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TIMBER is the general name for wood materials.

There are 3 main types of timber:




This type of timber is produced from broad

leaf trees that lose their leaves in winter –
a deciduous tree.

Uses - Oak is a hardwood and is used to

make expensive furniture/flooring and
strong framed structures.

The term hardwood does not mean that the timber is hard.
For example balsa is used for modelling, it is a hard wood
but it is one of the softest timbers to work with.

Model aircraft made

from balsa

Mahogany – reddish in colour, always looks good when varnished or waxed.

Beech – creamy pinkish colour, its close

grain makes it very suitable for kitchen
utensils, as water does not have too great
an effect on it.

Task – Can you think of other

uses of wood products in the
This type of timber is produced from trees that do
not lose their leaves (coniferous).

Leaves are easily

Softwood trees grow much quicker than the identified as being
hardwood ones, they are therefore cheaper to buy thin and narrow.

and far more available. Softwood is used for

construction of houses and furniture, and outdoor
uses such as fencing. Example: Cedar, Fir,
Cypress, Red wood, Spruce, Pine, Yews
The term softwood does not mean that the timber is
soft , as pitch pine is one of the most difficult
timbers to work with, yet is a member of this group

Some photograph courtesy of photolibrary wales

Uses of soft woods building


Some images courtesy of IKEA

garden fencing/shed
Manufactured board
These are manmade boards, which are made by gluing wood
layers or wood fibers together.

Examples of manufactured boards are:

Plywood is a widely used manufactured timber.

Can you think of advantages and disadvantages of using

What does MDF stand for ? Any thoughts

regarding its use ?

Manufactured board is mainly used for kitchen and

bedroom furniture and shelving.
carve it…
you can ……

layer it …

Bend it …..

slot it together it ….. turn it …..

Jules Tattersall
Do you recognise any of these buildings/structures?
Construction Materials
• The type of material you use on a project
will depend on the type, size and nature of
your project.
• As far as small woodworking projects go
here are some common materials for their
Selecting Wood
• There are two main types
of wood we use for wood
projects; hardwood and
softwood. The actual
hardness or softness of the
wood has more to do with
the type of tree it comes
from than the actual
strength of the wood.
• Hardwood come from
deciduous trees. These are
trees that lose their leaves
in the winter. They come
in a wider variety of
colours and textures than
softwoods. These woods
are typically the choice of
woodworkers for
furniture, cabinetery and
flooring projects.
• These woods come
from coniferous or
evergreen trees. These
woods are primarily
used for construction
purposes (homes,
sheds, barns etc.).
These types of wood
are abundant in North
Softwoods cont’d
• Softwoods use for general
construction are usually
Spruce (s) , Pine (p) or Fir
(f) trees. Construction
lumber is labelled as SPF
and can be any of these
three types of lumber.
Softwoods are also used in
the manufacture of
fiberboard and paper.

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