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Univariate And Bivariate Analysis

Of Data

Dr. Gurmeet Singh

Meaning of Univariate, Bivariate &
Multivariate Analysis of Data
• Univariate Analysis – In univariate analysis, one variable is
analysed at a time.

• Bivariate Analysis – In bivariate analysis two variables are

analysed together and examined for any possible association
between them.

• Multivariate Analysis – In multivariate analysis, the concern

is to analyse more than two variables at a time.

The type of statistical techniques used for analysing univariate and

bivariate data depends upon the level of measurements of the
questions pertaining to those variables. Further, the data analysis
could be of two types, namely, descriptive and inferential.
Descriptive vs Inferential Analysis
Descriptive analysis - Descriptive analysis deals with summary
measures relating to the sample data. The common ways of
summarizing data are by calculating average, range, standard
deviation, frequency and percentage distribution. The first thing to do
when data analysis is taken up is to describe the sample.
Examples of Descriptive Analysis:
• What is the average income of the sample?
• What is the average age of the sample?
• What is the standard deviation of ages in the sample?
• What is the standard deviation of incomes in the sample?
• What percentage of sample respondents are married?
• What is the median age of the sample respondents?
• Is there any association between the frequency of purchase of
product and income level of the consumers?
Descriptive vs Inferential Analysis
• Is the level of job satisfaction related with the age of the
• Which TV channel is viewed by the majority of viewers in the
age group 20–30 years?
• Types of Descriptive Analysis – The table below presents
the type of descriptive analysis that is applicable under each
form of measurement.
Descriptive vs Inferential Analysis
Inferential Analysis – Under inferential statistics, inferences are drawn
on population parameters based on sample results. The researcher tries to
generalize the results to the population based on sample results.
Examples of Inferential Analysis:
• Is the average age of the population significantly different from 35?
• Is the average income of population significantly greater than 25,000
per month?
• Is the job satisfaction of unskilled workers significantly related with
their pay packet?
• Do the users and non-users of a brand vary significantly with respect to
• Is the growth in the sales of the company statistically significant?
Descriptive Analysis of Univariate Data

One should look at the missing data, if any, before

starting the analysis. The analysis is to be carried
out as stated below:
• Frequency distribution & percentage distribution
(for Nominal scale)
• Analysis of multiple responses (for Nominal scale)
• Analysis of ordinal scaled questions
• Grouping of large data sets
Descriptive Analysis of Univariate Data

Measures of Central Tendency

• Arithmetic mean (appropriate for Interval

and Ratio scale data)
• Median (appropriate for Ordinal, Interval and
Ratio scale data)
• Mode (appropriate for Ordinal, Interval and
Ratio scale data)
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data

Preparation of cross-tables
Interpretation of cross-tables – For interpretation
of cross-tables, it is required to identify dependent
and independent variable.
Percentages should be computed in the direction of
independent variable.
There is no hard and fast rule as to where the
dependent or independent variables are to be taken.
They can be taken either in rows or in columns.
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data
Elaboration of cross-tables:
• Once the relationship between the two variables has been established, the
researcher may introduce a third variable into the analysis to elaborate and
refine the initial observed relationship between two variables.
• The main question being asked is whether the interpretation of the
relationship is modified with the introduction of the third variable.
• There would be four possibilities on introducing the third variable.
(i) It may refine the association that was observed originally between
two variables.
(ii) By introducing the third variable, it may be found that there was no
association between initial variables or the original association was
(iii) Introducing a third variable may indicate association between original
two variables although no association was observed originally.
(iv) Introduction of the third variable may not show any change in the
initial association between two variables.
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data
Refining an initial relationship:
The data reported below represents the relationship between
consumption of ice cream and income level.

The above table indicates that 55 per cent of high income respondents
fall into high consumption category as compared to 30 per cent of low
income respondents. Before concluding that high income respondents
consume more ice cream as compared to low income families, a third
variable, namely, gender, is introduced into the analysis. The results
are reported in the following table:
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data

In case of females, 60 per cent with high income fall in the high
consumption category as compared to 20 per cent of those with low
income. In case of males, 38 per cent with high income fall in the
high consumption category as compared to 30 per cent with low
income. Therefore, it is seen that percentages are closer in case of
males. Therefore, the relationship between ice cream consumption
and income has been refined by introduction of a third variable,
namely, gender.
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data
Initial relationship was spurious:
The data below reports the relationship between ownership of flats
in high-rise buildings and education level.

The above table indicates that 35 per cent of respondents with high
education own a flat in a high-rise building as opposed to 22 per
cent with low education.

Now when a third variable ‘income’ categorized as low and high

income is introduced, the resulting table is as follows:
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data

In the above table it is found that irrespective of the education

level, the ownership of flat in high-rise buildings depends upon the
income level.
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data
Reveal suppressed association:
The relationship between desire to visit temple and age group is
presented in the table below:

The above table shows that desire to visit temple is independent

of age. Now, when gender is added as the third variable, the
results obtained are summarized in the following table.
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data

It is seen from the above table that 65 per cent of males above 35
have a high desire to go to temple whereas 70 per cent of females
below 35 have a high desire to go to temple. Therefore, the
introduction of the third variable has revealed the suppressed
relationship between desire to visit temple and age.
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data
No change in initial relationship:
The relationship between household size and the size of toothpaste
bought by households is given in the table below:

The above table indicates that 60 per cent of the large households
buy large-sized toothpaste whereas 60 per cent of small households
buy small-size toothpaste. Now if income categorized as low
income and high income is introduced as third variable, the
resulting table is as follows:
Descriptive Analysis of Bivariate Data

It is found that even with the introduction of the third variable, i.e.,
income, the initial relationship remains unchanged.

Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient

In case of ordinal scale data, the measure of association between
two variables is obtained through Spearman’s rank order
correlation coefficient.
Thank you

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