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Disciplinary Powers of

Bar Council of India

Introduction to BCI
Bar Council of India There shall be a Bar
Council for the territories to which this Act
extends to be known as the Bar Council of India
which shall consist of the following members,
namely:— (a) the Attorney-General of India,
ex officio;
(b) the Solicitor-General of India, ex officio;
(c) one member elected by each State Bar
Council from amongst its members.
Membership and Term of Office

Eligibility to be a member of BCI : No person shall be

eligible for being elected as a member of the Bar Council of
India unless he possesses the qualifications specified in the
proviso to sub-section (2) of section 3.
Term of office of a member of BCI : The term of office of
a member of the Bar Council of India elected by the State
Bar Council shall—
(i) in the case of a member of a State Bar Council who
holds office ex-officio, be two years from the date of his
election contd…….
or till he ceases to be a member of the State Bar
Council, whichever is earlier; and
(ii) in any other case, be for the period for which
he holds office as a member of the State Bar
Provided that every such member shall continue
to hold office as a member of the Bar Council of
India until his successor is elected.
Functions of Bar Council of India
The functions of the Bar Council of India shall
to lay down standards of professional
conduct and etiquette for advocates
to lay down the procedure to be followed by
its disciplinary committee and the disciplinary
committee of each State Bar Council
to safeguard the rights, privileges and
interests of advocates
to promote and support law reform
to deal with and dispose of any matter arising under
this Act, which may be referred to it by a State Bar Council
to exercise general supervision and control over State
Bar Councils
to promote legal education and to lay down standards
of such education in consultation with the Universities in
India imparting such education and the State Bar Councils
to recognise Universities whose degree in law shall be a
qualification for enrolment as an advocate and for that purpose to visit
and inspect Universities or cause the State Bar Councils to visit and
inspect Universities in accordance with such directions as it may give in
this behalf
to conduct seminars and organize talks on legal topics by eminent
jurists and publish journals and papers of legal interest
to organise legal aid to the poor in the prescribed manner
to recognise on a reciprocal basis foreign qualifications in law
obtained outside India for the purpose of admission as an advocate
under this Act

to manage and invest the funds of the Bar
to provide for the election of its members
to perform all other functions conferred
on it by or under this Act
to do all other things necessary for
discharging the aforesaid functions.
Disciplinary powers of Bar
Council of India

As per section 36 of Advocates Act, 1961-

Where on receipt of a complaint or otherwise
the Bar Council of India has reason to believe
that any advocate whose name is not entered on
any State roll has been guilty of professional or
other misconduct, it shall refer the case for
disposal to its disciplinary committee.
The disciplinary committee of the Bar Council
of India may, either of its own motion or on a
report by a State Bar Council or on an
application made to it by any person interested
withdraw for inquiry before itself any
proceedings for disciplinary action against any
advocate pending before the disciplinary
committee of any State Bar Council and dispose
of the same.
The disciplinary committee of the Bar Council
of India, in disposing of any case under this
section, shall observe, so far as may be, the
procedure laid down in section 35, the references
to the Advocate-General in that section being
construed as references to the Attorney-General
of India.
In disposing of any proceedings under this section
the disciplinary committee of the Bar Council of
India may make any order which the disciplinary
committee of a State Bar Council can make under
sub-section (3) of section 35, and where any
proceedings have been withdrawn for inquiry
before the disciplinary committee of the Bar
Council of India, the State Bar Council concerned
shall give effect to any such order.
Appeal to the Bar Council of
As per section 37 of Advocates Act, 1961-
Any person aggrieved by an order of the disciplinary
committee of a State Bar Council made under section 35
or the Advocate General of the state may, within sixty
days of the date of the communication of the order to him,
prefer an appeal to the Bar Council of India.
Every such appeal shall be heard by the disciplinary
committee of the Bar Council of India which may pass
such order including an order varying the punishment
awarded by the disciplinary committee of the State Bar
Council thereon as it deems fit.
Reasonable Opportunity of being
Heard (Necessity)
Provided that no order of the disciplinary
committee of the State Bar Council shall be
varied by the disciplinary committee of the Bar
Council of India so as to prejudicially affect the
person aggrieved without giving him reasonable
opportunity of being heard.
Appeal to the Supreme Court
(As per Section- 38)
Any person aggrieved by an order made by the
disciplinary committee of the Bar Council of India
under section 36 or section 37 or the Attorney-General
of India or the Advocate-General of the State
concerned, as the case may be, may within sixty days
of the date on which the order is communicated to him,
prefer an appeal to the Supreme Court and the Supreme
Court may pass such order including an order varying
the punishment awarded by the disciplinary committee
of the Bar Council of India thereon as it deems fit.

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