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HCM Extract

Sakshi Mittal
September 09, 2020
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 Extract Types
HCM Extract Components
HCM Extract Design Flow
 Extract Definitions, Extract Block & Extract Link
 Extract Record, Extract Data elements & Fast Formulas
 Extract Delivery option
 Extract BIP Report & Template
 Extract validate, submit & Scheduling
 Change Only Parameters
 Case Study

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Overview: HCM Extract

HCM Extract is an integration and reporting tool which is used to generate large volume of formatted data out of
Fusion HCM system.

Features include:
1. Ability to extract historical data
2. Supports Changes only mode and Roll back of changes only
3. Limited Support for Fast Formulas
4. Inbound Extracts
5. Integrated with BI to generate data in variety formats
6. Output in variety of formats (for example, pdf, csv, xml, Excel)
7. Supports file encryption
8. Capable of delivering data onto ftp, email, content server

Choose Data > Gather data > archive > Format > Deliver

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HCM Extract Types : Explained
Extract Type Purpose
Full profile Used for complete employee and payroll data archives. You can also use this extract type for all
custom or seeded extracts
Payroll Interface Used for providing data to third party payroll service providers . You can also use this extract type
for all custom or seeded extracts
Benefits Carrier Use this type for providing data to third party benefits service providers. You can also use this
extract type for custom or seeded extracts
Archive Retrieval Use this type for reports based on permanently archived data. For example, payslip. This extract
type is intended for seeded extracts only
HR Archive Use this type for all HR archives, and you can also use for custom or seeded extracts.
Other Payroll Archive Use this type for all Payroll archives, and you can also use for custom or seeded extracts.

Inbound Interface Inbound Interface is a special type of HCM Extract that is used to insert data into Fusion system.

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HCM extract Components

The different components of HCM Extracts are

1. Extract Definition
2. Data Groups
3. Extract Records
4. Attributes

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Design Flow Diagram of HCM Extract

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HCM Extract- Setup

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Getting Started with HCM extract
Navigator  My Client Groups  Data Exchange

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Create New HCM extract

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Manage HCM extract Definitions - Parameters
HCM Extracts can have Parameters. Some parameters are pre-selected based on the Extract Type you selected.

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Create Extract Data group/Blocks
Data group represents logical group or business area such as Person , Assignment ,Employee .
We define one data group as root data group and this data group is starting point of data extract .
Data group is associated with User Entity which provides link to database item to retrieve .

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User Entities
User Entities (UE’s) are logical units associated with the block, which contains SQL query for fetching
data as needed and placed into Data Groups for example such as Persons, Assignment,
Organizations etc.
User Entity Name and Code Description
Person (PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE) Retrieves all persons across the enterprise and all person related attributes.
Retrieves all workers and their payrolls across the enterprise, all person, worker, payroll
related attributes, and element entry data.
Extract Assignment Basic History
Retrieves assignment history as on the assignment effective start date.
Extract Assignment Basic Information
Retrieves assignment data as on the effective date.
Assignments Range
Retrieves assignment history as on the effective date.
Extract Current and Future Persons Retrieves current and future person details. Specify advanced filter criteria to restrict
Extract Current and Future Assignments
(PER_EXT_SEC_ASSIGNMENT_NOW_FUTURE_UE Retrieves current and future assignments.

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Create Extract Records
Extract Records represent a grouping of related data or a physical collection of all fields required in the extract.

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Create Extract Records

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Create Extract Attributes / Data Elements
An attribute is the lowest level of a HCM extract which represents a piece of information. It is an individual field inside
extract record .

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Create Extract Attributes / Data Elements

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Create Extract Attributes / Data Elements

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HCM Extract – Connect Data Groups
Data group connections capture the association details between current data group to root data group

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Data filter Criteria
The Group filter criteria can be used to filter the data as needed. The Parameters of the extract are also available to be
used here.

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Create Traversal Record to Navigate Block to Block
A Traversal record is used to move from one UE to another.

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HCM Extract Delivery Options
Delivery Options are the output type setting.

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Extract Definition validation
Extracts must be validated to execute them.

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Submit HCM Extract
Select Submit extract to execute an extract. Enter a unique extract instance name, the mandatory parameters and enter
the date you want the process to run as on in effective date

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Schedule HCM Extract
Choose ‘As Soon as possible’ if you want to immediately run the process, or select ‘Use a schedule’ if it is a recurring
process, and Select the Frequency, Start date and time and End date and time. Click on Next and Submit.

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Extract Status
Navigator> Payroll> Checklist

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Extract Status

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Extract Output XML

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Incremental Extract - How to set-up Changes Only data extract
Navigate to the Extract Definition select "Changes Only" parameter and select Display as “Yes”

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Changes Only Mode

Mode Lookup Value Description

N All attributes Includes all data in the extract. A full extract is run which produces the full data output at that point of
time. The archived data is utilized as a baseline.

Y Changed attributes Compares this extract run with the previous extract runs and by comparing against the baseline (to
identify the incremental data), displays the data that has changed only.

ATTRIBUTE Changed and marked attributes Includes elements that have changed or marked as mandatory or Always display

ATTRIB_OLD Changed and marked attributes with Displays elements that have changed or marked as mandatory or always display plus their previous value
previous values Note: You must run the Payroll Interface with the Attrib_Old mode whenever you use the US ADP
PayForce Third-Party Periodic Extract.

BLOCK Changed and marked attributes under Displays the following data under threading data group:
threading group Changed data
Data marked as mandatory or always display
Parent data group values

BLOCK_OLD Changed, marked attributes, previous Displays the following data under threading data group:
data under threading group Changed data
Data marked as mandatory or always display
Parent data group values
Previous values

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HCM Extract - BI Report

Navigate to Report & Analytics >Catalog > Shared Folders > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Data Models
Copy the “globalReportsDataModel “ and paste in Custom folder

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HCM Extract - BI Report
Click on Edit and Create Report

Select - Use Report Editor and click on Finish and save the report.

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HCM Extract - BI Report
Upload the rtf template

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HCM Extract – BI Report

E-text template:

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HCM Extract – BI Report – Delivery Options

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HCM Extract – Fast Formula

You can use fast formula at the following levels:

1. Extract Criteria level to determine certain conditions used at the data group filter level.
2. Extract Rule level to derive/calculate attribute values.
3. Extract Advanced Condition level to specify complex conditions and is used in the Record/data element advanced
condition list.
4. Extract Record level to automatically generate formulas when you use the Generate Formula option.

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HCM Extract – Fast Formula

Extract Criteria Extract Rule

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Thank you

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