Venn Diagram

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These types of art

have subjects that Art forms that
prefer to objects or do not make reference
events occurring in the to the real world,
real world. whether it is a person,
Expresses place, thing, or an
Also known as figurative event.
the thoughts
and Stripped down only to
Examples: emotions of visual elements to
Mona Lisa (1503) translate a particular
the artists. emotion and concept.
By: Leonardo da Vinci
Boy Leading a Horse
(1905) Best example of a non-
By: Pablo Picasso representational art is
Palay Maiden (1920) an abstract art.
By: Fernando Amorsolo

The visual focus or the The meaning that

image that may be is expressed and
extracted from communicated by the
examining the artwork; Used by the artist or the artwork;
“the what” “the why”
artists to
There are six main contribute to Three various levels of
kinds of subject: the purpose meaning:
1. Still Life 1. Factual meaning
2. Landscape of an
2. Conventional
3. Nature artwork. meaning
4. Portraiture 3. Subjective meaning
5. Abstract
6. Day of the Dead
Discussion points
1. What are the hurdles of accessing art in terms of its
subject and content?
The hurdles in accessing art in terms of its subject and
content is that, art is very unpredictable. Art cannot be
explained as easy as what others think. It has a deep
meaning in every art or it portrays a lot of meanings.
Even the subject of the painting portrays an
undetermined or very unusual meaning as well as the
content on why it is considered as art. we have different
perspective in viewing one's opinion and it depends
upon the viewer on how they will interpret it.
2. Where do artists source their subjects?
Artists source their subject based on their
imaginations, ideas and experiences. Art is
product of our mind, and also our emotions.

3. Why do you think that in the Philippines, people

are not engaged in art activities?
Filipinos are engaged in art activities, in fact,
one way of preserving our culture is through art.
Filipinos love to dance, sing, and perform.
Philippines are engaged to different kinds of art,
it could be traditional art, modern art, and other
varieties of forms.
4. How important is perception in engaging in art?
Perception in art stands for a complex
relation between virtual stimuli and a personal
understanding of it. It is important because
perception is conditioned by a context from
which observation and evaluation is made.

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