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What is Ecology

Dr. Mochamad Hadi, M.Si

Laboratory of Ecology and Biosystematic

Introduction to the Science of Ecology

 Definition of ecology
 Total relations of the animal to both its organic and
inorganic environment (Ernst Haeckel, 1869)
 Ecology : overlaps interaction of genetics, evolution,
physiology and behavior.
 Charles Elton (1972) : natural history

 Eugene Odum (1963) : structure and function of nature

 Andrewartha (1961) : distribution and abudance of

Ecology : the scientific study of the interactions that
determine the distribution and abundance of organisms
 Basic problems and Approaches to Ecology
 We can approach the study of ecology from three points
of view :
 Descriptive : interaction the animals and plants of these
ecosystems. The foundation of all of ecological science.
 Functional : studies of populations and communities as they
exist and can be measured now. Studies proximate cause –
the dynamic responses of populations and communities to
immediate factors of the environment.
 Evolutionary : studies ultimate cause – the historical reasons
why natural selection has favored the particular adaptations.
 The basic problem of ecology is to determine the
causes of the distribution and abundance of
 Every organism lives in a matrix of space and
time (spatial and temporal)
 The problems of distribution and abundance can
be analyzed at the level of the population of a
single species or at the level of the community,
which contains many species.
 Levels of integration
 Landscapes : ecosphere or biosphere
 Ecosystems : the biotic community and its abiotic
environment (is the basic unit of ecology)
 Communities : diversity or species richness
 Species
 Populations : density (number/square meter)
 Individual organisms
 Organ systems
 Organs
 Tissues
 Cells
 Subcellular organelles
 Molecules
 Methods of approach to ecology
 Ecology has been approached on :
 The theoretical
 The laboratory
 The field
Evolution and Ecology
 What is evolution ?
 Evolution is change
 Biological evolution as change in any attribute of
a population over time (from generation to
 Natural selection
 Adaptation
 Coevolution
 Study of
 Interaction organism vs environment factors
 Interaction organism vs the other organism
 Interaction plant and other plants
 Interaction animal and other animals

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