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Case Based Discussion

Oleh: Fita Diyan Erika

Pembimbing: dr. Nur Ana C, Sp. PD, KEMD, FINASIM
Patient’s Identity
• Name : Mrs. A
• Age : 61 year old
• Gender : female
• Religion : Moslem
• Address : Banjardowo, Semarang
• Occupation : Housewife
• Room : Endocrine Clinic
• Medical Record : 0138xxxx
History Taking
Main Complain
Persistent cough

History of Present Illness

A 61years old woman came to the Internal Medicine clinic off
Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital because of her a cough
complaint, felt 2 months ago, and has not recovered. Cough
that is felt with phlegm, cloudy, continuous, and disturbs
sleep. There is no factor that mitigates complaints.
History of Illness

Family’s history of disease

History of previous illness • Hypertension history (-)

• DM history (+) father
• Same symptom/illness (+) • Asthma and allergy history (-)
• Hypertension history (+)
• DM history (+)
• Asthma history (-) Sosio-Economic History
• Allergy history (-)
• Cardiac Disease (-) • Economic Impression : enough
• Drug allergy (-) • Covered by BPJS NON PBI
General Physical Examination

Date: 8 September 2020

Awareness : compos mentis
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Vital sign
BP : 172/86 mmHg Weight : 63 kg
Pulse : 87x/minute High : 155 cm
Temperature : 37 oC BMI : 25,8
Respiration Rate:16x/minute
General Status
• Skin : itching (-), jaundice (-), pale (-).
• Head : headache (-)
• Eyes : blurred vision (-), Conjunctival anemic (-/-), Conjunctival Icterus (-/-)
• Ears : hearing loss (-), discharge (-)
• Nose : nosebleed (-), discharge (-)
• Mouth : cyanosis (-), thrush (-)
• Throat : pain swallow (-), hoarseness (-), difficult in swallowing (-)
• Neck : trachea deviation (-), lymph hypertrophy (-), JVP (normal)
• Chest : cough (+), sputum (-). Blood (-)
• Cardiac : chest pain (-), palpitations (-)
• Digestive : abdominal pain (-), nausea vomiting (-), cicatrix (-)
• Musculoskeletal : weak (-), rigid (-), back pain (-)
• Extremity : edema (-), pain (-)

Inspection – Static RR : 20x/min RR : 20x/min

Thoracal breathing Thoracal breathing
Hyperpigmentation (-) Hyperpigmentation (-)
Spider nevi (-) Spider nevi (-)
Atrophy M. Pectoralis (-) Atrophy M. Pectoralis (-)
Hemithorax D=S Hemithorax D=S
ICS Normal ICS Normal
Diameter AP < LL Diameter AP < LL

Inspection – Up and down of hemithorax D=S Up and down of hemithorax D=S

Dynamic Muscle retraction of breathing (-) Muscle retraction of breathing (-)
Retraction ICS (-) Retraction ICS (-)

Palpation Tenderness (-), Mass (-) Tenderness (-), Mass (-)

tactile fremitus (N) tactile fremitus (N)

Percussion Sonor (+) Sonor (+)

Auscultation Vesicular (+), Wheezing (-), Ronchi (-) Vesicular (+), wheezing (-), Ronchi (-)
Interpretation = Normal

INSPECTION Ictus cordis isn’t seen.

PALPATION Palpable (-), pulsus parasternal (-), sternal lift (-), pulsus epigastrium(-)

PERCUSSION • Upper borderline of heart : ICS II left sternal line

• Waist of heart : ICS III left parasternal line
• Lower right borderline of heart : SIC V linea sternalis dextra
• Lower left borderline of heart : SIC V, 2cm lateral from linea mid calvicula
AUSCULTATION - Aortal valve : S1 & S2 standard, additional sound (-)
- Pulmonary valve : S1 & S2 standard, additional sound (-)
- Tricuspid valve : S1 & S2 standard, additional sound (-)
- Mitral valve : S1 & S2 standard, additional sound (-)
OME Inspection Symmetrical, cicatrix (-), Striae (-), Vein’s enlargement (-),
Caput medusa (-), Spider nevi (-)
N the right inguinal area is a bump, edema (-), reddish skin

Auscultation Peristaltic (+), Abdominal aorta’s bruits (-), Splenic Artery,

Femoral Artery (-)
Percussion Tympanic, Shifting dullness (-) Undulation test (-), Liver
dullness (-), Liver span (-), Traube’s space (tympanic)

Palpation Mass (-), Pain (-), Hepatomegaly (-), Liver, Kidney & Spleen
are normal, Splenomegaly (-)
Murphy’s sign (-)

Interpretation = Normal

Edema -/- -/-
Cold -/- -/ -
Warm -/- -/-
Pain -/- -/-

Numbness -/- -/-

Pathological Reflex -/- -/-

Physiological Reflex +/+ +/+

Interpretation = Normal
  Test Result Normal Baseline
TCM TB (07/08/20) MTB Detected Low Not detected
HBA1C (30/07/20) 7,2 % (H) <5,4
RBG (8/9/2020) 331 mg/dL (H) 74-106 mg/dL

Interpretation = MTB detected, Hyperglycemia

Thorax X-Ray

30 Juli 2020

Bronchovascular features increase, visible consolidation

in the field below the right lung, diaphragm and right
costophrenic sinus is gloomy, left area is good.

• Cor : normal shape and position
• Pulmo: pneumonia, right pleural
Abnormality Data

History Taking Physical Examination

• Hypertension
Persistent cough, pleghm and
• BMI: Pre- obesity

Laboratory Examination
Problem List
● MTB Detected Low
● HBA1C : 7,2 % (H) Type II DM, Hypertension,
● RBG: 331 mg/dL (H) Tuberculosis
DM type II
Complication :
Acute complication : hiperosmolar,
hiperglicemic stagenon ketotic , hipoglicemic
Microangiopathy : Retinopathy, Nephropathy
Macroangiopathy : Coronary heart
disease, cardiovascular disease,
peripheral Arterial Disease

IP Dx :
Fasting plasma glucose, BTA test.

IP Tx :
-Non Pharmacological Treatment :
Balanced nutrition therapy
Low sugar diet

-Pharmacological Treatment :
Humalog 3x10 Unit
Levofloxacin tab 500 mg 1x1
• ASSESMENT Tuberculosis
Etiology : IP Mx
oBactery: • HR
Mycobacterium TB • RR
IP Dx :
• Temperature
• Pemeriksaan gram & kultur bakteri 
• Pemeriksaan BTA  spesifik • Leukocyte Count
• Swab PCR • Ronchi/crackles
•Tell the patients the cause of the
Non Pharmacological Treatment :
disease, its transmission and its
● Healthy nutrition complications
Pharmacological Treatment : •Taking the medication regularly
● OAT 1st category.
O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from
your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and
guidance and mercy for the believers. (QS. Yunus: 57)
Thank You
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