shall be
provided to private entities which
employ disabled persons such as an
additional reduction in their gross
income and net taxable income.
Sec.  9. Vocational Rehabilitation.
- the State shall take
appropriate vocational
rehabilitation measures that shall
serve to develop the skills and
potentials of disabled persons
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons

R.A 7277 R.A 9442

Sec.  10. Vocational Guidance and
Counselling. -The Department of
Social and Welfare and Development,
shall implement measures providing
and evaluating vocational guidance
and counselling to enable disabled
persons to secure, retain and advance
in employment
Sec.  11. Implementing Rules and
Regulations. -The Department of
Labor and Employment shall in
coordination with the Department of
Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD) and National Council for the
Welfare of the Disabled Persons
(NCWDP) shall promulgate the rules
and regulations
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons

R.A 7277 R.A 9442

EDUCATION (h) Educational assistance to
Sec.  12. Access to Quality persons with disability, for them to
Education. pursue primary, secondary, tertiary,
Access to quality education and post tertiary, as well as vocational
ample opportunities to develop or technical education, in both
their skills.
public and private schools, through
It shall be unlawful for any
the provision of scholarships,
learning institution to deny a
disabled person admission to grants, financial aids, subsidies and
any course it offers by reason of other incentives to qualified
handicap or disability.  persons with disability, including
Shall take into consideration the support for books, learning
special requirements of disabled material, and uniform allowance to
persons in the formulation of the extent feasible: Provided, That
educational policies and programs. persons with disability shall meet
minimum admission requirements;
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
EDUCATION (i) To the extent practicable and feasible,
Sec.  13. Assistance to the continuance of the same benefits and
Disabled Students. privileges given by the Government
Financial assistance to Service Insurance System (GSIS), Social
economically Security System (SSS), and PAG-IBIG,
marginalized but as the case may be, as are enjoyed by
deserving disabled those in actual service;
students pursuing post (j) To the extent possible, the
secondary or tertiary government may grant special discounts
education. in special programs for persons with
Scholarship grants, disability on purchase of basic
student loan programs, commodities, subject to guidelines to be
subsidies, and other issued for the purpose by the Department
incentives to qualified of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the
disabled students in both Department of Agricultural (DA); and
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
EDUCATION (k) Provision of express lanes for
Sec.  14. Special Education. persons with disability in all
Adequate and integrated system commercial and government
of special education for the establishments; in the absence
visually impaired, hearing thereof, priority shall be given to
impaired, mentally retarded them.
persons and other types of The abovementioned privileges are
exceptional children in all available only to persons with
regions of the country.   disability who are Filipino citizens
Sec.  15. Vocational or Technical upon submission of any of the
following as proof of his/her
and Other Training Programs.
entitlement thereto:
Provide training in civics,
(I) An identification card issued by
vocational efficiency, sports the city or municipal mayor or the
and physical fitness, and other barangay captain of the place where
skills. the persons with disability resides;
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons

R.A 7277 R.A 9442

EDUCATION (II) The passport of the persons
The Department of Education, with disability concerned; or
Culture and Sports shall establish (III) Transportation discount fare
in at least one government-owned Identification Card (ID) issued by
vocational and technical school in the National Council for the
every province a special vocational Welfare of Disabled Persons
and technical training program for (NCWDP).
disabled persons. The privileges may not be claimed
Sec.  16. Non-Formal Education. if the persons with disability claims
Non-formal education programs a higher discount sa may be granted
intended for the total human by the commercial establishment
development of disabled and/or under other existing laws or
persons. in combination with other discount
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
EDUCATION The establishments may claim
Sec.  17. State Universities and Colleges. the discounts granted in sub-
a.the development of material appliances and sections (a), (b), (c), (f) and (g)
technical aids for disabled persons; as tax deductions based on the
b.the development of training materials for net cost of the goods sold or
vocational rehabilitation and special education services rendered: Provided,
instructions; further, That the total amount of
c.the research on special problems, particularly
the claimed tax deduction net of
of the visually-impaired, hearing-impaired,
value-added tax if applicable,
speech-impaired, and orthopedically-impaired
shall be included in their gross
students, mentally retarded, and multi-
sales receipts for tax purposes
handicapped and others, and the elimination of
social barriers and discrimination against and shall be subject to proper
disabled persons; and documentation and to the
(a) inclusion of the Special Education for provisions of the National
Disabled (SPED) course in the Internal Revenue Code (NIRC),
curriculum.  as amended.”
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
HEALTH Incentives. – Those caring for and living
Sec.  18. National Health with a person with disability shall be
Program granted the following incentives:
— The Department of Health in
coordination with the National (a) Persons with disability shall be
Council for the Welfare of treated as dependents under the
Disabled Persons, shall institute a Section 35 (A) of the National
national health program which Internal Revenue Code, as amended
shall aim to attain the following: and as such, individual taxpayers
(a) prevention of disability, caring for them shall be accorded the
whether occurring prenatally or privileges granted by the code insofar
postnatally; as having dependents under the same
(b) recognition and early section are concerned; and
diagnosis of disability; and 
(c) early rehabilitation of the
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
HEALTH Incentives. – Those caring for and living
Sec.  19. Rehabilitation Centers. with a person with disability shall be
-The Department of Health shall granted the following incentives:
establish medical rehabilitation
centers in government provincial (a) Persons with disability shall be
hospitals, and shall include in its treated as dependents under the
annual appropriation the Section 35 (A) of the National
necessary funds for their Internal Revenue Code, as amended
operation. and as such, individual taxpayers
- The Department of Health shall caring for them shall be accorded the
formulate and implement a privileges granted by the code insofar
program that will render free as having dependents under the same
rehabilitation services for section are concerned; and
marginalized disabled persons in
government hospitals.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec.  20. Health Services. — The State shall
protect and promote the right to health of
disabled persons and shall adopt an integrated
and comprehensive approach to their health
development which shall make essential health
services available to them at affordable cost. 
-The National Government shall provide an
integrated health service for disabled persons
which shall include, but not limited to, the
(a) prevention of disability through
immunization, nutrition, environmental
protection and preservation, and genetic
counselling; and early detection of disability
and timely intervention to arrest disabling
condition; and 
(b) medical treatment and rehabilitation
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 21 Auxiliary Social

The State shall ensure that

marginalized persons are
provided with the necessary
auxiliary services that will
restore their social
functioning and participation
in community affairs
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sections 22-24
TV stations: sign-language inset/subtitles in at
least one (1) newscast program a day and
special programs covering events of national
Telephone companies: special telephone
devices or units for the hearing-impaired
(installed and commercially available) 
Postal charges waived for (personal purpose
only and disabled certified as “marginalized
disabled” by Social Welfare and Development
office of LGU/DSWD) articles and literatures
like books and periodicals, orthopedic and
other devices, and teaching aids for the use of
the disabled sent by mail within the Philippines
and abroadaids and orthopedic devices for the
disabled sent by abroad by mail for repair
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec.  25. Barrier-Free Environment.

- access in public and private buildings

and establishments and such other
places mentioned in Batas Pambansa
Bilang 344, otherwise known as the
"Accessibility Law". 

- national and local governments shall

allocate funds for the provision of
architectural facilities or structural
features for disabled persons in
government buildings and facilities.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec.  26. Mobility.

- allowed to drive motor

vehicles, subject to the rules
and regulations issued by the
Land Transportation Office
pertinent to the nature of their
disability and the appropriate
adaptations or modifications
made on such vehicles
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons

R.A 7277 R.A 9442

Sec.  27. Access to Public
Transport Facilities.
Department of Social Welfare
and Development
- shall develop programs (such as
subsidized transportation fare) to
assist marginalized disabled
persons gain access in the use of
public transport facilities
- shall allocate such funds as may
be necessary for the effective
implementation of the public
transport program for the disabled
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec.  29. System of Voting. — Disabled
persons shall be allowed to be assisted by a
person of his choice in voting in the national
or local elections.
The person thus chosen shall prepare the
ballot for the disabled voter inside the voting
Shall bind himself in a formal document
under oath to fill out the ballot strictly in
accordance with the instructions of the voter
and not to reveal the contents of the ballot
prepared by him
Violation of this provision shall constitute
an election offense.
Polling places should be made accessible
to disabled persons during national or local
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec.  30. Right to Assemble. —
Consistent with the provisions of the
Constitution, the State shall recognize the
right of disabled persons to participate in
processions, rallies, parades,
demonstrations, public meetings, and
assemblages or other forms of mass or
concerned action held in public.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec.  31. Right to Organize. — The State
recognizes the right of disabled persons
to form organizations or associations that
promote their welfare and advance or
safeguard their interests.
The National Government,
through its agencies, instrumentalities and
subdivisions, shall assist disabled persons
in establishing self-help organizations by
providing them with necessary technical
and financial assistance. 
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
PROHIBITION ON DISCRIMINATION SEC. 32. Persons with disability shall
Sec. 32: Discrimination on
be entitled to the following:
Employment (a) At least twenty percent (20%)
Acts of discrimination: discount from all establishments
relative to the utilization of all services
1.Limiting, segregating or
in hotels and similar lodging
classifying a disabled job applicant
establishments; restaurants and
2.Using qualification standards, recreation centers for the exclusive use
employment tests or other criteria or enjoyment of persons with disability;
that screen out or tend to screen (b) A minimum of twenty percent
out a disabled person, or use of (20%) discount on admission fees
methods of administration that charged by theaters, cinema houses,
discriminates and perpetuates the concert halls, circuses, carnivals and
discrimination of others other similar places of culture, leisure
3.Providing less compensation to a and amusement for the exclusive use of
qualified disabled employee enjoyment of persons with disability;
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
PROHIBITION ON (c) At least twenty percent (20%)
DISABLED PERSONS discount for the purchase of medicines
in all drugstores for the exclusive use
Sec. 32: Discrimination on or enjoyment of persons with disability;
(d) At least twenty percent (20%)
Acts of discrimination:
discount on medical and dental services
4. Favoring a non-disabled employee
including diagnostic and laboratory
over a qualified disabled employee
fees such as, but not limited to, x-rays,
5. Re-assigning or transferring a
computerized tomography scans and
disabled employee to a job or position
blood tests, in all government facilities,
he cannot perform
subject to guidelines to be issued by the
6. Dismissing or terminating the
Department of Health (DOH), in
services of a disabled
coordination with the Philippine Health
7. Excluding disabled persons from
Insurance Corporation
membership in labor unions or similar
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
(e) At least twenty percent (20%)
discount on medical and dental
services including diagnostic and
laboratory fees, and professional
fees of attending doctors in all
private hospitals and medical
facilities, in accordance with the
rules and regulations to be issued by
the DOH, in coordination with the
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
(f) At least twenty percent (20%)
discount on fare for domestic air
and sea travel for the exclusive use
or enjoyment of persons with

(g) At least twenty percent (20%)

discount in public railways,
skyways and bus fare for the
exclusive use and enjoyment of
person with disability;
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
DISCRIMINATION AGAINST SEC. 33. Incentives. – Those caring
DISABLED PERSONS for and living with a person with
disability shall be granted the
following incentives:
(a) Persons with disability shall be
treated as dependents under the
Section 35 (A) of the National
Internal Revenue Code, as amended
and as such, individual taxpayers
caring for them shall be accorded the
privileges granted by the code insofar
as having dependents under the same
section are concerned; and
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
(b) Individuals or nongovernmental
institutions establishing homes,
residential communities or
retirement villages solely to suit the
needs and requirements of persons
with disability shall be accorded the
(i)Realty tax holiday for the first
five years of operation; and
(ii) Priority in the building and/or
maintenance of provincial or
municipal roads leading to the
aforesaid home, residential
community or retirement village.”
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442

It shall be considered
discrimination for the
franchisees or operators and
personnel of transportation
facilities to charge higher fare
or to refuse to convey a
passenger, his orthopedic
devices, personal effects, and
merchandise by reason of his
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 35: Public Accommodations
and Services
an inn, hotel, motel, or other place
of lodging
a restaurant, bar, or other
establishment serving food or
a motion picture, theater, concert
hall, stadium, or other place of
exhibition or entertainment;
an auditorium, convention center,
lecture hall, or other place of
public gathering;
a bakery, grocery store, hardware
store, shopping center, or other
sales or rental establishment;
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 35: Public Accommodations and
a bank, barber-shop, beauty-shop, travel
service, funeral parlor, gas station, office
of a lawyer, pharmacy, insurance office,
professional office of a health care
provider, hospital or other establishment;
a terminal, depot, or other station used for
specified public transportation;
a museum, gallery, library or other place
of public display or collection;
a park, zoo, amusement park. Or other
place of recreation;
a nursery, elementary, secondary,
undergraduate, or post-graduate private
school, or other place of education;
a gymnasium, health spa, bowling alley,
golf course; or Other place of exercise or
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 36 :Discrimination on the Use
of Public Accommodations
a.No disabled persons shall be
discriminated on the basis of
disability in the full and equal
enjoyment of the goods, services,
facilities, privileges, advantages or
accommodations of any place of
public accommodation by any
person who owns, leases, or
operates a place of public
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 36 :Discrimination on the
Use of Public Accommodations
b. Integrated Settings — Goods,
services, facilities, privileges,
advantages, and
accommodations shall be
afforded to individual with a
disability in the most integrated
setting appropriate to the needs
of the individual
Other place of exercise or
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 36 :Discrimination on the Use
of Public Accommodations
c. Opportunity to Participate - an
individual with a disability shall
not be denied the opportunity to
participate in such programs or
activities that are not separate or
d. Association — It shall be
discriminatory to exclude or deny
equal goods, services and
opportunities to an individual who
are in association to a person with
disability) Prohibitions
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec. 36 :Discrimination on the Use of
Public Accommodations
e. The following shall be considered as
-The imposition or application of
eligibility criteria
-A failure to remove architectural
barriers, and communication barriers that
are structural in nature, in existing
facilities, where such removal is readily
-a failure to make such goods,
services, facilities, privileges, advantages,
or accommodations available through
alternative methods
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec.  37. Use of Government
Recreational or Sports Centers
Free of Charge

Recreational or sports centers

owned or operated by the
Government shall be used,
free of charge, by
marginalized disabled
persons during their social,
sports or recreational
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
SEC. 39. Public Ridicule. – For
Sec.  39. Housing Program. — The
purposes of this chapter, public
National Government shall take into
consideration in its national shelter ridicule shall be defined as an act
program the special housing of making fun or contemptuous
requirements of disabled persons. imitating or making mockery of
Sec.  40. Role of National Agencies and persons with disability whether in
Local Government Units. —National writing, or in words, or in action
agencies and local government units may due to their impairment/s.
enter into joint ventures with “SEC. 40. No individual, group
organizations or associations of disabled or community shall execute any
persons to explore livelihood of these acts of ridicule against
opportunities and other undertakings that
persons with disability in any
shall enhance the health, physical fitness
time and place which could
and the economic and social well-being
of disabled persons.  intimidate or result in loss of self-
esteem of the latter.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
“SEC 41. Vilification. – For
Sec. 41. Support From Nongovernment
purposes of this Chapter,
Organizations. — Nongovernment
organizations vilification shall be defined as:
or private volunteer organizations dedicated (a) The utterance of slanderous
to the purpose of promoting and enhancing and abusive statements against
the welfare of disabled persons shall, as a person with disability; and/or
they, are hereby encouraged, become (b) An activity in public which
partners incites hatred towards, serious
of the Government in the implementation contempt for, or severe ridicule
of vocational rehabilitation measures and of persons with disability.”
other related programs and projects.
Accordingly, their participation in the
implementation of said measures, programs
and projects is to be extended all possible
support by the Government.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Sec.  42. Tax Incentives. — (a) Any
“SEC. 42. Any
donation, bequest, subsidy or financial aid individual, group or
which may be made to government agencies community is hereby
engaged in the rehabilitation of disabled prohibited from vilifying
persons and organizations of disabled
persons shall be exempt from the donor's tax any person with disability
subject. which could result into
(b) Donations from foreign loss of self-esteem of the
countries shall be exempt from taxes and
duties on importation.  
(c) Local manufacturing or
technical aids and appliances used by
disabled persons shall be considered as a
preferred area of investment subject to the
provisions of Executive Order No. 226
otherwise known as the "Omnibus
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442

(1) repatriation of investments;

(2) remittance of earnings;
(3) remittance of payments on foreign
(4) freedom from expropriations;
(5) freedom from requisition of investment;
(6) income tax holiday;
(7) additional deduction for labor expense;
(8) tax and duty exemption on imported
capital equipment;
(9) tax credit on domestic capital
(10) exemption from contractor's tax;
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
(11) simplification of customs
(12) unrestricted use of consigned
(13) employment of foreign nationals;
(14) tax credit for taxes and duties on
raw materials;
(15) access to bonded
manufacturing/traded warehouse
(16) exemption from taxes and duties on
imported spare parts; and
(17) exemption from wharfage dues and
any export tax, duty, impost and fee.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
(11) simplification of customs
(12) unrestricted use of consigned
(13) employment of foreign nationals;
(14) tax credit for taxes and duties on
raw materials;
(15) access to bonded
manufacturing/traded warehouse
(16) exemption from taxes and duties on
imported spare parts; and
(17) exemption from wharfage dues and
any export tax, duty, impost and fee.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
“SEC. 46. Penal Clause. – (a)
Sec. 46. Penal Clause. — (a) Any
person who violates any provision
Any person who violates any
of this Act provision of this Act shall suffer
shall suffer the following penalties: the following penalties:
(1) for the first violation, a fine of (1) For the first violation, a fine
not less than Fifty thousand pesos of not less than Fifty Thousand
(P50,000.00) but not exceeding pesos (P50,000.00) but not
One hundred thousand pesos exceeding One hundred
(P100,000.00) or thousand pesos (P100,000.00) or
imprisonment of not less than six imprisonment of not less than
(6) months but not more than two six months but not more than
(2) years, two years, or both at the
or both at the discretion of the
discretion of the court; and
court; and.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
FINAL PROVISIONS (2) For any subsequent violation, a fine
(2) for any subsequent violation, a fine of not less than One hundred thousand
of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not exceeding
pesos (P100,000.00) but not exceeding Two hundred thousand pesos
Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) or imprisonment for not
(P200,000.00) or imprisonment for not less than two years but not more than
less than two (2) years but not more six years, or both at the discretion of
than six (6) years, or both at the the court.
discretion of the court. (b) Any person who abuses the
(b) Any person who abuses the privileges granted herein shall be
privileges granted herein shall be punished with imprisonment of not
punished with imprisonment of not less than six months or a fine of not
less than six (6) months or a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos
less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00), but not more than Fifty
(P5,000.00), but not more than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00), or both,
thousand pesos(P50,000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court.
at the discretion of the court.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
(c) If the violator is a (c) If the violator is a
corporation, organization or corporation, organization or
any similar entity, the any similar entity, the officials
officials thereof directly thereof directly involved shall
involved shall be liable be liable therefore.
therefor. (d) If the violator is an alien or
(d) If the violator is an alien or a foreigner, he shall be
a foreigner, he shall be deported immediately after
deported immediately service of sentence without
after service of sentence further deportation
without further deportation proceedings.
Rights and privileges of Disabled Persons
R.A 7277 R.A 9442
Upon filing of an appropriate
complaint, and after due notice
and hearing, the proper
authorities may also cause the
cancellation or revocation of the
business permit, permit to
operate, franchise and other
similar privileges granted to any
business entity that fails to abide
by the provisions of this Act.”

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